
RChilli Taxonomy 3.0 offers an extensive and meticulously curated collection of skills and job profiles, providing rich, related information for enhanced job and resume searching capabilities.

This latest version introduces significant improvements, offering over 3 million skills and 2.4 million job profiles across multiple languages. The data is manually verified to ensure accuracy and reliability. Key highlights includes:
  • All Manually Verified Data
  • 40K+ English Skills
  • 283K+ English Skill Alias
  • 533K+ Non-English Skills
  • 3.5M+ Non-English Skill Alias
  • 32K+ English Job Profiles
  • 229K+ English Job Profile Alias
  • 531K+ Non-English Job Profiles
  • 2.7M+ Non-English Job Profile Alias
  • 22 Sectors and 1930 Sub Sectors

RChilli Taxonomy is a comprehensive library of skills and job profiles spanning dozens of industries and domains, offering unlimited individual concepts.

Key Features

  1. Skills/Jobs Alias: Provides alternate names and synonyms for skills and job titles, improving search accuracy and match relevance.
  2. Similar Skills/Jobs: Identifies and suggests skills or job titles that are similar, helping users find related matches and broaden search results.
  3. Ontology: Utilizes a structured ontology to map relationships between different skills and jobs, enhancing the depth and precision of search results.
  4. Government Database Integration: Integrates with government databases to ensure compliance and accuracy in job classifications and skill mappings.
  5. Related Skills/Jobs: Automatically identifies and links related skills and job titles, offering expanded search options and more comprehensive results.
  6. Extensive Database: Accesses over 3 million skills and 2.4 million job profiles, verified and enriched with aliases and related data for comprehensive search capabilities.
  7. Multi-language Support: Provides skills and job profiles in multiple languages, ensuring global applicability across diverse regions.
  8. Industry Coverage: Covers 22 sectors and 1930 sub-sectors, offering detailed insights and tailored results across various industries.
  9. Manual Verification: Ensures data accuracy with manually verified skills and job profiles, maintaining high standards of reliability and precision.
For more details, refer Taxonomy.

Use Case

  1. Enhance Search Engines: Improve search outcomes by integrating RChilli Taxonomy into your search engines.
  2. JD Builder Integration: Use Taxonomy to build more accurate and relevant job descriptions.
  3. Skill-to-Job Mapping: Connect job profiles with relevant skills for better talent matching.
  4. Ontology and Govt. Database Mapping: Seamlessly map with government databases, including those of the USA, Canada, Australia, and the European Union.
  5. Recommended Skills and Job Titles: Get precise skill and job title recommendations for improved job and candidate searches.
  6. Geographical Search: Enable geographical searches to find relevant job profiles and skills by region.

How Taxonomy Helps

  • Improves Search Accuracy: Provides keyword recommendations to enhance search results.
  • Enables Custom Tagging: Create extra tags for search engines like Solr/Elasticsearch or custom-built software.
  • Offers Govt. Data-Ready Taxonomies: Easily map taxonomies with government databases for regulatory compliance.
  • Recommends Skills and Job Titles: Receive accurate recommendations for skills and job titles, enhancing job posting and search processes.

For more details on the Taxonomy schema, refer to the Response Schema and for specific use cases, refer Taxonomy Use Case.