Search and Match

The RChilli Search & Match API enhances your ability to find and match candidates and jobs with greater relevance and accuracy compared to traditional database searching methods.

By filtering resume data through global industry-standard ontologies and taxonomies, it delivers precise and enriched search results. Powered by lightning-fast cluster computing, the Search & Match Engine helps you identify the perfect candidate by normalizing data across key attributes such as skills, domain, location, education, and job title.

Key Features

  1. Geographical Search: Enables search results to be filtered based on specific geographical locations, providing localized job or candidate matches.
  2. Filters and Facets: Offers advanced filtering and faceting options, allowing users to refine search results based on criteria like skills, experience, and location.
  3. Pagination: Organizes search results into pages, improving navigation and user experience by allowing users to easily browse through large sets of data.
  4. Custom Weightage/Scoring: Allows customization of search algorithms by applying specific weightage to different criteria, enhancing the relevance and accuracy of search results.
For more details, refer Features and Search and Match.

Search and Match Use Case

  • Job to Jobs (Similar Job Recommendations):
    • Identify similar job positions within your database. For example, when creating a job description for a Senior Java Developer, the feature allows recruiters to find and reference similar job descriptions, streamlining the process of creating new ones.
    • Recruiters can utilize existing candidate matches from similar jobs, reducing the need to source new candidates externally.
    • For more details, see JSON Request For Match - JD to JD.
  • Resume to Jobs (Job Recommendations for Candidates):
    • Recommend jobs to candidates based on their profiles and skills. For example, a Java developer will be shown all jobs requiring Java as a skill.
    • Helps recruiters find relevant jobs for candidates from the existing database without external sourcing.
    • For more details, see JSON Response For Match - Resume to JD.
  • Job to Resumes (Candidate Recommendations for a Job Position):
    • Find candidates matching a specific job profile within your database. For example, recruiters searching for a Java Developer can quickly identify all candidates with Java skills, eliminating the need for external candidate sourcing.
    • For more details, see JSON Response For Match - JD to Resume.
  • Resume to Resumes (Similar Candidate Recommendations):
    • Discover candidates with similar profiles in your database. For instance, if you have a candidate with an Operational Manager profile, this feature will help you find other candidates with similar skills.
    • For more details, see JSON Response For Match - Resume to Resume.
  • Strings to Advanced Query:
    • Convert any search string into a qualified search query by tagging entities such as location, company, skills, job profile, and experience level. This refinement ensures more accurate search results.
    • For example, the highlighted entities in the below search keyword are the tagged entities.
      "Software Developer with 15 years of experience and have B.Tech from Pune worked Wipro having knowledge of Java and PHP."

      Software Developer - Job Profile
      15 years of experience - Experience Level
      B.Tech - Degree
      Pune - Location
      Wipro - Company Name
      Java and PHP - Skill

    • For more details, see Simple Search.
  • Enhanced User Experience with Skill/Job Title Suggestions:
    • Show recommended skills or job titles to candidates and recruiters during searches. For example, typing "Java" in the search bar will suggest "Java Architect," "Java App Developer," etc.
    • Improves job and candidate search relevance.
    • For more details, see Suggestions.
  • Refine Search with Faceting/Filters:
    • Use filters and facets to narrow down search results, helping recruiters find the best candidates for job openings and candidates to find relevant jobs.
    • For more details, see Facets and Filter.
  • De-duplication in Indexing:
    • Prevents indexing of duplicate records in the search engine by performing a duplicate check before indexing data.
    • For more details, see DeDuplication.
For more specific use cases, refer Search and Match Use Case.
Note: Before using the Search and Match feature, you must index the document (Resume and Jobs). The search and Match work on the indexed documents. To know more details, see Index Documents.

How Search and Match Helps

  • Smarter Candidate Search: Filters, ranks, and maps talent to help you find the right candidates quickly.
  • Refined Search Results: Breaks down search keywords for more accurate queries.
  • Broadened Search Capabilities: Expands your search to include similar candidates and job profiles, improving recruitment outcomes.
  • Efficiency: Provides highly relevant top candidates in a fraction of the time.
  • GDPR Compliance: Ensures a safe and secure search process in line with GDPR standards.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Streamlines recruiting, making your system more efficient.