Salary Offered

The following type of output is generated for the Salary Offered details for the job profile.

    • MinAmount: This field contains the minimum salary offered for the job profile
    • MaxAmount: This field contains the maximum salary offered for the job profile
    • Currency: This field contains the currency type such as INR or Dollar
    • Units: This field contains the payday for the salary such as monthly, weekly or hourly
    • Text: This field gives the salary in numbers such as Rs 40, 000.00/month

Salary Offered JSON Layout

		"ContractDuration": "",
		"HasContract": "false",
		"SalaryOffered": {
			"MinAmount": "1100000.0",
			"MaxAmount": "1500000.0",
			"Currency": "INR",
			"Units": "Year",
			"Text": "Rs 11 to 15 Lakh P.A."