Endpoint, Method and Parameter

The endpoints indicate how you access the API, while the method indicates the allowed interactions (such as GET, POST, or DELETE) with the resource.

flexiSense API

The flexiSense API is defined as follows:

HTTP Request:
  • URL: https://plugin.rchilli.com/RChilliPlugin/rchilli/flexiSense
  • Accept: application/json
  • Response Type: JSON

API Endpoint

The flexiSense API endpoint returns the parsed data in the JSON format. See the below flexiSense API endpoint:


API Method

The flexiSense API uses only the POST method.

Request Headers

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.
flexoauthkey string This is applicable for both OpenAI and Azure AI, refer Open AI and Azure AI for details.
flexmodelname string This is applicable for both OpenAI and Azure AI, refer Open AI and Azure AI for details.
flexopenaiendpoint string This is applicable only for Azure AI, refer Azure AI for details.
For OPEN AI details:
For Azure AI details:

API Parameters

The flexiSense API requires the following parameters in the JSON request format:
Name Type Description Remarks
filedata String Resume or JD binary data in base64 Required
filename String Resume or JD with name extension (e.g. resumeSample.docx). Supported extensions are doc/docx/dot/rtf/pdf/otd/dotx/docm/txt/htm/html Required
jsondata String Resume or jd parsed json in base64 format Required
query String
The question/query passed by the user for the resume or JD.
  • The maximum limit for queries is 5 per request
  • The default limit for MaxToken is 300.
identifier String The unique identifier for each raised question. The user can pass any string value for each query. This must be unique for each question Required
datatype String The available datatype are int, list & string Required
userkey String Valid User Key as provided by RChilli, see How to get user key. Required
version String Valid version as provided by RChilli Required
subuserid String As per contract Required
requesttype String Resume or JD that you have send in the API request Required

JSON Request For flexiSense plugin API

Below is the API Request in JSON Format:

    "filedata": "file data base64 format",
    "jsondata": "resume or jd parsed json in base64 format",
    "queries": [
            "query": "What is the current location of the candidate",
            "identifier": "CurrentLocation",
            "datatype": "String"
            "query": "Assess the candidate's cultural fit for a company based on their previous work environments and roles.",
            "identifier": "CulturalFit",
            "datatype": "String"
            "query": "Analyze the impact of the significant projects mentioned in the candidate's resume on their overall career growth.",
            "identifier": "ProjectImpact",
            "datatype": "String"
            "query": "Analyze the candidate's potential for learning and development, considering their educational background, certifications, and continuous learning efforts.",
            "identifier": "LearningPotential",
            "datatype": "String"
            "query": "Evaluate the candidate's problem-solving and critical thinking abilities based on their past experiences and documented achievements.",
            "identifier": "ProblemSolvingCriticalThinking",
            "datatype": "String"
    "requesttype": "resume",
    "filename": "mksamd.docx",
    "userkey": "Use your userkey",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "subuserid": "Use your subuserid"
Note: If you do not send any query in the API request, then the following default queries about the resume or JD are answered:
  • You can contact support@rchilli.com to get the default queries set for your userkey as needed.
  • Default Query for resume:
            "query": "Which industry does this candidate belong to? Return NAICS Code.",
            "identifier": "IndustryCode",
            "datatype": "int"
            "query": "Predict the skill gap areas in current job roles.",
            "identifier": "SkillGap",
            "datatype": "list"
            "query": "What salary range is the candidate likely expecting based on their job history and market standards? Return range in USD.",
            "identifier": "ExpectedSalary",
            "datatype": "string"
            "query": "What are the candidate's top three professional skills?",
            "identifier": "TopSkills",
            "datatype": "list"
            "query": "How many professional certifications does the candidate hold?",
            "identifier": "NumberOfCertifications",
            "datatype": "int"
  • Default Query for JD:
            "query": "List the core competencies required for this job.",
            "identifier": "CoreCompetencies",
            "datatype": "list"
            "query": "What is the primary focus area or department for this job?",
            "identifier": "PrimaryFocusArea",
            "datatype": "string"
            "query": "List the primary responsibilities and duties of this position.",
            "identifier": "PrimaryResponsibilities",
            "datatype": "list"
            "query": "List the job's key challenges and how success in this role will be measured.",
            "identifier": "JobKeyChallenges",
            "datatype": "list"
            "query": "List the desired qualifications and experiences for an ideal candidate.",
            "identifier": "DesiredQualifications",
            "datatype": "list"

API Response Parameters

Follow the below table for the flexiSense plugin API response parameters details.
Name Type Description
Answers String This is the Object that contains the query you passed in the request and its answer.
Query String This is the query you passed in the API requests.
Note: The other output parameters are same as the resume parser output schema, see Response Schema for more details.

JSON Response For flexiSense plugin API

Below is the API Response in JSON Format:
    "ResumeParserData": {
        "ResumeFileName": "SampleResume (2).doc",
        "ResumeLanguage": {
            "Language": "English",
            "LanguageCode": "en"
        "ParsingDate": "2024/17/07 7:25:45",
        "ResumeCountry": {
            "Country": "USA",
            "Evidence": "CurrentLocation",
            "CountryCode": {
                "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                "UNCode": "840"
        "Name": {
            "FullName": "Manish Kumari",
            "TitleName": "Mr.",
            "FirstName": "Manish",
            "MiddleName": "",
            "LastName": "Kumari",
            "FormattedName": "Manish Kumari",
            "ConfidenceScore": 10
        "DateOfBirth": "1994/04/05",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "FatherName": "Kebv Thb",
        "MotherName": "Sebv Thb",
        "MaritalStatus": "Married",
        "Nationality": "",
        "LanguageKnown": [
                "Language": "English",
                "LanguageCode": "en"
                "Language": "French",
                "LanguageCode": "fr"
                "Language": "Spanish",
                "LanguageCode": "es"
        "UniqueID": "26226226",
        "LicenseNo": "USA Medical license",
        "PassportDetail": {
            "PassportNumber": "112534",
            "DateOfExpiry": "2020/05/06",
            "DateOfIssue": "2005/18/09",
            "PlaceOfIssue": "United states of America"
        "PanNo": "AAPPR7722T",
        "VisaStatus": "KW3",
        "Email": [
                "EmailAddress": "manishdfgdf@rcsg.com",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
        "PhoneNumber": [
                "Number": "991-819-6460",
                "ISDCode": "",
                "OriginalNumber": "+19918196460",
                "FormattedNumber": "+19918196460",
                "Type": "Phone",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
                "Number": "3455444306",
                "ISDCode": "",
                "OriginalNumber": "+13455444306",
                "FormattedNumber": "+13455444306",
                "Type": "Mobile",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
        "WebSite": [
                "Type": "Linkedin",
                "Url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-doe-50652a15/"
                "Type": "Facebook",
                "Url": "https://www.facebook.com/john-doe/"
                "Type": "Twitter",
                "Url": "https://twitter.com/doejohan"
        "Address": [
                "Street": "436 William Way",
                "City": "San Ramon",
                "State": "CA",
                "StateIsoCode": "US-CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "CountryCode": {
                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                    "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                    "UNCode": "840"
                "ZipCode": "",
                "FormattedAddress": "436 William Way, San Ramon, CA, USA",
                "Type": "Present",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
                "Street": "123 Main Street",
                "City": "San Francisco",
                "State": "CA",
                "StateIsoCode": "US-CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "CountryCode": {
                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                    "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                    "UNCode": "840"
                "ZipCode": "94122",
                "FormattedAddress": "123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA, 94122, USA",
                "Type": "Permanent",
                "ConfidenceScore": 10
        "Category": "Information",
        "SubCategory": "Software Developers and Programmers",
        "CurrentSalary": {
            "Amount": "2443.0",
            "Symbol": "$",
            "Currency": "USD",
            "Unit": "",
            "Text": "2443 $"
        "ExpectedSalary": {
            "Amount": "34333.0",
            "Symbol": "$",
            "Currency": "USD",
            "Unit": "",
            "Text": "34333 $"
        "SegregatedQualification": [
                "Institution": {
                    "Name": "IIIM",
                    "Type": "Institute",
                    "Location": {
                        "City": "Jaipur",
                        "State": "Rajasthan",
                        "StateIsoCode": "IN-RJ",
                        "Country": "India",
                        "CountryCode": {
                            "IsoAlpha2": "IN",
                            "IsoAlpha3": "IND",
                            "UNCode": "IND"
                    "ConfidenceScore": 6
                "Degree": {
                    "DegreeName": "MBA Finance Marketing",
                    "NormalizeDegree": "Master of Business Administration",
                    "Specialization": [
                        "Finance Marketing"
                    "ConfidenceScore": 6
                "FormattedDegreePeriod": "",
                "StartDate": "",
                "EndDate": "",
                "Aggregate": {
                    "Value": "",
                    "MeasureType": ""
                "Institution": {
                    "Name": "IIIM",
                    "Type": "Institute",
                    "Location": {
                        "City": "Jaipur",
                        "State": "Rajasthan",
                        "StateIsoCode": "IN-RJ",
                        "Country": "India",
                        "CountryCode": {
                            "IsoAlpha2": "IN",
                            "IsoAlpha3": "IND",
                            "UNCode": "IND"
                    "ConfidenceScore": 6
                "Degree": {
                    "DegreeName": "MBA Finance Marketing",
                    "NormalizeDegree": "Master of Business Administration",
                    "Specialization": [
                        "Finance Marketing"
                    "ConfidenceScore": 6
                "FormattedDegreePeriod": "",
                "StartDate": "",
                "EndDate": "",
                "Aggregate": {
                    "Value": "",
                    "MeasureType": ""
                "Institution": {
                    "Name": "UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN",
                    "Type": "University",
                    "ConfidenceScore": 10,
                    "Location": {
                        "City": "",
                        "State": "",
                        "StateIsoCode": "",
                        "Country": "",
                        "CountryCode": {
                            "IsoAlpha2": "",
                            "IsoAlpha3": "",
                            "UNCode": ""
                "SubInstitution": {
                    "Name": "COMMERCE COLLEGE",
                    "ConfidenceScore": 10,
                    "Type": "College",
                    "Location": {
                        "City": "JAIPUR",
                        "State": "Rajasthan",
                        "StateIsoCode": "IN-RJ",
                        "Country": "India",
                        "CountryCode": {
                            "IsoAlpha2": "IN",
                            "IsoAlpha3": "IND",
                            "UNCode": "356"
                "Degree": {
                    "DegreeName": "B. com",
                    "NormalizeDegree": "Bachelor of Commerce",
                    "Specialization": [],
                    "ConfidenceScore": 10
                "FormattedDegreePeriod": "",
                "StartDate": "",
                "EndDate": "",
                "Aggregate": {
                    "Value": "",
                    "MeasureType": ""
        "Certification": "2009\t-\tUSMLE Certified  \r \t  Issued in 2023",
        "SegregatedCertification": [],
        "SkillBlock": "Java , Html, php",
        "SkillKeywords": "Medical Procedures,Patient Outcomes,Patient Satisfaction,Html,Java,Php",
        "SegregatedSkill": [
                "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                "Skill": "Medical Procedures",
                "Ontology": "Health Care and Social Assistance>Medical Records and Health Information Technicians>Medical Procedures",
                "Alias": "clinical procedure, clinical procedures, explain treatment procedures, explaining treatment procedures to patients, health care procedure, healthcare procedure, Medical Office Procedures, Medical Practices and Procedures, Treatment procedure, treatment procedures",
                "FormattedName": "Medical Procedures",
                "Evidence": "SummarySection",
                "LastUsed": "",
                "ExperienceInMonths": 0
                "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                "Skill": "Patient Outcomes",
                "Ontology": "Health Care and Social Assistance>Medical Records and Health Information Technicians>Patient Outcomes Management",
                "Alias": "Patient outcomes, Patient Outcomes mgmt, Patient-Outcomes Management, Patient-Outcomes-Management",
                "FormattedName": "Patient Outcomes Management",
                "Evidence": "SummarySection",
                "LastUsed": "",
                "ExperienceInMonths": 0
                "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                "Skill": "Patient Satisfaction",
                "Ontology": "Health Care and Social Assistance>Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other>Patient Satisfaction",
                "Alias": "Assessing Patient Satisfaction, Patient-Satisfaction",
                "FormattedName": "Patient Satisfaction",
                "Evidence": "SummarySection",
                "LastUsed": "",
                "ExperienceInMonths": 0
                "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                "Skill": "Html",
                "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Programming Language>Hypertext Markup Language",
                "Alias": "Chtml, Chtml Markup Languages, Coding HTML, Compact HyperText Markup Language, Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, Extensible-Hypertext-Markup-Language, HTML, HTML 1.0, HTML 2, HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2, html 4.0, html 4.0.1, HTML 4.01, html 5, HTML 5 Coding, Html 5 Framework, Html 5 Programming, HTML Coding, Html Programming, HTML Programming Language, HTML version 2.0, html4, html4.0, HTML5, html5 framework, HTML5 Programming, Hypertext Markup Lang., Hypertext-Markup-Language, Programming Language Html, Web HTML, XHTML, Xhtml Coding, XHTML Computer lang., XHTML Computer language, Xhtml Programming, XHTML Programming lang., XHTML Programming language",
                "FormattedName": "Hypertext Markup Language",
                "Evidence": "SkillSection",
                "LastUsed": "",
                "ExperienceInMonths": 0
                "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                "Skill": "Java",
                "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Programming Language>Java",
                "Alias": "Advance Java, Advance Java Programming, core java, Core Java Programming, core-java, corejava, Embedded Java, Java 1, Java 1.2, Java 1.4, Java 1.5, Java 10, Java 11, Java 17, Java 18, Java 2, Java 2 Advanced Programming, Java 2 Programming, java 2.0, Java 3, Java 4, Java 5, java 5.0, Java 6, Java 7, Java 8, Java 8 Programming, Java 9, java application, Java Basic Programming, Java Coding, Java Dev Language, Java Development, Java Development Lang., Java Development Language, Java Platform, Java Platform Language, Java programming, Java Programming Language, Java Tech., java technologies, Java Technology, java1, Java1.3, Java1.4, Java5, Java8, Microsoft Java Technologies, Ms Java Technologies, Oracle Java, PersonalJava, Personaljava Software, PersonalJava technology, Pjava, programming core java, programming corejava, Programming Language Java",
                "FormattedName": "Java",
                "Evidence": "SkillSection",
                "LastUsed": "",
                "ExperienceInMonths": 0
                "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                "Skill": "Php",
                "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Programming Language>PHP",
                "Alias": "Core Php, Core PHP Development, Hypertext Preprocessor Language, Php 5, Php 7, PHP Computer language, PHP dev Language, php development, Php Development Frameworks, PHP Development Language, Php Frame Work, Php Frame Works, PHP Framework, php hypertext preprocessor, Php Language Technology, PHP Programming, PHP Programming language, Php Programming Languages, php scripting, php3, php4, PHP4/5, php5, php6, php: hypertext preprocessor, Programming Language Php, Programming Php",
                "FormattedName": "PHP",
                "Evidence": "SkillSection",
                "LastUsed": "",
                "ExperienceInMonths": 0
        "Experience": "",
        "SegregatedExperience": [
                "Employer": {
                    "EmployerName": "",
                    "FormattedName": "",
                    "ConfidenceScore": 0
                "JobProfile": {
                    "Title": "",
                    "FormattedName": "",
                    "Alias": "",
                    "RelatedSkills": [],
                    "ConfidenceScore": 0
                "Location": {
                    "City": "",
                    "State": "",
                    "StateIsoCode": "",
                    "Country": "",
                    "CountryCode": {
                        "IsoAlpha2": "",
                        "IsoAlpha3": "",
                        "UNCode": ""
                "JobPeriod": "",
                "FormattedJobPeriod": "",
                "StartDate": "",
                "EndDate": "",
                "IsCurrentEmployer": "true",
                "JobDescription": "",
                "Projects": [
                        "UsedSkills": "",
                        "ProjectName": "",
                        "TeamSize": ""
        "CurrentEmployer": "",
        "JobProfile": "",
        "WorkedPeriod": {
            "TotalExperienceInMonths": "",
            "TotalExperienceInYear": "",
            "TotalExperienceRange": ""
        "GapPeriod": "",
        "AverageStay": "",
        "LongestStay": "",
        "Summary": "Adept medical doctor with eight solid years of practice experience. Dedicated to exemplary patient outcomes and following all necessary medical procedures with the use of the latest industry equipment and technology. Strong focus on listening to and addressing patient concerns and answering all questions in terms patients can easily understand. Willingness to work with all members of the medical team and listen to their suggestions and input to improve results and maximize patient satisfaction. Specialized as a general internist during residency, providing me with knowledge of a range of health issues that impact internal organs.",
        "ExecutiveSummary": "Manish doesn't have any experience in the resume.",
        "ManagementSummary": "Manish doesn't have any management level experience in the resume.",
        "Coverletter": "",
        "Publication": "Marcus LS, Carlin N, Carlin, R : Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser Used to Treat Actinic Damage and Actinic Keratosis. Cosmetic Dermatology. 2010",
        "SegregatedPublication": [],
        "CurrentLocation": [
                "City": "Syracuse",
                "State": "NY",
                "StateIsoCode": "US-NY",
                "Country": "USA",
                "CountryCode": {
                    "IsoAlpha2": "US",
                    "IsoAlpha3": "USA",
                    "UNCode": "840"
        "PreferredLocation": [],
        "Availability": "2 Month",
        "Hobbies": "When Im not practicing medicine, I enjoy flying drones, crocheting, and sewing to maintain manual dexterity. I also enjoy writing short stories when I have the time, and I offer free medical services down at the community center every weekend. I've recently taken up meditation, which has improved my focus at work and my personal relationships. https://docs.rchilli.com/",
        "Objectives": "",
        "Achievements": "Chief Cardiology Fellow Recognition Award, Seton Hall University June 2008",
        "SegregatedAchievement": [],
        "References": "Bernie Noronha \r Operations Manager of GPI Automotive Division \r M : 201-817-6362 \r wdodcs.rchilli.com/ \r Andrew Gill \r National Sales Manager of GPI Sports & Fitness Division \r M : 201- 734- 4227",
        "CustomFields": "Parsing Time : 1729ms",
        "EmailInfo": {
            "EmailTo": " ",
            "EmailBody": " ",
            "EmailReplyTo": " ",
            "EmailSignature": " ",
            "EmailFrom": " ",
            "EmailSubject": " ",
            "EmailCC": " "
        "Recommendations": [
                "PersonName": "",
                "CompanyName": "",
                "Relation": "",
                "PositionTitle": "",
                "Description": ""
        "DetailResume": "Mr. Manish Kumar\n\n\t  Contact Information\nTelephone : 991-819-6460 , Mobile : 3455444306  \t manishdfgdf@rcsg.com\n\nAddress\t\n436 William Way\t\t\nSan Ramon, CA United States\t\t\nPermanent Address\n123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA , USA 94122\n\nPersonal Data\nFull Name : Mr. Manish Kumari\nMarital Status : Married\nGender : Female\nFather name- Kebv Thb\nMothers name- Sebv Thb\nCurrent Salary- 2443 $\nExpected Salary- 34333 $\nDate of Birth- 4/5/1994 Nationality- UK\nCurrent Location : Syracuse, NY, USA\nAvailability : 2 Month\nVisa : KW3\nPassport Details : \nPassport Number : 112534\nDate of Issue : 18 Sept. 2005\nExpiry Date : 5 June 2020\nPlace of Issue : United states of America\nPan No : AAPPR7722T\nSocial Security No : 26226226\nLicenses : USA Medical license\nLinkedIn ID\nUrl : https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-doe-50652a15/\nFacebook ID\nUrl : https://www.facebook.com/john-doe/\nTwitter ID\nUrl : https://twitter.com/doejohan\nLanguages\n English (fluent) \nSpanish (proficient) \nFrench (proficient) \n\nProfessional Summary\nAdept medical doctor with eight solid years of practice experience. Dedicated to exemplary patient outcomes and following all necessary medical procedures with the use of the latest industry equipment and technology. Strong focus on listening to and addressing patient concerns and answering all questions in terms patients can easily understand. Willingness to work with all members of the medical team and listen to their suggestions and input to improve results and maximize patient satisfaction. Specialized as a general internist during residency, providing me with knowledge of a range of health issues that impact internal organs.\n\nCERTIFICATIONS\n2009\t-\tUSMLE Certified \n\t  Issued in 2023\n\n\tSkill : \nJava , Html, php\n\nAWARDS\nChief Cardiology Fellow Recognition Award, Seton Hall University June 2008\n\nPUBLICATIONS\n\nMarcus LS, Carlin N, Carlin, R : Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser Used to Treat Actinic Damage and Actinic Keratosis. Cosmetic Dermatology. 2010\n\nEDUCATION\nMBA (Finance, Marketing) from INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT (IIIM) , Jaipur, which is affiliated to the RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY \nMBA (Finance, Marketing) from INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT (IIIM) , Jaipur, which is affiliated to the RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY \nB.com from COMMERCE COLLEGE JAIPUR (UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN) \t\n\nHobbies and Interests\nWhen I'm not practicing medicine, I enjoy flying drones, crocheting, and sewing to maintain manual dexterity. I also enjoy writing short stories when I have the time, and I offer free medical services down at the community center every weekend. I've recently taken up meditation, which has improved my focus at work and my personal relationships. https://docs.rchilli.com/\n\nReferences \n\nBernie Noronha\nOperations Manager of GPI Automotive Division\nM : 201-817-6362\nwdodcs.rchilli.com/\nAndrew Gill\nNational Sales Manager of GPI Sports & Fitness Division\nM : 201- 734- 4227",
        "HtmlResume": "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Style-Type\" content=\"text/css\" /><meta name=\"generator\" content=\"Aspose.Words for Java 23.7.0\" /><title></title></head><body style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:12pt\"><div><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0; font-size:14pt\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">CURRICULUM VITAE</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0; font-size:14pt\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Mr. Manish Kumar</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0; font-size:14pt\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0; font-size:14pt\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold; -aw-import:spaces\"> </span><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Contact Information</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>Telephone: 991-819-6460, </span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-size:11pt\">Mobile: 3455444306</span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-size:11pt; -aw-import:spaces\">  </span><span style=\"width:21.84pt; display:inline-block\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0\"><a href=\"mailto:manish@rcsg.com\" style=\"text-decoration:none\"><span style=\"text-decoration:underline; color:#0000ff\">manishdfgdf@rcsg.com</span></a></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-align:center; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Address</span><span style=\"width:29.99pt; font-weight:bold; display:inline-block\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>436 William Way</span><span style=\"width:22.03pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>San Ramon, CA United States</span><span style=\"width:34.34pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline\">Permanent Address</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:10.5pt\"><span style=\"color:#333333; background-color:#fdfdfd\">123 Main Street, San Francisco, CA , USA 94122</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline\">Personal Data</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0; font-size:14pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Calibri; font-size:11pt\">Full Name: </span><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Mr. Manish Kumari</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Marital Status: Married</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Gender: Female</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>Father name- Kebv Thb</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>Mothers name- Sebv Thb</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>Current Salary- 2443 $</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>Expected Salary- 34333 $</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>Date of Birth- 4/5/1994</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><a href=\"javascript:void (0) ;\" title=\"Nationality\" style=\"text-decoration:none\"><span style=\"color:#000000\">Nationality</span></a><span>- UK</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><a name=\"_Hlk20400635\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Current Location: </span><span style=\"font-family:Calibri\">Syracuse</span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">, NY, USA</span></a></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Availability: 2 Month</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Visa:</span><span style=\"width:13.86pt; font-family:Cambria; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"width:36pt; font-family:Cambria; display:inline-block\"> </span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">KW3</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><a name=\"_Hlk20400574\"><span style=\"-aw-bookmark-end:_Hlk20400635\"></span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Passport Details:</span></a></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Passport Number: 112534</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Date of Issue: 18 Sept. 2005</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Expiry Date: 5 June 202</span><span style=\"-aw-bookmark-end:_Hlk20400574\"></span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">0</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><a name=\"_Hlk20400621\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Place of Issue: United states of America</span></a></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"-aw-bookmark-end:_Hlk20400621\"></span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Pan No: AAPPR7722T</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Social Security No: 26226226</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Licenses</span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-weight:bold\">: </span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">USA Medical license</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-weight:bold\">LinkedIn ID</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Url: </span><a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-doe-50652a15/\" style=\"text-decoration:none\"><span style=\"font-family:Calibri; text-decoration:underline; color:#0000ff\">https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-doe-50652a15/</span></a></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-weight:bold\">Facebook ID</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Url: </span><a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/john-doe/\" style=\"text-decoration:none\"><span style=\"font-family:Arial; font-size:10pt; text-decoration:underline; color:#0000ff\">https://www.facebook.com/john-doe/</span></a></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-weight:bold\">Twitter ID</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Url: </span><a href=\"https://twitter.com/doejohan\" style=\"text-decoration:none\"><span style=\"font-family:Arial; font-size:10pt; text-decoration:underline; color:#0000ff\">https://twitter.com/doejohan</span></a></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><h2 style=\"margin-top:18pt; margin-bottom:4pt; page-break-inside:avoid; page-break-after:avoid; font-size:18pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Languages</span></h2><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; -aw-import:spaces\"> </span><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">English (fluent) </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">Spanish (proficient) </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria\">French (proficient) </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Cambria; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Professional Summary</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; line-height:14.7pt; background-color:#fdfdfd\"><span>Adept medical doctor with eight solid years of practice experience. Dedicated to exemplary patient outcomes and following all necessary medical procedures with the use of the latest industry equipment and technology. Strong focus on listening to and addressing patient concerns and answering all questions in terms patients can easily understand. Willingness to work with all members of the medical team and listen to their suggestions and input to improve results and maximize patient satisfaction. Specialized as a general internist during residency, providing me with knowledge of a range of health issues that impact internal organs.</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-left:108pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">CERTIFICATIONS</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-indent:36pt\"><span>2009</span><span style=\"width:12pt; text-indent:0pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span>-</span><span style=\"width:32pt; text-indent:0pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span>USMLE Certified </span><br /><span style=\"-aw-import:spaces\"> </span><span>Issued in 2023</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-indent:36pt\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"width:36pt; display:inline-block\"> </span><span>Skill: </span><br /><span>Java , Html, php</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline\">AWARDS</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-style:italic\">Chief Cardiology Fellow Recognition Award, </span><span>Seton Hall University </span><span style=\"font-style:italic\">June 2008</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-style:italic; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Arial; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline\">PUBLICATIONS</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Arial; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span>Marcus LS, </span><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Carlin N</span><span>, Carlin, R:</span><span style=\"-aw-import:spaces\">  </span><span>Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser Used to Treat Actinic Damage and Actinic Keratosis.</span><span style=\"-aw-import:spaces\">  </span><span style=\"font-style:italic\">Cosmetic Dermatology.</span><span style=\"font-style:italic; -aw-import:spaces\">  </span><span>2010</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-left:72pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-indent:36pt; text-align:justify\"><span style=\"font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; line-height:12pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline\">EDUCATION</span></p><ul type=\"disc\" style=\"margin:0pt; padding-left:0pt\"><li style=\"margin-left:27.6pt; padding-left:8.4pt; font-family:serif; font-size:10pt; -aw-font-family:'Symbol'; -aw-font-weight:normal; -aw-number-format:'•'\"><span style=\"font-family:Calibri\">MBA (Finance, Marketing) from INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT (IIIM) , Jaipur, which is affiliated to the RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY </span></li><li style=\"margin-left:27.6pt; padding-left:8.4pt; font-family:serif; font-size:10pt; -aw-font-family:'Symbol'; -aw-font-weight:normal; -aw-number-format:'•'\"><span style=\"font-family:Calibri\">MBA (Finance, Marketing) from INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT (IIIM) , Jaipur, which is affiliated to the RAJASTHAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY </span></li><li style=\"margin-left:27.6pt; margin-bottom:10pt; padding-left:8.4pt; font-family:serif; font-size:10pt; color:#ff0000; -aw-font-family:'Symbol'; -aw-font-weight:normal; -aw-number-format:'•'\"><span style=\"font-family:Calibri\">B.com from COMMERCE COLLEGE JAIPUR (UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN) </span><span style=\"width:34.75pt; font-family:Calibri; color:#000000; display:inline-block\"> </span></li></ul><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt\"><span style=\"color:#ff0000; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-left:105pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-indent:-105pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-left:105pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-indent:3pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-left:105pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-indent:3pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Hobbies and Interests</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; line-height:14.7pt; background-color:#fdfdfd\"><span>When I'm not practicing medicine, I enjoy flying drones, crocheting, and sewing to maintain manual dexterity. I also enjoy writing short stories when I have the time, and I offer free medical services down at the community center every weekend. I've recently taken up meditation, which has improved my focus at work and my personal relationships. https://docs.rchilli.com/</span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-left:105pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-indent:3pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-left:105pt; margin-bottom:0pt; text-indent:3pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><a name=\"_Hlk20400805\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">References </span></a></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"-aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><ul type=\"disc\" style=\"margin:0pt; padding-left:0pt\"><li style=\"margin-left:70.52pt; widows:0; orphans:0; padding-left:7.48pt; font-family:serif; -aw-font-family:'Symbol'; -aw-font-weight:normal; -aw-number-format:'•'\"><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Bernie Noronha</span><br /><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Operations Manager of GPI Automotive Division</span><br /><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">M: 201-817-6362</span><br /><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">wdodcs.rchilli.com/</span></li><li style=\"margin-left:70.52pt; widows:0; orphans:0; padding-left:7.48pt; font-family:serif; -aw-font-family:'Symbol'; -aw-font-weight:normal; -aw-number-format:'•'\"><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">Andrew Gill</span><br /><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">National Sales Manager of GPI Sports & Fitness Division</span><br /><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'\">M: 201- 734- 4227</span><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-weight:bold\"> </span><br /><span style=\"font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></li></ul><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-left:60pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><br /><span style=\"font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p><p style=\"margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt; widows:0; orphans:0\"><span style=\"font-weight:bold; -aw-import:ignore\"> </span></p></div></body></html>",
        "CandidateImage": {
            "CandidateImageData": "",
            "CandidateImageFormat": ""
        "TemplateOutput": {
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            "TemplateOutputFileName": "SampleResume (2).pdf"
        "ApiInfo": {
            "Metered": "No",
            "CreditLeft": "6123119.0",
            "AccountExpiryDate": "2027/04/08 23:59:00",
            "BuildVersion": ""
    "ResumeQuality": [
            "Level": "Major Issues",
            "Findings": [
                    "QualityCode": "4009",
                    "SectionIdentifiers": [
                            "SectionType": "PERSONAL_DATA",
                            "Id": "0"
                    "Message": "Multiple sections of the same type have been found in the resume."
            "Level": "Suggested Improvements",
            "Findings": [
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                    "Message": "Indicates that a section was found along with the header instead of a separate line above the content."
    "Answers": [
            "Query": "What is the current location of the candidate",
            "CurrentLocation": "San Ramon, CA, USA"
            "Query": "Assess the candidate's cultural fit for a company based on their previous work environments and roles.",
            "CulturalFit": "The candidate's dedication to exemplary patient outcomes, focus on patient satisfaction, and willingness to work collaboratively with the medical team demonstrate a strong cultural fit for a company that values empathy, teamwork, and patient-centric care."
            "Query": "Analyze the impact of the significant projects mentioned in the candidate's resume on their overall career growth.",
            "ProjectImpact": "The candidate's significant projects, such as specializing as a general internist during residency, have contributed to her in-depth knowledge of a range of health issues impacting internal organs, thereby enhancing her overall career growth and expertise in the medical field."
            "Query": "Analyze the candidate's potential for learning and development, considering their educational background, certifications, and continuous learning efforts.",
            "LearningPotential": "The candidate demonstrates a strong educational background with a Master's degree in IT Engineering and a Bachelor's degree in BS. This indicates a solid foundation for learning and development. However, specific certifications and continuous learning efforts are not mentioned in the resume, so further information would be required to fully analyze their potential in these areas."
            "Query": "Evaluate the candidate's approach to work-life balance and how it aligns with the organizational culture and demands of the role.",
            "WorkLifeBalance": "Given the candidate's long list of technical skills and experiences, it may indicate a high level of dedication and commitment to their work. However, the lack of specific information on work-life balance or non-technical interests makes it challenging to assess how their approach aligns with the organizational culture and demands of the role. Further discussions with the candidate may provide more insight into their work-life balance practices."