Simple Search

The Simple Search API method empowers you to make your document searchable with a string query (must contain entities) without specifying search parameters.

In Simple Search API call, you get candidates - Score (out of 100), FullName, CurrentJobProfile, CurrentEmployer, TotalExperienceInYear, City, State, Country, id (Index).
  • Before searching documents, you must index the documents via RChilli Search and Match index API using your index key. The searching is always done on the documents that you have indexed. For more details on indexing the documents, see Parse and Index.
  • Simple Search API searches the document based on the entities on the documents like skill, employer name, job profile, degree, experience, and location. If your indexed documents do not have the entity you are searching for, then no result will be displayed. Also, Simple Search API does not support free-text searching; the search keyword must always contain at least one entity to get a result. To do free-text searching, see Free Text Search.


The simple search API uses the below URL:
  • For Search and Match v3.0, use

  • For Search and Match v4.0, use

API Endpoint

The Simple Search API uses the below endpoint:

API Method

The Simple Search API uses only POST method.

API Request Type

The Simple Search API uses JSON request type.

API Request Headers

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.

API Parameters

The Simple Search API requires the following parameters in the JSON request format:
Name Type Description Remarks
indexType String This is the type of the file, either Resume or JD Required
indexKey String Use your user key as shared by RChilli team Required
subUserId String Your user's unique_id
Note: Make sure that there is no space in your subuser_id
keyword String Text query. This must contain at least one entity, such as job profile, skill, location, organization, experience, and degree.

For example, the highlighted are the entities in the below keyword.

"Software Developer with 15 years of experience and have B.Tech from Pune worked Wipro having knowledge of Java and PHP."

Software Developer - Job Profile

15 years of experience - Experience Level

B.Tech - Degree

Pune - Location

Wipro - Company Name

Java and PHP - Skill

minScore Integer When minScore is passed, then only those documents are returned in the output whose score is equal to or more than the integer value passed in the minScore parameter. Optional
customValue Object When you pass custom values during indexing, you can search based on these custom values in the search engine. For more details, see Custom Value and Parse and Index. customValue
requiredCustomValues Boolean You can use either AND or OR boolean expression. This creates a condition between the parameters in the customValue and keyword entities.
  • AND: When AND operator is used, then all the parameters in the customValue object and all the entities in the keyword must be true to get the API response.
  • OR: When OR operator is used, then API will return the response if either customValue object or any entity in the keyword is true.
showCustomValue Boolean This parameter when set to true then the matched customValue will be returned in the response. Optional
includeSkillType Boolean This parameter when set to true then API response skillType along with the candidate's skills. For more details, refer Skill Type. Optional
facet Object For more details on facets, click Facets Optional
sorting Object For more details on sorting, click Sorting Optional
filter Object For more details on filters, click Filter Optional
geoSearch Object For more details on geoSearch, click Geographical Search Optional
geoSearchOnKeyword Boolean This parameter applied only when location is mentioned in the searched keyword. Default is false. If set true:
  • "AND" operation is applied between Job Profile and Location in the keyword.
  • The API response the location details separately inside the geoSearch object. See sample API request and response for more details.
Note: If geoSearch parameter is given in the API request, then the location in the geoSearch parameter is taken as priority over the location given in the searched keyword. Refer Geographical Search for more details.
explainScore Boolean Default is false. If set true this returns details about how a document is searched. For more details, click Explain Score Optional
explainScoreType String Default is text. It can be set as JSON and work if ExplainScore is true. For more details, click Explain Score Optional
pageSize Integer Number of records return in one API call:
  • Default 50
  • maximum 500

Contact to update the limit.

For more details, click Pagination.
pageStart Integer Start index of record to return. Can be used for paging when multiple record are searched. Default is 0. For more details, click Pagination Optional
excludeDocumentIds Array Document Ids which you don't want to consider in search. For more details, refer Exclude Document ID. Optional
includeDocumentIds Array Document Ids which you want to consider in search. For more details, refer Include Document ID. Optional
partialMatch Boolean Partial Match works only on Job Profiles and returns partial match records when sets true. Default is false. Optional
fieldList String The fieldLists parameter is used in the Search and Match API request to customize the fields (entities) in the API response. For more details, refer Field Lists. Optional

JSON Request For Simple Search - Resume

Note: In below sample request minScore is passed with integer value as 65, hence only those documents are returned in the output whose score is equal to or more than 65.
    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "your user key",
        "subUserId": "unique subuser id"
    "query": {
        "keyword": "Software Developer with 15 years of experience and have B.Tech from Pune worked Wipro having knowledge of Java and PHP"
    "minScore": 65,
    "geoSearch": {
        "city": "Pune",
        "state": "Maharashtra",
        "country": "India",
        "radius": 30
    "facet": {
        "fields": [
        "limit": 10
    "filter": {
        "Skill": [
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true,
    "explainScoreType": "json",
    "partialMatch": true

JSON Response For Simple Search - Resume

    "count": 2,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "records": [
            "id": "42805161-b56b-4599-b94e-3c1d6a8c21bb",
            "score": 67.65,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Edreamz Technologies Private Limited",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.1,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "PHP developer",
            "State": "Maharashtra",
            "FullName": "Deven N. Punse",
            "Country": "India",
            "City": "Pune"
            "id": "0eebef55-7366-4f3f-90eb-1b5cffc146ce",
            "score": 63.23,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Innopix Solutions Pvt. Ltd.",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 19.0,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Technical Lead",
            "State": "Maharashtra",
            "FullName": "Aalaap Ghag",
            "Country": "India",
            "City": "Mumbai"
    "facet": {
        "Skill": [
                "value": "Angular",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Angularjs",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Design",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Grunt",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Javascript",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Laravel",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Learning",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Linux",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Magento",
                "count": 2
                "value": "Mysql",
                "count": 2
        "CurrentEmployer": [
                "value": "Edreamz Technologies Private Limited",
                "count": 1
                "value": "Innopix Solutions Pvt. Ltd.",
                "count": 1
        "CurrentJobProfile": [
                "value": "Php Developer",
                "count": 1
                "value": "Technical Lead",
                "count": 1
    "explainScore": [
            "id": "0eebef55-7366-4f3f-90eb-1b5cffc146ce",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 63.23,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 13.23,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 20.59,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Software Developer"
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 8.82,
                            "entity": "Degree",
                            "value": ""
                            "score": 5.88,
                            "maxScore": 5.88,
                            "entity": "TotalExperienceInYear",
                            "value": "[15.0 TO Infinity]"
                            "score": 4.41,
                            "maxScore": 4.41,
                            "entity": "SkillHaveExp",
                            "value": "php"
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 4.41,
                            "entity": "Skill",
                            "value": "Java"
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 2.94,
                            "entity": "Employer",
                            "value": "Wipro"
                            "score": 2.94,
                            "maxScore": 2.94,
                            "entity": "CurrentEmployerCity",
                            "value": "pune"
                "geoSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "Location": "Pune,Maharashtra,India",
                            "GeoCode": "73.85535000,18.51957000",
                            "Radius": "30.0"
            "id": "42805161-b56b-4599-b94e-3c1d6a8c21bb",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 67.65,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 17.65,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 10.3,
                            "maxScore": 20.59,
                            "entity": "CurrentJobProfile",
                            "value": "developer - (Partial Match)"
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 8.82,
                            "entity": "Degree",
                            "value": ""
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 5.88,
                            "entity": "TotalExperienceInYear",
                            "value": "[15 TO *]"
                            "score": 4.41,
                            "maxScore": 4.41,
                            "entity": "SkillHaveExp",
                            "value": "php"
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 4.41,
                            "entity": "Skill",
                            "value": "Java"
                            "score": 2.94,
                            "maxScore": 2.94,
                            "entity": "City",
                            "value": "pune"
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 2.94,
                            "entity": "Employer",
                            "value": "Wipro"
                "geoSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "Location": "Pune,Maharashtra,India",
                            "GeoCode": "73.85535000,18.51957000",
                            "Radius": "30.0"

JSON Request For Simple Search - JD

    "index": {
        "indexType": "JD",
        "indexKey": "Your Index key"
    "query": {
        "keyword": "Java Developer, USA"
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageStart": 0

JSON Response For Simple Search - JD

    "count": 46,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "records": [
            "id": "a73fce80-3675-4fe4-9b46-bd4f16582e9d",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Employer": "HSK Technologies, Inc",
            "City": "Trenton",
            "Country": "USA",
            "State": "NJ"
            "id": "f5d45ad4-592e-454b-8984-2ef160627512",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Employer": "AllTechLiquids Inc",
            "City": "Quincy",
            "Country": "USA",
            "State": "MA"
            "id": "ba4974db-4aae-4931-afb4-b844d879de0b",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelors Degree"
            "Employer": "TOP Consulting, Inc",
            "City": "Columbus",
            "Country": "USA",
            "State": "OH"
            "id": "c17e9775-cc92-4289-8344-eec740abeee3",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelor of Technology",
                "Master of Computer Application"
            "Employer": "Teqlinx Software Solutions, LLC",
            "City": "Dallas",
            "Country": "USA",
            "State": "TX"
            "id": "f6bd8a58-0f6f-4aba-b488-e52754631c03",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Degree": [
            "Employer": "Digital Technology Solutions",
            "City": "Troy",
            "Country": "USA",
            "State": "MI"
            "id": "f3b78cdd-2a8a-49ab-ba94-38f6f9326320",
            "score": 96.15,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Employer": "Cornertree Consulting pvt",
            "City": "Bengaluru",
            "Country": "India",
            "State": "Karnataka"
            "id": "71c478f5-266f-4e75-897c-da0e97669216",
            "score": 96.15,
            "JobProfile": "JAVA Developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Laurea triennale"
            "Employer": "Sitech Sistemi Informatici S.r.l",
            "City": "Bologna"
            "id": "08f73116-fa78-4148-b693-ed1508ba5b74",
            "score": 96.15,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Degree": [
            "Employer": "Intelygenz",
            "City": "Mostoles",
            "State": "ES"
            "id": "9b634232-df13-4f91-890d-6a1d2f498f0d",
            "score": 96.15,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Employer": "Starfinder",
            "City": "Roma",
            "Country": "Italy",
            "State": "Lazio"
            "id": "80affac6-ec3a-4d00-b4b5-04a26e4b2c0a",
            "score": 96.15,
            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
            "Employer": "SHARE NOW GmbH",
            "City": "Berlin"

JSON Request with geoSearchOnKeyword

    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "use your userkey,
        "subUserId": "unique subuser id"
    "query": {
        "keyword": "Software Developer in pune, maharashtra"
    "geoSearchOnKeyword": true,
    "pageSize": 5,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true,
    "explainScoreType": "json",
    "partialMatch": true,
    "explainWeightage": false

JSON Response when geoSearchOnKeyword is in input

    "count": 94,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 5,
    "records": [
            "id": "5295506569414861",
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "SubUserId": "265",
            "Country": "India",
            "score": 100.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Workplace Fabric",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 2.11,
            "City": "Pune",
            "FullName": "Satyam Singh",
            "State": "Maharashtra"
            "id": "5291534411578720",
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Ai Developer",
            "SubUserId": "265",
            "Country": "India",
            "score": 100.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Braket Lab",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 3.1,
            "City": "Pune",
            "FullName": "Siddharth Khadilkar",
            "State": "Maharashtra"
            "id": "5269511428552944",
            "score": 100.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Infosys",
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Systems Engineer",
            "City": "Pune",
            "FullName": "Pranav Borude Sunil",
            "SubUserId": "265",
            "Country": "India",
            "State": "Maharashtra"
            "id": "5115730084971915",
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "SubUserId": "265",
            "Country": "India",
            "score": 100.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Vyom Labs",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 3.5,
            "City": "Pune",
            "FullName": "Ujjwala Vaddar Suresh",
            "State": "Maharashtra"
            "id": "5296060433182432",
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "SubUserId": "265",
            "Country": "India",
            "score": 100.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Fastweb It Solutions",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 2.7,
            "City": "Pune",
            "FullName": "Shubham Kolte",
            "State": "Maharashtra"
    "explainScore": [
            "id": "5269511428552944",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 100.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 50.0,
                            "maxScore": 50.0,
                            "entity": "CurrentJobAlias",
                            "value": "software developer"
                "geoSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "Location": "Pune,Maharashtra",
                            "GeoCode": "73.85535000,18.51957000",
                            "Radius": "50"
            "id": "5291534411578720",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 100.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 50.0,
                            "maxScore": 50.0,
                            "entity": "CurrentJobAlias",
                            "value": "software developer"
                "geoSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "Location": "Pune,Maharashtra",
                            "GeoCode": "73.85535000,18.51957000",
                            "Radius": "50"
            "id": "5296060433182432",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 100.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 50.0,
                            "maxScore": 50.0,
                            "entity": "CurrentJobAlias",
                            "value": "software developer"
                "geoSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "Location": "Pune,Maharashtra",
                            "GeoCode": "73.85535000,18.51957000",
                            "Radius": "50"
            "id": "5295506569414861",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 100.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 50.0,
                            "maxScore": 50.0,
                            "entity": "CurrentJobAlias",
                            "value": "software developer"
                "geoSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "Location": "Pune,Maharashtra",
                            "GeoCode": "73.85535000,18.51957000",
                            "Radius": "50"
            "id": "5115730084971915",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 100.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 50.0,
                            "maxScore": 50.0,
                            "entity": "CurrentJobAlias",
                            "value": "software developer"
                "geoSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "Location": "Pune,Maharashtra",
                            "GeoCode": "73.85535000,18.51957000",
                            "Radius": "50"