API Information

An API (or Application Programming Interface) is the code that allows applications to talk to each other.

Taxonomy API provides collection of large set of skills and job profile with their related information (Alternate Labels, Related Skills, Related Job Profiles, Tasks Related to Job Profile, Work Activity of Job Profile, Tools of Job Profile, Technology of Job Profile, Education Required for Job Profile, Abilities Required for Job Profile, Detailed Work Activities of Job Profile, Job Zone of Job Profile, Knowledge Required for Job Profile and many more).
  • Get the recommended skills and job titles through Skills/Jobs Alias.
  • Create extra tags in search engines through similar skills/jobs.
  • The unique ontology will set a benchmark for storing resumes/jobs with its step-by-step classification of skills/job profiles.
  • Get govt.-data ready taxonomies
  • With related skills/jobs, get keyword recommendations, and improve your search results.

About API

Taxonomy API is:
  • REST-based (though we use POST instead of GET), to know more on REST API, refer REST.
  • API is validated using API user key, for more details, refer API Authentication.

Get more information on how you can quickly get started with RChilli APIs using Postman. This provides the technical information needed to access the RChilli services in flexible ways that will allow RChilli Taxonomy API to work seamlessly inside your application.