Geographical Search

This feature is used to find a candidate near you through geographical search in simple and advance search methods.

The search is done using Geocodes/City, State, Country or a distance range. You can select different parameters for measuring the distance range like KM and mile.

The geoSearch is an optional parameter (query) that can be passed in the API request of Simple Search, Boolean Search, Free Text Search, Match, Match with ID, and Match with Multiple Sub-User Ids.

Once geoSearch is passed in the request parameter of above API's, it will return the resume/JD that fulfills the geoSearch query.
  • By dafault, when geoSearch is passed in the API request, the score for the returned resume/JD is reduced by 50%, and the remaining 50% score is allocated to the geoSearch query. To know more, see the sample Simple Search query below with and without geoSearch.
  • When the geoSearchScore parameter is included in the API request, the score assigned to the geoSearch query is determined by the value specified in the geoSearchScore parameter. This allows you to dynamically change the score for the geoSearch query using geoSearchScore parameter. For example, if "geoSearchScore": 20 is passed in the API request, then 20% of the score is assigned to the geoSearch query, and the remaining 80% is returned for the resume/JD.

Simple Search query without geoSearch - Request

    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "Use your userkey"
    "query": {
        "keyword": "Developer Java Mysql"
    "showCustomValue": true,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true,
    "explainScoreType": "json"

Simple Search query without geoSearch - Response

Note: Note the score for the document id: 5207077866431426 is 24 (when geoSearch is not passed).
    "count": 18,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "records": [
            "id": "5178399156197622",
            "score": 30.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Ai shala",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 3.7,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Ml Research Intern",
            "FullName": "Nikhil Bhutani",
            "SubUserId": "5"
            "id": "5256476031733922",
            "score": 30.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Ai shala",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 3.7,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Ml Research Intern",
            "FullName": "Nikhil Bhutani",
            "SubUserId": "10"
            "id": "5260890115334121",
            "score": 30.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Bsol Systems",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 8.11,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Senior Quality Analyst",
            "FullName": "Archana Nagekar",
            "SubUserId": "6"
            "id": "5126034053612582",
            "score": 30.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Rchilli",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 6.8,
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            "score": 30.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Bsol Systems",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 8.11,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Senior Quality Analyst",
            "FullName": "Archana Nagekar",
            "SubUserId": "3"
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            "score": 24.0,
            "State": "Himachal Pradesh",
            "FullName": "Amit Rana",
            "Country": "India",
            "SubUserId": "19",
            "City": "Una"
            "id": "5101080517624117",
            "score": 24.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Sigmoid Analytics",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 8.5,
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            "score": 24.0,
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            "score": 24.0,
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            "TotalExperienceInYear": 8.5,
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            "State": "Karnataka",
            "FullName": "Md Amir",
            "Country": "India",
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            "id": "5120573970373115",
            "score": 24.0,
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            "score": 24.0,
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            "TotalExperienceInYear": 14.6,
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            "FullName": "Nitin Gupta Kumar",
            "Country": "India",
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            "score": 24.0,
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            "TotalExperienceInYear": 19.11,
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            "id": "5281084636234093",
            "score": 24.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Bluebird",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.7,
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            "score": 24.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "De La Rue",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 25.1,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Sr. Software Developer/lead Software Developer",
            "State": "Karnataka",
            "FullName": "Gutta Sravanthi",
            "Country": "India",
            "SubUserId": "3",
            "City": "Bangalore"
            "id": "5191875320673067",
            "score": 24.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Tech mahindra",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.1,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Senior Software Engineer",
            "FullName": "Jitendra Gupta",
            "SubUserId": "3"
            "id": "5153273025043804",
            "score": 24.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Ge Healthcare",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 14.6,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Senior Software Engineer",
            "State": "Rajasthan",
            "FullName": "Nitin Gupta Kumar",
            "Country": "India",
            "SubUserId": "3",
            "City": "Jaipur"
            "id": "5174684486827000",
            "score": 24.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "D K Infosolutions",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 19.11,
            "CurrentJobProfile": "Senior Software Engineer",
            "State": "New delhi",
            "FullName": "Amrit Suman",
            "Country": "India",
            "SubUserId": "3",
            "City": "New Delhi"
    "explainScore": [
            "id": "5200912605198873",
            "SubUserId": "3",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5247956883963974",
            "SubUserId": "6",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5157265537097379",
            "SubUserId": "6",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillAlias",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5120573970373115",
            "SubUserId": "6",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5256476031733922",
            "SubUserId": "10",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "30.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 30.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 30.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillHaveExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5276794062214261",
            "SubUserId": "6",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5203902706787367",
            "SubUserId": "6",
            "explaination": {
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                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
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                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5131909428566825",
            "SubUserId": "6",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5260890115334121",
            "SubUserId": "6",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "30.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 30.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 30.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillHaveExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5186526873654101",
            "SubUserId": "3",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "30.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 30.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 30.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillHaveExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5207077866431426",
            "SubUserId": "19",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5101080517624117",
            "SubUserId": "4",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5126034053612582",
            "SubUserId": "6",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "30.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 30.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 30.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillHaveExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5153273025043804",
            "SubUserId": "3",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5281084636234093",
            "SubUserId": "5",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillAlias",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5174684486827000",
            "SubUserId": "3",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5191875320673067",
            "SubUserId": "3",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "24.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 24.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 24.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
            "id": "5178399156197622",
            "SubUserId": "5",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "30.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 30.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 70.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 30.0,
                            "maxScore": 30.0,
                            "entity": "SkillHaveExp",
                            "value": "mysql"

Simple Search query with geoSearch - Request

    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "Use your userkey"
    "query": {
        "keyword": "Developer Java Mysql"
    "geoSearch": {
        "city": "Una",
        "state": "Himachal Pradesh",
        "country": "India"
    "showCustomValue": true,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true,
    "explainScoreType": "json"

Simple Search query with geoSearch - Response

Note: The score for the document id: 5207077866431426 is 62 (when geoSearch is passed in the below request). The score for this id in the above request is 24 (when geoSearch is not passed in the request). The increase in the score is calculated as follows:
  • geoSearch score = 50
  • Document id score = 12 (reduced by 50%, Document id score was 24 in above request)
  • Total Score = 50+12 = 62.

    "count": 1,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "records": [
            "id": "5207077866431426",
            "score": 62.0,
            "State": "Himachal Pradesh",
            "FullName": "Amit Rana",
            "Country": "India",
            "SubUserId": "19",
            "City": "Una"
    "explainScore": [
            "id": "5207077866431426",
            "SubUserId": "19",
            "explaination": {
                "score": "62.00",
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 12.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 0.0,
                            "maxScore": 35.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "Developer Java"
                            "score": 12.0,
                            "maxScore": 15.0,
                            "entity": "SkillWithoutExp",
                            "value": "mysql"
                "geoSearch": {
                    "score": 50.0,
                    "maxScore": 50.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "Location": "Una,Himachal Pradesh,India",
                            "GeoCode": "76.26914000,31.46493000",
                            "Radius": "50.0"
                            "Location": "Una,Himachal Pradesh,India",
                            "GeoCode": "76.25000000,31.58333000",
                            "Radius": "50.0"
                            "Location": "Una,Himachal Pradesh,India",
                            "GeoCode": "76.19283000,31.58369000",
                            "Radius": "50.0"

API request Parameters

Request parameters for geoSearch are described below:
Name Type Description Remarks
Option 1
city String Name of city Required
state String Name of state related to city Optional
country String Name of Country related to state Optional
radius Integer Default value is 50 Optional
distanceUnit String Default is KM (Kilometer). Possible values are KM and mile Optional
Option 2
longitude String Name of city Required
latitude String Name of state related to city Required
radius Integer Default value is 50 Optional
distanceUnit String Default is KM (Kilometer). Possible values are KM and mile Optional

JSON request with geoSearch parameter (option 1)

"geoSearch": {
    "city": "Pune",
    "state": "Maharashtra ",
    "country": "India",
    "radius": 50,
    "distanceUnit": "mile"

JSON request with geoSearch parameter (option 2)

"geoSearch": {
    "longitude": "70.255",
    "latitude": "-52.02",
    "radius": 50,
    "distanceUnit": "mile"

Geographical Search in My Account

The following steps describe on how to do Geographical Search in the My Account.

  1. Enter your Email and Password to log in to your RChilli My Account client portal or use Office 365 or Google to log in as necessary. You must sign up if you do not have registered account.
    Note: Contact for My Account portal access, subscription plans, pricing, and for any further support.

  2. Click RChilli API to log in into RChilli My Account portal.

Error codes

Table 1. Geographical Search Error Code
Error Code Error Message
2132 GeoSearch score must be 0 to 100
2133 GeoSearch score must be a number type