Error Code
This topic lists the error codes of Search and Match Error Code.
Error Codes
Error Code | Error Message |
2001 | Invalid key. Please check the user key you are passing |
2002 | Please provide required input parameters |
2003 | User key is expired. Validity of user Key has expired on date |
2004 | Content-Type not defined |
2005 | Not valid Content-Type |
2006 | indexType must have value either Resume or JD |
2007 | indexKey is required |
2008 | indexType is required |
2009 | subUserId must be a string value |
2010 | Invalid Request. Please send valid JSON data |
2011 | invalid value for id. id must be string value |
2012 | invalid value for fileName. fileName must be string value |
2013 | id is required |
2014 | fileName is required |
2015 | content is required |
2016 | commit must have value eitder true or false |
2017 | personalInformationIdex should be boolean value |
2018 | please update value for deDuplication as true/false only |
2019 | please checkDuplicate value for deDuplication as true/false only |
2020 | Your subusers limit has exceed. No. of subusers indexed |
2021 | No document is indexed witd this subuserid. please pass a valid subuser id |
2022 | search engine not allowed |
2024 | please send RChilli resume parser data |
2025 | please send RChilli JD parser data |
2026 | invalid base64 content |
2027 | invalid value for keyword. keyword must be string value |
2028 | excludeDocumentIds must be a array of string value |
2029 | sorting must be a array of string value |
2030 | sorting order must be asc or desc |
2031 | please provide valid sorting field of JD (score, JobProfileTitle, JobLocationCity, JobLocationState, MinimumYearsExperience, Organization, MinimumYearsExperience, MaximumYearsExperience, SalaryMinAmount, SalaryMaxAmount, Currency, JDDate |
2032 | please provide valid sorting field of Resume (score, City, State, Country, ZipCode, TotalExperienceInMonths, TotalExperienceInYear, TotalExperienceRange, DateOfBirth, Category, SubCategory, CurrentJobProfile, CurrentEmployer, ResumeDate, ResumeLanguage, ResumeCountry) |
2033 | geosearch city/geocode is required. |
2034 | invalid value for distanceUnit. distanceUnit must be either KM or mile. |
2035 | invalid value for radius |
2036 | invalid value for latitude. latitude must of string type. |
2037 | invalid value for longitude. longitude must of string type. |
2038 | invalid value for geoSearch-city. city must of string type. |
2039 | invalid value for geoSearch-state. state must of string type. |
2040 | invalid value for geoSearch-country. country must of string type. |
2041 | pageStart should be integer value |
2042 | pageSize should be integer value |
2043 | explainScore should be boolean value |
2044 | explainScoreType should be json or text. |
2045 | partialMatch should be boolean value |
2046 | facet fields are required. |
2047 | facet limit should be integer value |
2048 | please send valid input values for required fields. input values must be array of string type |
2049 | invalid value for required or optional keyword. optional must be array of string value |
2050 | invalid value for required or optional keyword. optional must be array of string value |
2051 | docType must have value either Resume or JD |
2052 | invalid value for docType. docType must be string type |
2053 | docType is required |
2054 | invalid value for jsonData. jsonData must be string type |
2055 | jsonData is required |
2056 | invalid base64 content for jsonData |
2057 | invalid value for matchId. matchId must be array type |
2058 | matchId is required |
2059 | please provide matching document id in matchId |
2060 | subUserId must be a array value |
2061 | invalid value for resumeContent. resumeContent must be string type |
2062 | invalid value for jdContent. jdContent must be string type |
2063 | resumeContent is required |
2064 | jdContent is required |
2065 | invalid value for resumeFileName. resumeFileName must be string value. |
2066 | invalid value for jdFileName. jdFileName must be string value |
2067 | resumeFileName is required |
2068 | jdFileName is required |
2069 | matchType is required |
2070 | matchType must be Resume to JD / JD To Resume |
2071 | documentId is required |
2072 | documentId must be a string value |
2073 | keyword is required |
2074 | invalid value for fieldType. fieldType must be string value |
2075 | required field {key} not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format. |
2076 | optional field {key} not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format. |
2077 | This field {key} is already used in Required |
2078 | personalInformationIndex should be boolean value |
2079 | facet field {key} not available |
2080 | Your index credit quota is fully consumed. You have indexed {credit} documents. |
2081 | filter field {filter key} not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format |
2082 | No document is indexed with id. please pass a valid id |
HTTP Status 405 - Request method 'GET' not supported | |
2083 | InvalidSalaryIdMessage=MinimumValue/MaximumValue not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format. |
2084 | Currency field is not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format. |
2085 | Maximum page size limit is 500 (as per your userkey's limit) |
2086 | multiValueOperator value must be OR/AND |
2087 | space is not allowed in subUserId |
2088 | dateRange should be of array type |
2089 | multiFieldOperator value must be OR/AND |
2090 | multiFieldOperator type must be string |
2091 | minScore should be integer value |
2092 | partialMatchField must be an array of string values |
2093 | partial match field {{key}} not available |
2094 | Invalid field name {{fieldName}} |
2095 | FieldList must be of array type |
2110 | includeDocumentIds must be an array of string values. |
2111 | include DocumentsIDs and excludeDocumentsIDs must not be used at the same time |
2112 | requiredCustomValues must have value either true or false |
2113 | showCustomValue must have value either true or false |
2114 | indexDetailText must have value either true or false |
2115 | please send valid ids |
2116 | Invalid date format. Date format should be in "yyyy/MM/dd" |
2094 | Invalid field name 'fieldName'. Available fields are |
2095 | FieldList must be of array type |
2116 | Invalid date format. Date format should be in 'yyyy-MM-dd' |
2117 | deleteAllDocument parameter value must have either true or false |
2118 | geoSearchOnKeyword must have value either true or false |
2119 | requiredMatchFields must be an array of string values |
2120 | required match fields {field name} not available |
2121 | experienceRangeDeviation must have value either true or false |
2122 | excludeDocumentId limit must not be more than 50 |
2123 | includeDocumentId limit must not be more than 50 |
2124 | subUserId limit must not be more than 10 |
2125 | The partial match field {key} must contain a number after '#' |
2126 | The partial match score for {key} must be less than or equal to 100 |
2127 | Invalid DynamicMatchField request. |
2128 | Invalid DynamicMatchField key {key} |
2129 | Invalid DynamicMatchField value {key} |
2130 | DynamicMatchField key {key} must be an array type |
2132 | DynamicMatchField key {key} must contain a value. |
2139 | semanticSearch must have value either true or false |
2140 | zeroScoreWeightage must have value either true or false |
2141 | degreeWithSpecializationWeightage type must be an object |
2142 | degreeWithSpecializationWeightage child {field} type must be an integer. |
2143 | degreeWithSpecializationWeightage child {field} must be in 0 to 100. |
2144 | degreeWithSpecializationWeightage Degree weight is required and must be greater than 0. |
2145 | he Sum of the total child weight in degreeWithSpecializationWeightage must be 100. |
2146 | mergeDegreeScore must have value either true or false. |
2147 | includeSourceValue must have value either true or false |
2148 | insertEntityValue or removeEntityValue is required |
2149 | {key} type must be an object |
2150 | {key} type must be a string |
2151 | {key} type must be an array |
2152 | Invalid key '{childKey}' in '{parentKey}'. Available keys are {field} |
2153 | {key} value must be 0 to 70 |
2154 | customValueWeightage type must be an JSON object |
2155 | customValueWeightage weight must be in 0 to 100 |
2156 | {key} weight must be a number type |
2157 | weight is required for {key} field |
2158 | Addition of customValueWeightage and geoSearchScore weight must be less than or equal to 100. |
2159 | customValueWeightage child type must be an array of JSON object. |
2160 | field is required in child object of customValueWeightage. field must be string type. |
2161 | Invalid field '{key}' in customValueWeightage. Custom field not available. |
2162 | {key} type must be an JSON object. |
2165 | invalid value for minRadius |
2166 | invalid value for minRadius. minRadius must be greater than 1 and less than radius value |
2167 | roleWiseExperience must have value either true or false |
Error Schema
The error schema you see below is for error code 2001, and it will look the same for
all other errors related to the Search and Match
"errorCode": 2001,
"error": "Invalid key. Please check the user key you are passing."