Resume Templater

Resume Templater API converts any type of resume into a specified template resume format.

The resume is first parsed using the Resume Parser API and then the parsed fields (JSON) are mapped with the fields in the selected template.
  • The template can also be redacted based on the redaction setting passed in the API. For more detail, refer Redaction Settings in the Template.
  • If you want to get the template redaction based on the Job Zone categorization of the Job Profile in the resume then you can pass and enable jobzoneredaction": true in the API request. For more details, refer Job Zone Redaction in the Template.
  1. You can use your own template where you can map the template fields with resume parser output fields.
  2. The API will return the resume content in the base 64 format of the selected template.
  3. Your two parsing API credits will be consumed, one for resume parser API and one for template creation.

The following six sample templates (with template key) are provided with Resume Templater plugin that can be selected in the API parameter:
Note: The following are the pre-ready templates that can be customized. It is recommended not to use column-wise resume format to avoid compatibility issues.

  1. Template Key: TM001 - TM001 Download
  2. Template Key: TM002 - TM002 Download
  3. Template Key: TM003 - TM003 Download
  4. Template Key: TM004 - TM004 Download
  5. Template Key: TM005 - TM005 Download
  6. Template Key: TM006 - TM006 Download