Preferred Location

The following type of output is generated for preferred location of the candidates.

  • City: This field return the city preferred by the candidate.

  • State: This field return the state preferred by the candidate.

  • StateIsoCode: This field return the StateIsoCode preferred by the candidate.

  • Country: This field return the country preferred by the candidate.

  • CountryCode: This field return the CountryCode preferred by the candidate.

  • IsoAlpha-2: This field return the two letter ISO country code e.g. 'US'

  • IsoAlpha-3: This field return the three letter ISO country code e.g.'USA'

  • UN-Code: This field return the UN-Code of the country mentioned in the address, e.g.'840'

Preferred Location JSON Layout

"PreferredLocation": [{
            "City": "Chicago",
            "State": "IL",
            "StateIsoCode": "IL",
            "Country": "USA",
            "CountryCode": {
                "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                "UNCode": "840"