Error Codes

This topic lists the error codes of the flexiSense plugin API.

Table 1. flexiSense plugin API Error Code
Error Code Error Message
3001 Please check the formatting of the 'queries' field
3002 Please pass the valid data type. It should be 'int', 'string' or 'list
3003 The number of queries is more than the defined limit. The Query Limit is 5.
3004 Please pass the valid value for requesttype. It should be either 'Resume' or 'Jd'
3005 Invalid json data. Please check the json data
3006 Failed to retrieve response from OpenAI. The service may be temporarily unavailable or experiencing issues. Please try again later.
3007 Failed to retrieve response from Azure OpenAI. The service may be temporarily unavailable or experiencing issues. Please try again later.
3008 Invalid credentials. Please check your Azure OpenAI API key, URL and Model Name
3009 Please select either OpenAI or Azure OpenAI
3010 Please provide the Open AI or AzureAI API Key.
3011 Please provide a model name.
3012 Please provide a Azure AI endpoint.
3013 Please provide a model name.

Error Code Sample Response

Below is the API Error Response in JSON Format:
  "error": {
    "errorcode": "",
    "errormsg": ""