Error Code

This topic lists the error codes of resume parser.

Error Codes

Table 1. Resume Parser Error Code
Error Code Error Message
1001 User key is required
1002 Subuser id is required
1003 Invalid userkey
1004 File name with file extension is required
1005 Key expired
1006 Resume credits exhausted
1007 Wrong resume url
1008 File Base64 is required
1009 Resume File Extension not supported. Resume Parser support only doc,docx,dot,rtf,pdf,odt,txt,htm,html,jpeg and png files
1010 Resume File does not exist on this url
1011 Version Required
1012 Invalid Version
1013 This Version does not support your Agreement
1014 Corrupted data/ No Content Found
1017 Not Text Content. Please save this file to proper format and send.
1018 File size is too large for processing
1020 Unable to open PDF Parser
1021 File conversion error
1022 Invalid Secret Key/Access Token
1023 Your Activation expired on {{expiry date}}
1024 Not able to validate License Key. Kindly check Connection/Firewall or contact RChilli support at
1035 Invalid request. Please check api parameters.
1044 Too Many Request
1051 Invalid Token
1054 Invalid Access Token
1053 Please generate new access token. This token is expired before {time in second}
1057 Invalid API Key {{setting name}}
1058 Value must be true/false for {{setting name}}
1059 Value must be string type for {{setting name}}
1060 Value must be integer type for {{setting name}}
1061 Invalid value for {{setting name}}

Error Schema

The error schema you see below is for error code 1001, and it will look the same for all other errors related to the resume parser.
    "error": {
        "errorcode": "1001",
        "errormsg": "User Key is required."