Field Lists

Currently, Search and Match API returns the default fields (entities) in the response (fields in the records array). Now with the fieldList parameter in the Search and Match API request, you can customize the fields in the API response. See the example in Table 1. Simple Search request and response with and without fieldList parameter.

The Default Fields

The default fields (in records array) that are returned in the API response are as follows:

Resume default field lists JD default field lists
id id
score score
CurrentEmployer SubUserId
TotalExperienceInYear JobProfileTitle
CurrentJobProfile Organization
State JobLocationCity
FullName JobLocationState
Country JobLocationCountry
SubUserId Qualification

Sample Simple Search Request and Response

Table 1. Simple Search request and response with and without fieldList parameter
Simple Search Request without fieldList Simple Search Response without fieldList

    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "Use Your indexKey",
        "subUserId": "265"
    "query": {
        "keyword": "Software Developer"
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true,
    "explainScoreType": "json",
Note: In below API response, the records array contains the default resume fields since fieldList parameter is not passed in the API request.
    "count": 2,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "records": [
            "id": "TestCV8",
            "score": 80.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Osun State College Of Technology",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.4,
            "FullName": "AJIMON OLAJIDE OLADIIPO",
            "SubUserId": "Praveen"
            "id": "TestCV11",
            "score": 80.0,
            "CurrentEmployer": "Osun State College Of Technology",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": 5.4,
            "FullName": "AJIMON OLAJIDE OLADIIPO",
            "SubUserId": "Praveen"
    "explainScore": [
            "id": "TestCV11",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 80.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 80.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 80.0,
                            "maxScore": 100.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "software developer"
            "id": "TestCV8",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 80.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 80.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 80.0,
                            "maxScore": 100.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "software developer"
Simple Search Request with fieldList Simple Search Response with fieldList

    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "Use your indexKey",
        "subUserId": "265"
    "query": {
        "keyword": "Software Developer"
    "fieldList": [
    "pageSize": 10,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "explainScore": true,
    "explainScoreType": "json",
  • In below API response, the records array contains Skill, score, and JobProfile fields since fieldList parameter contains these parameters in the API request.
  • The id, score, and SubUserID are returned in the API response as default for all records array.
    "count": 2,
    "pageStart": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "records": [
            "id": "TestCV8",
            "score": 80.0,
            "Skill": [
                "Web Design",
                "VB 6.0",
                "Database Administration",
                "Macromedia Dreamweaver",
                "Hardware Maintenance",
                "Microsoft Office"
            "HighestDegree": [
                "Bachelor of Technology"
            "SubUserId": "Praveen",
            "JobProfile": [
                "Inside Sales Representative",
                "Software Developer"
            "id": "TestCV11",
            "score": 80.0,
            "Skill": [
                "Web Design",
                "VB 6.0",
                "Database Administration",
                "Macromedia Dreamweaver",
                "Hardware Maintenance",
                "Microsoft Office"
            "HighestDegree": [
                "Bachelor of Engineering"
            "SubUserId": "Praveen",
            "JobProfile": [
                "Inside Sales Representative",
                "Software Developer"
    "explainScore": [
            "id": "TestCV11",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 80.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 80.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 80.0,
                            "maxScore": 100.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "software developer"
            "id": "TestCV8",
            "explaination": {
                "score": 80.0,
                "maxScore": 100.0,
                "SimpleSearch": {
                    "score": 80.0,
                    "maxScore": 100.0,
                    "detailScore": [
                            "score": 80.0,
                            "maxScore": 100.0,
                            "entity": "JobProfile",
                            "value": "software developer"

Fields that can be passed in fieldList

The following resume fields and JD fields can be passed in the fieldList parameter in the API request.

Resume Fields JD Fields
CurrentJobProfile JobProfile
JobProfile Employer
CurrentEmployer Degree
Employer Skill
Degree TotalExp
Institute City
Skill State
TotalExperienceRange Country
City LanguageKnown
State JobLocation
Country MaximumYearsExperience
ZipCode IndustryType
LanguageKnown ContractDuration
Email Salary
FullName SalaryMaxAmount
TitleName Currency
FirstName Units
MiddleName Domains
LastName StaffingAgency
Gender InterviewType
MaritalStatus InterviewDate
Nationality InterviewTime
Category InterviewLocation
SubCategory JobCode
CurrentSalary JobType
CurrentSalaryCurrency JobShift
CurrentSalaryUnit CertificationsPreferred
ExpectedSalary CertificationsRequired
ExpectedSalaryCurrency JobLocationIsoCountryCode
ExpectedSalaryUnit JobLocationZipCode
TotalExperienceInMonths JobGeoLocation
TotalExperienceInYear PreferredDemographicNationality
ResumeLanguage PreferredDemographicAgeLimit

Error Codes

The following error code can occur when you use fieldList parameter in the API request.
Error Code Message
2094 Invalid field name 'fieldName'. Available fields are
2095 FieldList must be of array type