Resume Parser

RChilli resume parser is a scalable parsing solution for an amazing user experience. The resume parser extracts candidate data in 200+ data fields through REST API.

It is a deep learning/AI framework that identifies complete information from resumes and enriches it through its taxonomies. The resume parser also uses the RChilli Taxonomy that is a comprehensive library of 3M+ skills and 2.4M+ job profiles in multiple languages, see Language Support. The taxonomy helps the users to enhance their searching capabilities by offering skills/jobs alias to the parsing search for the right results.

  • A resume parser is a compiler or interpreter that converts the unstructured form into a structured form in an intelligent way.
  • The parser analyses a resume/CV created in doc, docx, pdf, rtf, txt, html, htm, odt, docm, dotm, dot, dotx, mht, png, jpeg, formats and extracts it into a machine-readable JSON format through API.
  • The parser automatically segregates the information into various fields and parameters like name, qualification, experience to quickly help you identify the most relevant resumes based on your criteria.
  • A parser takes input in the form of a sequence of program instructions and tends to build a data structure; a 'parse tree' or an 'abstract syntax tree'.
It extracts several information see below example. To know more on the information extracted, refer Response Schema.
  • Contact information
  • Work experience
  • Educational background
  • Skillsets

Resume Parser Use Case

Follow the below use cases of the resume parser, for details refer Resume Parser Use Case.
  • Real-time duplicate check at the time of data entry
  • Simplify the internal referral process with a single resume upload
  • Auto-fill data fields from candidate resume on your candidate apply page
  • Complete candidate information from scanned resumes and through emails
  • Allow chatbots to ask relevant questions to candidates through structured resume data
  • Improve search results by indexing its taxonomy ontologies to Solr/Elasticsearch
  • Option to integrate RChilli’s RScript plugin directly to your web page within 2 min
  • Configuration of data fields available for a bias-free recruitment
  • Bulk parsing of resume feed imported from a partner

How Resume Parser Helps

The Resume parser helps users as follows:
  • Candidates can fill profile in less than 10 sec
  • Enhance search results of Solr/Elasticsearch with Taxonomies
  • Easily import millions of resumes overnight
  • Remove unconscious bias through Switch on/off fields
  • Quickly integrate the ‘apply now’ button on your career page
  • Mask resumes before sending to the recruiters
  • Get resume data from emails in less than two seconds
  • Save employees’ time in internal referral