Boolean Search

In the boolean (advance) search, unlike simple search, you can customize your search by specifying search entities like - Job Profile, Company, Degree, etc. and apply boolean condition as necessary.

Boolean Search gives more flexibility in searching by specifying required/optional search parameters. You can pass multiple entities in the required/optional search parameters. Refer the below table (Entities for Boolean Search) for the entities that can be passed in the required/optional search parameters.
  • The AND condition is applied on the multiple values within the required parameter entities.
  • The OR condition is applied on the multiple values within the optional parameter entities.
  • By default weightage is distributed equally on the entities that are passed in the boolean search. You can also apply dynamic weightage on the entities of boolean search, refer Dynamic Weightage for more details. Refer the below table (Entities for Boolean Search) for the entities to which you can apply dynamic weightage.
Table 1. Entities for Boolean Search
Resume Dynamic Weightage Applicability JD Dynamic Weightage Applicability
CurrentJobProfile Yes JobProfileTitle
Note: You can use JobProfile as an alternative name
CurrentJobAlias Yes JobProfileFormattedName Yes
JobProfile Yes JobProfileAlias Yes
JobAlias Yes Organization Yes
Employer Yes RequiredSkillSet Yes
CurrentEmployer Yes PreferredSkillSet Yes
SkillWithoutExp Yes AliasSkillSet Yes
SkillAlias Yes Skill Yes
Skill Yes Qualification
Note: You can use Degree as an alternative name
HighestDegree Yes QualificationsPreferred Yes
Degree Yes JobLocationCity
Note: You can use City as an alternative name
City Yes JobLocationState
Note: You can use State as an alternative name
State Yes JobLocationCountry
Note: You can use Country as an alternative name
Country Yes MinimumYearsExperience Yes
TotalExperienceInYear Yes MaximumYearsExperience Yes
Category Yes Domains Yes
SubCategory Yes Languages No
LastInstitute No
Institute No
LanguageKnown No


The Boolean Search API uses the below URL:

API Endpoint

The Boolean Search API uses the below endpoint:


API Method

The Boolean Search API uses only POST method.

API Request Type

The Boolean Search API uses JSON request type.

API Request Headers

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.

API Parameters

The Boolean Search API requires the following parameters in the JSON request format:
Name Type Description Remarks
indexType String This is the type of the file, either Resume or JD Required
indexKey String Use your user key as shared by RChilli team Required
subUserId String Your user's unique_id
Note: Make sure that there is no space in your subuser_id
query String Put keywords for searching resume/JD Required
minScore Integer When minScore is passed, then only those documents are returned in the output whose score is equal to or more than the integer value passed in the minScore parameter. Optional
required Object This object contains the array of required entities and these entities are searched with AND condition. For example, in below required object, the default condition between PHP and JAVA is AND.

        "required": {
            "Skill": [
Note: If multiValueOperator is passed in the required object, then the condition between the multiple fields of array are applied based on the boolean expression of multiValueOperator.
optional Object This object contains the array of required entities and these entities are searched with OR condition. For example, in below optional object, the default condition between PHP and JAVA is OR.

        "optional": {
            "Skill": [
Note: If multiValueOperator is passed in the optional object, then the condition between the multiple fields of array are applied based on the boolean expression of multiValueOperator.
multiValueOperator Boolean When the multiValueOperator is passed, then it creates a condition between the entities of array inside the required/optional object. Optional
customValue Object When you pass custom values during indexing, you can search based on these custom values in the search engine. For more details, see Custom Value and Parse and Index. Optional
includeSkillType Boolean This parameter when set to true then API response skillType along with the candidate's skills. For more details, refer Skill Type. Optional
multiFieldOperator Boolean You can use either AND or OR boolean expression. This creates a condition between the parameters in the customValue object.
  • AND: When AND operator is used then all the parameters in the customValue object must be true.
  • OR: When OR operator is used then at least one parameter within the customValue object must be true.
showCustomValue Boolean This parameter when set to true then the matched customValue will be returned in the response. Optional
facet Object For more details on facets, click Facets Optional
sorting Object For more details on sorting, click Sorting Optional
filter Object For more details on filters, click Filter Optional
geoSearch Object For more details on geoSearch, click Geographical Search Optional
explainScore Boolean Default is false. If set true this returns details about how a document is searched. For more details, click Explain Score Optional
explainScoreType String Default is text. It can be set as JSON and work if ExplainScore is true. For more details, click Explain Score Optional
pageSize Integer Number of records return in one API call:
  • Default 50
  • maximum 500

Contact to update the limit.

For more details, click Pagination.
pageStart Integer Start index of record to return. Can be used for paging when multiple record are searched. Default is 0. For more details, click Pagination Optional
excludeDocumentIds Array Document Ids which you don't want to consider in search. For more details, refer Exclude Document ID. Optional
includeDocumentIds Array Document Ids which you want to consider in search. For more details, refer Include Document ID. Optional
fieldList String The fieldLists parameter is used in the Search and Match API request to customize the fields (entities) in the API response. For more details, refer Field Lists. Optional

JSON Request For Boolean Search - Resume

  1. In below sample request minScore is passed with integer value as 70, hence only those documents are returned in the output whose score is equal to or more than 70.
  2. In the case of Resume, Skill entity is used to search in the combination of SkillHaveExp and SkillWithoutExp entities.

  3. In the case of JD, Skill entity is used to search in the combination of RequiredSkillSet and PreferredSkillSet entities.

  4. The Qualification entity is used to search in the combination of QualificationsPreferred and QualificationsRequired entities.
    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "your user key",
        "subUserId": "unique subuser id"
    "query": {
        "required": {
            "Skill": [
            "multiValueOperator": "AND"
        "optional": {
            "JobProfile": [
                "Software Engineer"
    "minScore": 70,
    "geoSearch": {
        "longitude": "73.85",
        "latitude": "18.53",
        "radius": 30
    "facet": {
        "fields": [
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true

JSON Response For Boolean Search - Resume

    "count": 241,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 25,
    "records": [
            "score": 76.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "NUCSOFT Ltd",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 1.7,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "SOFTWARE ENGINEER",
            "State": "Maharashtra",
            "FullName": "Abhishek Vijay Borkar",
            "Country": "India",
            "id": "1912010352261226",
            "City": "Mumbai"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "ModeFinServer Pvt. Ltd",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.6,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "id": "1911281017271127"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Tech Mahindra",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.7,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "SNEHA KEMBHAVI",
            "id": "1911281020291129"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Tata Consultancy Services TCS",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 4.4,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "CA",
            "FullName": "ANKUSH GUMBER",
            "Country": "USA",
            "id": "1911281025121112",
            "City": "Los Angeles"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Persistent Systems Limited",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 3.11,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "Mala Shanbhag",
            "id": "1911281030281128"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Sankhya InfoTech Ltd",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.1,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "Gummadi Durga Prasad",
            "id": "1911281053221122"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "NetApp",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.7,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "NC",
            "FullName": "Amit Borulkar",
            "Country": "USA",
            "id": "1911281109531153",
            "City": "Morrisville"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "CricbuzzBackend Bangalore",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.8,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "Karnataka",
            "FullName": "AkshayJha",
            "Country": "India",
            "id": "1911281136421142",
            "City": "Bangalore"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "PeopleStrong",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 7.4,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "Raghvendra Mishra",
            "id": "191128115000110",
            "City": "Allahabad"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Y3 Technologies",
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "Ixwaku Ranjan Sharma",
            "id": "191128115205115",
            "City": "Kanpur"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Orange Business Services",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 8.3,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "Rajasthan",
            "FullName": "HEMANT SAIN",
            "Country": "India",
            "id": "191128122206116",
            "City": "Alwar"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Tech Mahindra",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 2.1,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "CA",
            "FullName": "ANUSHA BILAKANTI",
            "Country": "USA",
            "id": "1911281235561156",
            "City": "Los Angeles"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.0,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "Akshay Hazari",
            "id": "191128125000110"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Intern@HPE Security",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 3.1,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "AZ",
            "FullName": "YOGESH PANDEY",
            "Country": "USA",
            "id": "191128010301111",
            "City": "Tempe"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "HSBC Software Development",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 2.1,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "SOFTWARE ENGINEER",
            "State": "Arizona",
            "FullName": "AAAMIR SSHAIKH",
            "Country": "USA",
            "id": "1911280110581158",
            "City": "Tempe"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Cerner Corporation",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 7.5,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "KS",
            "FullName": "Santosh Desani",
            "Country": "U.S.",
            "id": "1911280116291129",
            "City": "Overland Park"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Yashitechnologies",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 4.7,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "KUSUMA DEVI NAIDU",
            "id": "1911280222341134"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Atos Origin Ltd",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 15.2,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "Maharashtra",
            "FullName": "Aashish Sinha",
            "Country": "India",
            "id": "1911280234101110",
            "City": "Mumbai"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "SAP LABS INDIA",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.5,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "Karnataka",
            "FullName": "MOHAMMED ASHRAF",
            "Country": "India",
            "id": "1911280239331133",
            "City": "Bangalore"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "The Ladders Inc",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 10.9,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "ANITHA SUBRAMANIAN",
            "id": "1911280244301130"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "TESCO Bengaluru",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 1.2,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "State": "Karnataka",
            "FullName": "Dhananjay R B",
            "Country": "India",
            "id": "1911280254151115",
            "City": "Bangalore"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "HCL",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 6.6,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software engineer",
            "FullName": "CHANTI K",
            "id": "1911280257191119"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Liftoff LLC",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.9,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "HARSHA SAGAR K M",
            "id": "1911280607191119"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "PayU Payments Private Ltd",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 6.6,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "Ankit Rustagi",
            "id": "1911280657161116",
            "City": "Ghaziabad"
            "score": 75.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "FUSION INFORMATICS TECHNOLOGY PVT LTD",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 10.7,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "SOFTWARE ENGINEER",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "FullName": "Majidkhan Imtiyazkhan Pathan",
            "Country": "India",
            "id": "1911280725501150",
            "City": "Ahmedabad"

JSON Request For Boolean Search - JD

    "index": {
        "indexType": "JD",
        "indexKey": "your user key"
    "query": {
        "required": {
            "Skill": [
            "multiValueOperator": "OR"
    "filter": {
        "JobProfile": [
            "Software Developer",
            "Software Engineer",
            "Php Developer"
    "facet": {
        "fields": [
        "limit": 10
    "pageSize": 50,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true,
    "explainScoreType": "json",
    "duplicateFields": true

JSON Response For Boolean Search - JD

    "count": 109,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 50,
    "records": [
            "id": "b52be700-a164-4655-807a-e9dc4a1a22df",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Developer",
            "Degree": [
            "Employer": "Catbook India",
            "City": "Canterbury",
            "Country": "UK",
            "State": "England"
            "id": "68632132-227b-4190-8520-72e6e6af0fa0",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "PHP Developer",
            "Degree": [
            "Employer": "UNIMAX",
            "City": "Denver",
            "Country": "USA",
            "State": "Colorado"
            "id": "f2d52a78-d596-45c4-92af-f64a52942ca9",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelors degree",
                "Degree in computer science",
                "Bachelor Of Technology",
                "Masters in Technology",
            "Employer": "ANPI India Research and Development Private Limited",
            "City": "Munster"
            "id": "e1a65420-8c4d-4646-b529-56101b8539cc",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelor Of Computer Application",
                "Bachelor Of Technology",
                "Bachelor of Science",
                "Master in Computer Application",
                "Masters in Technology",
            "Employer": "Axs Solutions And Consulting Private Limited",
            "City": "Munster"
            "id": "69ff4e73-016b-44bb-8427-256984856540",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelor Of Computer Application",
            "Employer": "Muskaan Parveen ( Proprietor Of Muskan Industry",
            "City": "Morebath",
            "Country": "UK",
            "State": "England"
            "id": "f7c6032e-d229-454c-b253-5c3c8956b3c3",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "Employer": "Muskaan Parveen ( Proprietor Of Muskan Industry",
            "City": "Durham",
            "Country": "United States",
            "State": "North Carolina"
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            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Php developer",
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            "Country": "United States of America",
            "State": "California"
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            "score": 100.0,
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                "Bachelor of Architecture",
                "Bachelor of Business Administration",
                "Bachelor Of Computer Application",
                "Bachelor of Commerce",
                "Bachelor Of Technology",
                "Bachelor of Science",
                "Masters in Arts",
                "Master OF Business Administration",
                "Master in Computer Application",
                "Master of Commerce",
                "Master of Education",
                "Masters in Technology",
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            "City": "Caddo Mills",
            "Country": "United States of America",
            "State": "Texas"
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "Country": "United States of America",
            "State": "Arizona"
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "Degree": [
                "Bachelor Of Computer Application",
                "Bachelor Of Technology",
                "Bachelor of Science",
                "Master in Computer Application",
                "Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications",
            "Employer": "Howdy Ventures Private Limited",
            "City": "Wharton",
            "Country": "United States of America",
            "State": "New Jersey"
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "City": "County Tipperary",
            "Country": "Ireland",
            "State": "Munster"
            "id": "49c3be93-07d5-4278-958d-03c5ea1e13a0",
            "score": 100.0,
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                "Master in Computer Application",
            "Employer": "Star Technology",
            "City": "Andalucia"
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "Degree": [
                "Bachelor Of Computer Application",
            "Employer": "Sonu Kumar ( Proprietor Of Bicano Tech Silca",
            "City": "Andalucia"
            "id": "9cd2f273-3efa-4b86-8e44-cd641dc4ab08",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Developer",
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            "City": "Goiania",
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            "State": "Goias"
            "id": "b8fd3832-2368-4ba2-a51c-d92bd936cce4",
            "score": 100.0,
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "City": "Bengaluru"
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "Degree": [
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            "id": "b9167e30-c06f-472c-9424-b064f5856a61",
            "score": 100.0,
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            "City": "Kochi"
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            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "PHP Developer",
            "Employer": "Atos Syntel Inc",
            "City": "Chicago",
            "State": "IL"
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "Degree": [
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            "City": "Chennai"
            "id": "79794575-5476-4c4f-b4a7-42941e57d410",
            "score": 100.0,
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            "Degree": [
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            "City": "Deerfield Beach",
            "State": "FL"
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "Degree": [
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            "City": "Irvine",
            "State": "CA"
            "id": "c3fa1f84-d94e-4982-993b-91fddd3d296f",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "Degree": [
                "Studium der Informatik"
            "Employer": "GBTEC Software AG",
            "City": "Bochum"
            "id": "c650baf6-c592-4dd2-894d-e78f6c765439",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Post Graduation",
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            "City": "Chennai"
            "id": "9060c01d-fdff-49a7-9f2d-e0938479386d",
            "score": 100.0,
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            "City": "Pune",
            "Country": "India",
            "State": "Maharashtra"
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            "score": 100.0,
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            "Degree": [
                "MS degree",
            "Employer": "Thinkbyte Consulting, Inc",
            "City": "Sunnyvale",
            "Country": "United States of America",
            "State": "CA"
            "id": "53b0a0ab-98ce-4377-b97d-4dfbcb585a32",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelors degree in Computer Science"
            "Employer": "HPOne",
            "City": "Trumbull",
            "State": "CT"
            "id": "0d239c6d-0283-42a7-80d1-4fb45fdaf047",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "PHP Developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Post Graduation"
            "Employer": "Nowgray IT Services Pvt Ltd",
            "City": "Guinea"
            "id": "d509d046-8ae6-4ada-9713-6cb3920bb0b2",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelor Of Technology",
            "Employer": "Sonu Kumar ( Proprietor Of Bicano Tech Silca",
            "City": "Villaviciosa",
            "Country": "Spain",
            "State": "Asturias"
            "id": "f9828ca9-ece4-4e99-b0ee-8da80b57714e",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelor Of Computer Application",
            "Employer": "Hiren B",
            "City": "Mataro",
            "Country": "Spain",
            "State": "Catalonia"
            "id": "562e3099-78cd-4e2e-b66b-ad0d287209bd",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Engineer",
            "Degree": [
                "Bachelor Of Computer Application",
            "Employer": "Star Technology",
            "City": "Andalucia"
            "id": "8cea7287-9f4e-4336-9f9e-0152ff2c8276",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Php developer",
            "Degree": [
                "Master in Computer Application",
            "Employer": "Kavya Management Services",
            "City": "Andalucia"
            "id": "d20fe865-69cf-4a13-9582-b653b2d153c4",
            "score": 100.0,
            "JobProfile": "Software Developer",
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Sample JSON Request with Dynamic weightage - Resume

    "index": {
        "indexType": "JD",
        "indexKey": "Use Your Userkey"
    "query": {
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            "JobProfile": [
                "Java Developer"
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            "Weight": 5,
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            "Weight": 0
            "Parent": "Skill",
            "Weight": 95,
            "Child": {
                "RequiredSkillSet": 100,
                "PreferredSkillSet": 80,
                "AliasSkillSet": 60,
                "JobProfileRelatedSkills": 80
            "Parent": "Degree",
            "Weight": 0,
            "Child": {
                "QualificationsRequired": 100,
                "QualificationsPreferred": 80
            "Parent": "ExperienceRequired",
            "Weight": 0,
            "Child": {
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                "MaximumYearsExperience": 100
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            "Weight": 0
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            "Weight": 0
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            "Weight": 0
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            "Weight": 0
    "geoSearchScore": 30,
    "pageSize": 100,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true,
    "explainScoreType": "json"

Sample JSON Response with Dynamic weightage - Resume

    "count": 1,
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            "id": "4",
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            "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
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            "City": "Chandigarh",
            "Country": "India",
            "SubUserId": "manisha",
            "State": "Chandigarh"
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                    "maxScore": 100.0,
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                            "value": "java OR java"
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                            "entity": "JobProfileTitle",
                            "condition": "Required",
                            "value": "java developer"