Keyword Search Taxonomy

Keyword Search Taxonomy API returns the skills as well as the job profile alias based on the search keyword.

You can pass any keyword (entity) and based on the keyword (either skill or job Profile), API returns all the alias information of the keyword. You can pass one or multiple keyword (entity), see API sample request for more details.


The Keyword Search Taxonomy API uses the below URL:

API Endpoint

The Keyword Search Taxonomy API uses the below endpoint:


API Method

The Keyword Search Taxonomy API uses only POST method.

API Request Type

The Keyword Search Taxonomy API uses JSON request type.

API Request Headers

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.

API Request Parameters

The Keyword Search Taxonomy API requires the following parameters in the JSON request format:

Name Type Description Remarks
ApiKey String Use your user key as shared by RChilli team Required
version String Version of the taxonomy, i.e. 3.1 Required
Language String The language code of the input request. Required
Locale String Location of the user Required
CustomValues String Add any details for your reference Required
Keyword String This is the keyword that is searched. You can pass one or multiple keyword (entity), see API sample request Required

JSON Request For Keyword Search Taxonomy API

    "Locale": "US",
    "ApiKey": "Use your UserKey",
   "Language": "en",
    "Version": "3.0",
    "CustomValues": "TEST"

API Response Parameters

The Keyword Search Taxonomy API response parameters are as follows, see below sample response to know more about the response parameters.

Name Type Description
SearchKeyword String keyword that is searched in the taxonomy database
IdentifiesEntities Object Entities in the keyword are identified either as Jobprofile or as Skill and placed under Jobprofile and Skill array respectively.
SkillList Array Skill data that is returned based on the keyword passed in the API request
SearchSkill String This is the skill passed in the keyword
FormattedSkill String This is the formatted name of the searched skill
Alias Array Alias of the skill/Job Profile that is searched using keyword in the API request
SkillType String Type of the skill, for example, Knowledge, Technology, Tool, etc.
SkillOntology String This field provides the information of the field from where the skill belongs.
Description String Description of the skill
RelatedSkills Array Skills that are related to the searched skill. This is the array of the following 3 strings:
  • Skill: This is the related skill to the searched skill.
  • Relation: This is the relation with the skill, for example, Feature, Parent, Similar, Tool, etc.
  • Type: This is the type of the skill, for example, Knowledge, Technology, Tool, etc
RelatedJobProfile Array Job Profile related with the searched skill
JobProfile String Job Profile related with the searched skill
ProficiencyLevel String This is the skill level, for example:
  • Native: Native proficiency is rated 5 on the scale of 5.
  • Proficient: Rated 4 or 4+ on the scale of 5.
  • Moderate: Average benchmark score, rated 3.5 on the scale of 5
JobprofileList Array Job profile data that is returned based on the keyword passed in the API request
FormattedJobProfile String Formatted name of the searched Job Profile
SearchJobProfile String Dhis is the Job profile passed in the keyword
JobProfileOntology Array This field provides the information of the field from where the Job Profile belongs.
Abilities Array This is the description of the abilities required for the job profile
WorkActivities Array This is the description of the work abilities required for the job profile
Knowledge Array This is the knowledge details required for the job profile
Education Array This is the education details required for the job profile
Tasks Array This is the tasks details for the job profile
Description Array This is the description of the job profile

JSON Response For Keyword Search Taxonomy API

    "SearchKeyword": [
    "IdentifiesEntities": {
        "Jobprofile": [
        "Skill": [
    "SkillList": [
            "SearchSkill": "java",
            "FormattedSkill": "Java",
            "Alias": [
                "Advance Java",
                "Advance Java Programming",
                "core java",
                "Core Java Programming",
                "Embedded Java",
                "Java 1",
                "Java 1.2",
                "Java 1.4",
                "Java 1.5",
                "Java 10",
                "Java 11",
                "Java 17",
                "Java 18",
                "Java 2",
                "Java 2 Advanced Programming",
                "Java 2 Programming",
                "java 2.0",
                "Java 3",
                "Java 4",
                "Java 5",
                "java 5.0",
                "Java 6",
                "Java 7",
                "Java 8",
                "Java 8 Programming",
                "Java 9",
                "java application",
                "Java Basic Programming",
                "Java Coding",
                "Java Dev Language",
                "Java Development",
                "Java Development Lang.",
                "Java Development Language",
                "Java Platform",
                "Java Platform Language",
                "Java programming",
                "Java Programming Language",
                "Java Tech.",
                "java technologies",
                "Java Technology",
                "Java web development",
                "Java Web Programming",
                "Microsoft Java Technologies",
                "Ms Java Technologies",
                "Oracle Java",
                "programming core java",
                "programming corejava",
                "Programming Language Java",
                "Programming Languages Java"
            "SkillType": "Technology",
            "SkillOntology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Programming Language>Java",
            "Description": "Java is a general-purpose computer-programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.",
            "RelatedSkills": [
                    "Skill": "Memory Management",
                    "Relation": "Feature",
                    "Type": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Object Oriented Programming",
                    "Relation": "Feature",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Software Development",
                    "Relation": "Feature",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Exception Handling",
                    "Relation": "Feature",
                    "Type": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Multithreading",
                    "Relation": "Feature",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Programming Language",
                    "Relation": "Parent",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "PHP",
                    "Relation": "Similar",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Python",
                    "Relation": "Similar",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "ASP.NET",
                    "Relation": "Similar",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Hack Programming",
                    "Relation": "Similar",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Pike Language",
                    "Relation": "Similar",
                    "Type": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "IntelliJ IDEA",
                    "Relation": "Tool",
                    "Type": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Apache Maven",
                    "Relation": "Tool",
                    "Type": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Jenkins",
                    "Relation": "Tool",
                    "Type": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "JUnit",
                    "Relation": "Tool",
                    "Type": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "NetBeans",
                    "Relation": "Tool",
                    "Type": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Apache Ant",
                    "Relation": "Tool",
                    "Type": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Eclipse",
                    "Relation": "Tool",
                    "Type": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "JDeveloper",
                    "Relation": "Tool",
                    "Type": "Tool"
            "RelatedJobProfile": [
                    "JobProfile": "Java Architect",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
                    "JobProfile": "Cloud Architect",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Trainer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Algorithm Specialist",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Lead Java Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Mobile App Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Junior Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
                    "JobProfile": "Full Stack Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Consultant",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Full Stack Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Autocad Programmer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Front Office Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Agile Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "JavaServer Pages Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Fx Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Swing Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Web Services Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java UI Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "COBOL Programmer Analyst",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "IVR Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Software Intern",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Cloud Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Microservices Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Middleware Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Java Back End Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Assistant Professor Of It",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Programmer Analyst",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Backend Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
                    "JobProfile": "E Commerce Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Trainee Java Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Software Integration Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Enterprise Integration Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Algorithm Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Development Manager",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Module Lead",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Integration Architect",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Core Java Unix Oracle Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Performance Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Security Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Reporting Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Vanilla Javascript Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Freelance Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Mentor",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Programmer Trainee",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Sybase Database Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Sybase Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Java Developer Intern",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Aws Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
                    "JobProfile": "QA Automation Lead",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Test Automation Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Software Development Consultant",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Applications Delivery Lead",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Cloud Development Manager",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "RPG Programmer Analyst",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
                    "JobProfile": "SAP Commerce Technical Lead",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Software Firmware QA Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "System Integration Engineer Intern",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Security Operation Executive",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Systems Integration Inspector",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Data Feeds Analyst",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Global Lead Artificial Intelligence Architect",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "IBM BPM Architect",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "IBM BPM Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Automation Analyst",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Backend Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Blockchain Analyst",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Devops Architect",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Implementation Engineer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Spark Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Senior Sailpoint Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Software Engineering Contributor",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
                    "JobProfile": "Associate Java Developer",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
    "JobprofileList": [
            "FormattedJobProfile": "Software Developer",
            "SearchJobProfile": "developer",
            "Alias": [
                "Computer Software Engineer",
                "Computer Software Engr",
                "computer software professional",
                "Computer software specialist",
                "Computer Systems Software Engineer",
                "Developer It",
                "Developer of  Software",
                "Developer of Software",
                "Developer Software",
                "Development software engineer",
                "Engineer - Software",
                "Engineer Software",
                "Engineer Software Development",
                "Engineering Programmer",
                "Engr Software",
                "Enterprise Software Engineer",
                "Information Technology Application Developer",
                "Intermediate Software Engineer",
                "It Developer",
                "IT Software Engineer",
                "Professional Software Development Engineering",
                "S/W Development Engr",
                "Soft Developer",
                "Soft. Dev. Engineer",
                "Soft. Development Engineer",
                "Software - Engineer",
                "Software Design And Development Engineer",
                "Software dev engineer",
                "Software Dev Engr",
                "Software Dev. Engineer",
                "Software Developer Mid Level",
                "Software Development Engineer",
                "Software Development Engr",
                "Software Engineer",
                "Software engineer - development",
                "Software Engineer - Information Technology",
                "Software Engineer Developer",
                "Software Engineer Web Services",
                "Software Integration Developer",
                "Software Programmer",
                "Specialist software",
                "Technical - Software Engineer",
                "Technical Soft Developer",
                "Technology Software Developer",
                "Technology Software Engineer"
            "JobProfileOntology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software Developer",
            "Skills": [
                    "Skill": "Code Analysis",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Program Design",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Programming Language Theory",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Software Application Development",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Software Development Environment",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Object Oriented Design",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Source Code Management",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Coding Theory",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Enterprise Software Deployment",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Real Time Debugging",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Linx",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Codenvy",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Absys",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Programming Principles",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "ByteCode Manipulation",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Troubleshooting",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Soft"
                    "Skill": "Code Management",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Software Development Methodology",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Software Development Life Cycle",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Automate Software Development",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "GeneXus",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Coding Interview",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "MySQL",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Inno Setup",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "ObjectStudio",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Augmented Reality Sdk",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Source Code Modification",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Code Obfuscation",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Active Net Software",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Dev-Pascal",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Free Pascal",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Software Engineering",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Software Development",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Visual Expert",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "CUDA",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Carbide.C++",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Software Debugging",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "PV Wave",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Code Branching",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Analytical Thinking",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient",
                    "SkillType": "Soft"
                    "Skill": "Problem Solving",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Soft"
                    "Skill": "Teamwork",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Soft"
            "Abilities": [
                "Ability to develop unit testing of code components or complete applications.",
                "Ability to learn new languages and technologies.",
                "The ability to communicate complex procedures to other colleagues."
            "WorkActivities": [
                "Analyze project data to determine specifications or requirements.",
                "Apply mathematical principles or statistical approaches to solve problems in scientific or applied fields.",
                "Assess database performance.",
                "Ensuring that you and the team adhere to development schedules and deadlines.",
                "Modify software programs to improve performance.",
                "Presenting regular progress reports and setting goals.",
                "Supervise information technology personnel.",
                "Testing the final product to ensure it is completely functional and meets requirements.",
                "Troubleshooting and resolving issues with coding or design."
            "Knowledge": [
                "Deep programming language knowledge.",
                "Familiarity with Agile development methodologies.",
                "Knowledge of coding languages (e.g. C++, Java, JavaScript) and frameworks/systems (e.g. AngularJS, Git)",
                "Knowledge of integrated development environment software.",
                "Knowledge of software design and development in a test-driven environment",
                "Knowledge of the software development life-cycle.",
                "Knowledge of tools for software configuration management.",
                "Must be a full-stack developer and understand concepts of software engineering.",
                "Solid understanding of a variety of programming tools and development platforms."
            "Education": [
                "Bachelor of Computer Science",
                "Master of Computer Applications",
                "Master of Technology",
                "Bachelor of Engineering",
                "Bachelor of Technology"
            "Tasks": [
                "Analyzing information to recommend and plan the installation of new systems or modifications of an existing system.",
                "Collaborating with various stakeholders to determine software requirements.",
                "Consulting with departments or customers on project status and proposals.",
                "Creating high-level product specifications and design documents.",
                "Directing software programming and documentation development.",
                "Directing system testing and validation procedures.",
                "Guiding and assisting the development team throughout the process.",
                "Modifying software to fix errors, adapt it to new hardware, improve its performance, or upgrade interfaces.",
                "Providing the development team with architectural blueprints to follow.",
                "Working with customers or departments on technical issues including software system design and maintenance."
            "Description": "Also known as a Application Developer or Software Architect, Software Developer implement or program all kinds of software systems based on specifications and designs by using programming languages, tools, and platforms. They play key role in research, design, programming, and testing of computer software.  Software Developer develop applications that make it possible for people to perform specific tasks on computers, cellphones, or other devices."