Index Count

This API is used to returns the number of documents indexed for an Index key.


The Index Count API uses the below URL:

API Endpoint

The Index Count API uses the below endpoint:


API Method

The Index Count API uses only POST method.

API Request Type

The Index Count API uses JSON request type.

API Request Headers

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.

API Parameters

To execute Index Count API, the following parameters in the JSON request are needed:
Name Type Description Remarks
indexKey String Use your user key as shared by RChilli team Required
subUserId String/Array When subUserId is passed as a String, the total count of indexed documents for that subuserID only returned in the API output.
Note: When subUserId is passed as an Array, the total count of indexed documents for all subuserID's is returned in the API output.

JSON Request For Index Count API (subUserId passed as String)

    "index": {
        "indexKey": "your user key",
        "subUserId": "your user's unique id"

JSON Request For Index Count API (subUserId passed as Array)

    "index": {
        "indexKey": "your user key",
        "subUserId": [

JSON Response For Index Count API

    "totalCount": 2,
    "count": {
        "Jd": 1,
        "Resume": 1