
This API is used to returns the suggestions for different search fields like JobProfile, Skill, and Degree.


The Suggestions API uses the below URL:

API Endpoint

The Suggestions API uses the below endpoint:


API Method

The Suggestions API uses only POST method.

API Request Type

The Suggestions API uses JSON request type.

API Request Headers

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.

API Parameters

To execute Suggestions API, the following parameters in the JSON request are needed:
Name Type Description Remarks
indexType String Type of the file i.e Resume or JD Required
indexKey String Use your user key as shared by RChilli team Required
keyword String Mention the keyword Required
fieldType String Mention the fieldType like JobProfile/Skill Required
limit Integer Mention the limit of No. of values to be returned Required

JSON Request For Suggestions API - Job Profile

    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "Your user key"
    "keyword": "soft",
    "fieldType": "jobprofile",
    "limit": 25

JSON Response For Suggestions API - Job Profile

    "Suggestions": [
        "Software Consultant",
        "Software Designer",
        "Software Developer",
        "Software Developer Intern",
        "Software Engineer",
        "Software Engineer/developer",
        "Software Engineer Financial Billing Upload",
        "Software Engineer In Equities Estimates",
        "Software Programmer",
        "Softwpare Programmer/analyst",
        "Software Support Engineer",

JSON Request For Suggestions API - Skill

    "index": {
        "indexType": "Resume",
        "indexKey": "Your user key"
    "keyword": "Java",
    "fieldType": "Skill",
    "limit": 25

JSON Response For Suggestions API - Skill

        "Suggestions": [
            "Jakarta Ant",
            "Jakarta Commons",
            "Jakarta Server Pages",
            "Jakarta Tomcat",
            "JAVA 1.2",
            "Java 1.2",
            "JAVA 1.4",
            "Java 1.4",
            "JAVA 1.5",
            "Java 1.5",
            "Java 10",
            "Java 11",
            "Java 2",
            "Java 2 Enterprise Edition",
            "Java 2 Micro Edition",
            "Java 2 Platform",
            "Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition",
            "Java 2D",
            "Java 3D",
            "Java 4",
            "JAVA 5",
            "Java 5"