Custom Weightage/Scoring

This is the weightage of fields for search and match fields that can be customized as per the requirement.

This weightage for search and match fields can be customized for your sub user as well. You can contact to get the scoring weightage updated as necessary.

The user can customize the dynamic weightage of Resume / JD for each Search and Match API request. Based on the the dynamic weightage in the request, API returns the weightage for the Search and Match entities in the API response. Refer Dynamic Weightage.

JD Default Weightage

"jdWeightage": [
		"Parent": "JobProfile",
		"Weight": 35,
		"Child": {
			"JobProfileTitle": 100,
			"JobProfile": 80,
			"JobProfileAlias": 60
		"Parent": "Organization",
		"Weight": 5
		"Parent": "Skill",
		"Weight": 15,
		"Child": {
			"RequiredSkillSet": 100,
			"PreferredSkillSet": 80,
			"AliasSkillSet": 60,
			"JobProfileRelatedSkills": 80
		"Parent": "Degree",
		"Weight": 5,
		"Child": {
			"QualificationsRequired": 100,
			"QualificationsPreferred": 80
		"Parent": "ExperienceRequired",
		"Weight": 10,
		"Child": {
			"MinimumYearsExperience": 100,
			"MaximumYearsExperience": 100
		"Parent": "JobLocationCity",
		"Weight": 10
		"Parent": "JobLocationState",
		"Weight": 5
		"Parent": "JobLocationCountry",
		"Weight": 5
		"Parent": "IndustryType",
		"Weight": 5
		"Parent": "Domains",
		"Weight": 5

JD to Resume Matching

Parent Child description
  1. JobProfile
    • JobProfileTitle: This is the entity that is extracted from the JD. This is the title of the Job. JobProfileTitle matches with the CurrentJobProfile, JobProfile, CurrentJobProfileFormattedName, JobAlias, and CurrentJobAlias of the Resume. Also, the different weightage is applied for different entity matching of JobProfileTitle.
    • JobProfile: JobProfile is the child weightage of the parent JobProfile. This weightage is created to match with previous Jobprofile (except current JobProfile) of the resume.
    • JobProfileAlias: JobProfileAlias is the child weightage of the parent JobProfile. This is created for the matching with the JobAlias, and CurrentJobAlias of the resume.
  2. Organization:This is the parent weightage. That is used to give the weightage for matching with the CurrentEmployer and Employer of the resume.
  3. Skill
    • RequiredSkillSet: This is the child weightage of the Skill. In the JD JSON, there is a Required Skills section extracted from the JD, for that this weightage is created. The Required Skills matches with the SkillHaveExp and SkillWithoutExp in the resume.
    • PreferredSkillSet: This is the child weightage of the Skill. In the JD JSON there is a Preferred Skills section extracted from the JD, for that this weightage is created. The PreferredsSkills matches with the SkillHaveExp and SkillWIthoutExp in the resume.
    • AliasSkillSet: This is the child weightage of the Skill. This weightage is created to match with the SkillAlias of the resume. This weightage is applied on the Required skill alias, Preferred skill alias, and JobProfile related skill alias.
    • JobProfileRelatedSkills: This is the child weightage of the Skill. This weightage is created to match with the SkillHaveExp, and SkillWithoutExp in the resume.
  4. Degree
    • QualificationRequired: This is the child weightage of the Degree. This weightage is used to apply on the matching with the HighestDegree and Degree of the resume for QualificationRequired entity of the JD.
    • QualificationPreferred: This is the child weightage of the Degree. This weightage is used to apply on the matching with the HighestDegree and Degree of the resume for QualificationPreferred entity of the JD.
  5. ExperienceRequired
    • MinimumYearsExperience: This is the child entity of the ExperienceRequired. This weightage is applicable on the matching with TotalExperienceInYear entity of the resume with MinimumYearsExperience entity of the JD.
    • MaximumYearsExperience: This is the child entity of the ExperienceRequired. This weightage is applicable on the matching with TotalExperienceInYear entity of the resume with MaximumYearsExperience entity of the JD.
      • When matching a Job Description (JD) to a resume, if you want to include resumes with more experience than specified in the query — for example, if the query requires resumes with 7 to 10 years of experience, but you also want to consider resumes with up to 18 years of experience — you must assign a zero weight to the MaximumYearsExperience parameter, see below:

        		"Parent": "ExperienceRequired",
        		"Weight": 10,
        		"Child": {
        			"MinimumYearsExperience": 100,
        			"MaximumYearsExperience": 0
  6. JobLocationCity: This is the parent weightage. This weightage is applied for the matching with City, CurrentCity, CurrentEmployerCity, PreferredCity, and EmployerCity of the resume for JobLocationCity entity of the JD.
  7. JobLocationState: This is the parent weightage. This weightage is applied on the matching with State, CurrentState, CurrentEmployerState, EmployerState, and PreferredState entity of the resume with JobLocationState entity of the JD.
  8. JobLocationCountry: This is the parent weightage. This weightage is applied on the matching with Country, CurrentCountry, CurrentEmployerCountry, EmployerCountry, and PreferredCountry entity of the resume with JobLocationCountry entity of the JD.
  9. IndustryType: This is the parent weightage. This weightage is applied on the matching with Category and SubCategory of the resume for IndustryType entity of the JD.
  10. Domains: This is the parent weightage. This weightage is applied on matching with the Category and SubCategory of the resume for Domains entity of the JD.

Resume Default Weightage

"resumeWeightage": [
		"Parent": "JobProfile",
		"Weight": 35,
		"Child": {
			"CurrentJobProfile": 100,
			"JobProfile": 80,
			"CurrentJobAlias": 80,
			"JobAlias": 60
		"Parent": "Employer",
		"Weight": 5,
		"Child": {
			"CurrentEmployer": 100,
			"Employer": 80
		"Parent": "Skill",
		"Weight": 15,
		"Child": {
			"SkillHaveExp": 100,
			"SkillWithoutExp": 80,
			"SkillAlias": 60
		"Parent": "Degree",
		"Weight": 10,
		"Child": {
			"HighestDegree": 100,
			"Degree": 80
		"Parent": "City",
		"Weight": 5,
		"Child": {
			"AddressCity": 100,
			"CurrentCity": 100,
			"CurrentEmployerCity": 100,
			"PreferredCity": 90,
			"EmployerCity": 90,
			"EducationCity": 50
		"Parent": "State",
		"Weight": 5,
		"Child": {
			"AddressState": 100,
			"CurrentState": 100,
			"CurrentEmployerState": 100,
			"PreferredState": 90,
			"EmployerState": 90,
			"EducationState": 50
		"Parent": "Country",
		"Weight": 5,
		"Child": {
			"AddressCountry": 100,
			"CurrentCountry": 100,
			"CurrentEmployerCountry": 100,
			"PreferredCountry": 90,
			"EmployerCountry": 90,
			"EducationCountry": 50
		"Parent": "TotalExperienceInYear",
		"Weight": 10
		"Parent": "Category",
		"Weight": 5
		"Parent": "SubCategory",
		"Weight": 5

Resume to JD Matching

Parent Child description
  1. JobProfile
    • CurrentJobProfile: This is the child weightage of the JobProfile. This weightage is applied on the matching with JobProfileTitle and JobProfileFormattedName entity of the JD with CurrentJobProfile and CurrentJobProfileFormattedName entity of the Resume.
    • JobProfile: This is the child weightage of the JobProfile. This weightage is applied on the matching with JobProfileTitle and JobProfileAlias entity of the JD with JobProfile entities (except current JobProfile) of the Resume.
    • CurrentJobAlias: This is the child weightage of the JobProfile. This weightge is used on the searching method based on the JobProfile.
    • JobAlias: This is the child weightage of the JobProfile. This weightge is used on the searching method based on the JobProfile.
  2. Employer
    • CurrentEmployer: This is the child weightage of the Employer. This weightge is used on the searching method based on the Employer.
    • Employer: This is the child weightage of the Employer. This weightage is applied on the matching with Organization entity of the JD with Employer entity of the Resume.
  3. Skill
    • SkillHaveExp: This is the child weightage of the Skill. This weightage is applied on the matching with RequiredSkillSet, AliasSkillSet, PreferredSkilSet and JobProfileRelatedSkills entities of the JD with SkillHaveExp entity of the Resume with SkillHaveExp weightage.
    • SkillWithoutExp: This is the child weightage of the Skill. This weightage is applied on the matching with RequiredSkillSet, AliasSkillSet, PreferredSkilSet and JobProfileRelatedSkills entities of the JD with SkillWithoutExp entity of the Resume with SkillWithoutExp weightage.
    • SkillAlias: This is the child weightage of the SkillAlias. This weightge is used on the searching method based on the Skill.
  4. Degree
    • HighestDegree: This is the child weightage of Degree. This weightage is applied on the matching with Qualification entity of the JD to HighestDegree entity of the Resume with HighestDegree weightage.
    • Degree: This is the child weightage of Degree. This weightage is applied on the matching with Qualification entity of the JD to Degree entity of the Resume with Degree weightage.
  5. City
    • AddressCity: This is the child weightage of City. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCity entity of the JD with AddressCity entity of the Resume.
    • CurrentCity: This is the child weightage of City. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCity entity of the JD with CurrentCity entity of the Resume.
    • CurrentEmployerCity: This is the child weightage of City. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCity entity of the JD with CurrentEmployerCity entity of the Resume.
    • PreferredCity: This is the child weightage of City. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCity entity of the JD with PreferredCity entity of the Resume.
    • EmployerCity: This is the child weightage of City. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCity entity of the JD with EmployerCity entity of the Resume.
    • EducationCity: This is the child weightage of City. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCity entity of the JD with EducationCity entity of the Resume.
  6. State
    • AddressState: This is the child weightage of the State. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationState entity of the JD with AddressState entity of the Resume.
    • CurrentState: This is the child weightage of the State. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationState entity of the JD with CurrentState entity of the Resume.
    • CurrentEmployerState: This is the child weightage of the State. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationState entity of the JD with CurrentEmployerState entity of the Resume.
    • PreferredState: This is the child weightage of the State. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationState entity of the JD with PreferredState entity of the Resume.
    • EmployerState: This is the child weightage of the State. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationState entity of the JD with EmployerState entity of the Resume
    • EducationState: This is the child weightage of the State. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationState entity of the JD with EducationState entity of the Resume
  7. Country
    • AddressCountry: This is the child weightage of the Country. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCountry entity of the JD with AddressCountry entity of the Resume.
    • CurrentCountry: This is the child weightage of the Country. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCountry entity of the JD with CurrentCountry entity of the Resume.
    • CurrentEmployerCountry: This is the child weightage of the Country. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCountry entity of the JD with CurrentEmployerCountry entity of the Resume.
    • PreferredCountry: This is the child weightage of the Country. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCountry entity of the JD with PreferredCountry entity of the Resume.
    • EmployerCountry: This is the child weightage of the Country. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCountry entity of the JD with EmployerCountry entity of the Resume.
    • EducationCountry: This is the child weightage of the Country. This weightage is applied on the matching to the JobLocationCountry entity of the JD with EducationCountry entity of the Resume.
  8. TotalExperienceInYear: This is the parent weightage. This weightage is applied on the matching of MinimumYearsExperience and MaximumYearsExperience entity of the JD with TotalExperienceInYear entity of the Resume.
  9. Category: This is the parent weightage. This weightage is applied on the matching with Domains and IndustryType entity of the JD with Category entity of the Resume.
  10. SubCategory: This is the parent weightage. This weightage is applied on the matching with Domains and IndustryType entities of the JD with SubCategory entity of the Resume.