Dynamic API Setting for JD Parser

The JD parser API setting can be controlled/managed through the API request. Now users can change the JD parser API setting on every API request.

To view the default JD parser API output, see JD Parser Response Example and if you want to control/manage the default JD parser API output, you can pass the dynamic API parameters (apisetting node) in the request, see Sample API request with dynamic API setting.

  1. If the JD parser API request contains the dynamic API settings (apisetting node), then the API output will be based on the parameter passed in the apisetting node and the remaining API output will be the same as the default API settings output. For example, in the API request below, dynamic API settings (apisetting node) are passed, i.e., dateformat is given, and htmljd is false. The API output for the below sample request will contains:
    1. The date in the format as passed in the dateformatjd element.
    2. There will be no data in the htmljd element as this is false in the API request.
    3. The remaining API output will remain the same as the default settings on the userkey. See JD Parser Response Example for the default JD parser API output.
    Note: Below is the sample JD parser API request with Dynamic API settings, to know more about the JD API endpoints, see JD Parser.
      "filedata": "{{base 64 data of jd file}}",
      "filename": "{{filename}}",
      "userkey": "{{userkey}}",
      "version": "3.1",
      "subuserid": "{{subuserid}}",
      "apisetting": {
        "dateformatjd": "DD/MM/YYYY",
        "htmljd": false,
  2. If the API request does not contains the API settings (apisetting node) then the JD parser API output will be the same as the default output on the userkey, see JD Parser Response Example for default output.
  3. The API setting (apisetting node) that is passed in the JD parser API request is also returned in the API JSON response, see Sample API response with dynamic API setting.

Sample API request with dynamic API setting

Note: Below is the sample JD parser API request with Dynamic API settings, to know more about the JD API endpoints, see JD Parser.
    "filedata": "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",
    "filename": "sample.txt",
    "userkey": "Use Your Userkey",
    "version": "3.1",
    "subuserid": "Use your subuserid",
    "apisetting": {
        "dateformatjd": "DD/MM/YYYY",
        "htmljd": false,
        "maxfilecharsizejd": 5000,
        "requiredskillsjd": false,
        "preferredskillsjd": true,
        "skilltypejd": "SoftSkill,BehaviorSkill,OperationalSkill",
        "requiredtaxonomyjd": true,
        "requiredqualificationjd": true,
        "preferredqualificationjd": true,
        "requiredcertificationjd": true,
        "preferredcertificationjd": true

Sample API response with dynamic API setting

    "JDParsedData": {
        "FileName": "sample.txt",
        "JDLanguage": {
            "Language": "English",
            "LanguageCode": "en"
        "ParsingDate": "04/11/2022 06:35:05.418",
        "JobProfile": {
            "Title": "Software Developer",
            "Alias": "Computer Software Engineer, Computer Software Engr, computer software professional, Computer software specialist, Computer Systems Software Engineer, Developer, Developer It, Developer of Software, Developer of Software, Developer Software, Developer-Software, Development software engineer, Engineer - Software, Engineer Software, Engineer Software Development, Engineering Programmer, Engr Software, Enterprise Software Engineer, Information Technology Application Developer, Intermediate Software Engineer, It Developer, IT Software Engineer, Professional Software Development Engineering, S/W Development Engr, Soft Developer, Soft. Dev. Engineer, Soft. Development Engineer, Software - Engineer, Software Design And Development Engineer, Software dev engineer, Software Dev Engr, Software Dev. Engineer, Software Developer Mid Level, Software Development Engineer, Software Development Engr, Software Engineer, Software engineer - development, Software Engineer - Information Technology, Software Engineer Developer, Software Engineer Web Services, Software Integration Developer, Software Programmer, Software-Developer, Specialist software, Technical - Software Engineer, Technical Soft Developer, Technology Software Developer, Technology Software Engineer",
            "FormattedName": "Software Developer",
            "RelatedSkills": [
                    "Skill": "Code Analysis",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Programming Language Theory",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Software Application Development",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Software Development Environment",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Object Oriented Design",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Source Code Management",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Coding Theory",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Enterprise Software Deployment",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Real Time Debugging",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Codenvy",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Absys",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Programming Principles",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "ByteCode Manipulation",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Troubleshooting",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Soft"
                    "Skill": "Code Management",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Software Development Life Cycle",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "GeneXus",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Coding Interview",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "MySQL",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Inno Setup",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "ObjectStudio",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Augmented Reality Sdk",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Source Code Modification",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Code Obfuscation",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Active Net Software",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Dev-Pascal",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Free Pascal",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Software Engineering",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Visual Expert",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "CUDA",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Carbide.C++",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Tool"
                    "Skill": "Software Debugging",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "PV Wave",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Code Branching",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Knowledge"
                    "Skill": "Analytical Thinking",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Proficient",
                    "SkillType": "Soft"
                    "Skill": "Problem Solving",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Soft"
                    "Skill": "Teamwork",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Soft"
                    "Skill": "Ecere C",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Native",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Automate Software Development",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Program Design Language",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Software Development",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
                    "Skill": "Software Development Methodology",
                    "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                    "SkillType": "Technology"
            "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software Developer"
        "Organization": "Null",
        "StaffingAgency": "",
        "AboutOrganization": "Blue Mount Redefine the prospect to immigrate; \n with a success rate of 98 % we are proud to cater you a smooth migration at any part of the world. We value our client's investment and time and provide with best possible solution to move to any part. Our past 4 years service quality makes us the best amount any other immigration company with quality assurance.  \n  \n Based on the qualification & interest we guide people to relocate. Our team of qualified agents will make a hassle free immigration for you with an assurance. It gives us great privilege to make your dream destination, your home. We are expertise in a wide range of services like permanent residency, work permit, service contract, education abroad etc.  \n  ",
        "JobLocation": {
            "Location": "Kharar , Punjab",
            "City": "Kharar",
            "State": "Punjab",
            "Country": "India",
            "IsoCountryCode": "IN",
            "ZipCode": ""
        "JobCode": "",
        "JobType": "Permanent Job, Full Time",
        "JobShift": "",
        "IsManagementJob": "false",
        "IndustryType": "IT-Software/Software Services",
        "ExcecutiveType": "Information",
        "PostedOnDate": "",
        "ClosingDate": "01/05/2020",
        "ExperienceRequired": {
            "MinimumYearsExperience": "0 Years",
            "MaximumYearsExperience": ""
        "ContractDuration": "1 Month",
        "HasContract": "true",
        "SalaryOffered": {
            "MinAmount": "",
            "MaxAmount": "",
            "Currency": "INR",
            "Units": "Hour",
            "Text": "Rs. hourly"
        "BillRate": {
            "MinAmount": "100.0",
            "MaxAmount": "200.0",
            "Currency": "INR",
            "Units": "Hour",
            "Text": "100 to 200 Rs. hourly"
        "NoticePeriod": "",
        "NoOfOpenings": "",
        "Relocation": "",
        "Languages": "English, Hindi",
        "PreferredDemographic": {
            "Nationality": "Indian",
            "Visa": "H1b",
            "AgeLimit": "",
            "Others": ""
        "Domains": [
        "Qualifications": {
            "Preferred": [
            "Required": [
        "Certifications": {
            "Preferred": [
                "Microsoft Certified Professional Developer",
            "Required": [
                "Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer",
        "Skills": {
            "Preferred": [
                    "Skill": "Ability To Read",
                    "Type": "SoftSkill",
                    "Alias": "Ability To Read And Follow Instructions, Ability To Read And Interpret Documents, Ability To Read Document, Ability To Read Documents, Ability-To-Read Documents",
                    "FormattedName": "Ability To Read",
                    "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>File Clerks>Ability To Read"
                    "Skill": "Application Programming",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "Application-Programming, applications programming",
                    "FormattedName": "Application Programming",
                    "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Application Programming"
                    "Skill": "Capital Market",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "Capital Market, Capital Market Finance, Capital Market Trading, Capital Market Trading System, Capital Market Trading Systems, capital markets, capital markets processes, Capital-Market, Equity Capital Markets, Equity Market, Finance Capital Market, securities exchange, share market, Stock Exchange, stock exchange management, stock exchange operations, stock market operations, Stock Markets, stock-Marketing",
                    "FormattedName": "Stock Market",
                    "Ontology": "Wholesale Trade>Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents>Stock Market"
                    "Skill": "Client Handling",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "Client Handling, Client Handling and Coordination, client handling operations, Consumer handling, Customer-Handling, dealing with customers, Handling Difficult Customers",
                    "FormattedName": "Customer Handling",
                    "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>Customer Service Representatives>Customer Handling"
                    "Skill": "Computer Forensic",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "Computer Forensic, Computer Forensics, Computer-Forensic, cyber forensics, Cyber-Investigation, Internet Investigation, Internet Investigations",
                    "FormattedName": "Cyber Investigation",
                    "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>Investigation Services>Cyber Investigation"
                    "Skill": "Core Java",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "Advance Java, Advance Java Programming, core java, Core Java Programming, core-java, corejava, Embedded Java, Java 1, Java 1.2, Java 1.4, Java 1.5, Java 10, Java 11, Java 17, Java 18, Java 2, Java 2 Advanced Programming, Java 2 Programming, java 2.0, Java 3, Java 4, Java 5, java 5.0, Java 6, Java 7, Java 8, Java 8 Programming, Java 9, java application, java application development, Java Basic Programming, Java Coding, Java Dev Language, Java Development, Java Development Lang., Java Development Language, Java Platform, Java Platform Language, Java programming, Java Programming Language, Java Tech., java technologies, Java Technology, Java web development, Java Web Programming, java1, Java1.3, Java5, Java8, Microsoft Java Technologies, Ms Java Technologies, Oracle Java, programming core java, programming corejava, Programming Language Java, Programming Languages Java",
                    "FormattedName": "Java",
                    "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Programming Language>Java"
                    "Skill": "Hibernate",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "Framework Hibernate, Framework Hibernate Orm, Hibernate 3.0, hibernate 3.1, Hibernate 4, Hibernate 4.0, Hibernate 4.3, Hibernate 4.3.0, Hibernate 5, Hibernate 5.3, Hibernate 5.4, Hibernate 5.4.0, Hibernate Frame Work, Hibernate Framework, Hibernate Frameworks, Hibernate Oracle, Hibernate Oracle 10G, Hibernate Oracle 11G, Hibernate Oracle 11I, Hibernate Oracle 9I, Hibernate Oracle10G, Hibernate Orm, Hibernate ORM Framework, Hibernate Orm software, Hibernate soft, Hibernate software, Oracle Hibernate",
                    "FormattedName": "Hibernate",
                    "Ontology": "Information>Database and Systems Administrators and Network Architects>Hibernate"
                    "Skill": "Investigator",
                    "Type": "SoftSkill",
                    "Alias": "",
                    "FormattedName": "",
                    "Ontology": ""
                    "Skill": "Java",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "Advance Java, Advance Java Programming, core java, Core Java Programming, core-java, corejava, Embedded Java, Java 1, Java 1.2, Java 1.4, Java 1.5, Java 10, Java 11, Java 17, Java 18, Java 2, Java 2 Advanced Programming, Java 2 Programming, java 2.0, Java 3, Java 4, Java 5, java 5.0, Java 6, Java 7, Java 8, Java 8 Programming, Java 9, java application, java application development, Java Basic Programming, Java Coding, Java Dev Language, Java Development, Java Development Lang., Java Development Language, Java Platform, Java Platform Language, Java programming, Java Programming Language, Java Tech., java technologies, Java Technology, Java web development, Java Web Programming, java1, Java1.3, Java5, Java8, Microsoft Java Technologies, Ms Java Technologies, Oracle Java, programming core java, programming corejava, Programming Language Java, Programming Languages Java",
                    "FormattedName": "Java",
                    "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Programming Language>Java"
                    "Skill": "Mentors",
                    "Type": "SoftSkill",
                    "Alias": "Mentor-Ship, mentoring skills, mentors, Mentorship",
                    "FormattedName": "Mentoring",
                    "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Mentoring"
                    "Skill": "Self Motivated",
                    "Type": "SoftSkill",
                    "Alias": "Personal Motivation, Self Motivated, Self-motivated, Self-Motivation, Strongly self-motivated",
                    "FormattedName": "Self Motivation",
                    "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Self Motivation"
                    "Skill": "Software Development Life Cycle",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "application development life cycle, Cycle Development, Delivery Lifecycle, develop a system, develop system, develop the system, Development Cycle, development lifecycle, development lifecycle tools, development of the system, development system, engineering system development, Frameworks Lifecycle Development, Full Development Life Cycle, full life cycle development, Full Sdlc, full software lifecycle, Information Systems Development, lifecycle development, manage the software development life, mobile dev. lifecycle, mobile development life cycle, mobile development lifecycle, mobile lifecycle, PDLC, Program and system development, Program development life cycle, Program development lifecycle, SDLC, Sdlc Framework, SDLC Methodologies, software design life cycle management, software design lifecycle management, Software Development Cycle, Software Development Cycle Management, Software Development Life Cycle Design, Software Development Life Cycle Management, Software Development Life Cycle Sdlc, software development life cycles, Software Development Life Cycles Sdlc, Software Development Life-Cycle, software development lifecycle, Software Development Lifecycle Management, Software Development Project Life Cycle, Software Full Life Cycle, Software Life Cycle, Software Lifecycle, Software Lifecycle Design, Software Sdlc, Software-Development Life Cycle, Software-Development-Life-Cycle, Software-Full-Life-Cycle, Software-Life-Cycle, Structured Sdlc, Structured-Sdlc, System and Development, System Development, system development life cycle, System Development process, system life cycle, System Lifecycle, system software product life cycle, System-Development, systems development, Systems development life cycle, systems development life cycle management, Systems Lifecycle, Systems-development-life-cycle, Systems-Lifecycle",
                    "FormattedName": "Software Development Life Cycle",
                    "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software Development Life Cycle"
                    "Skill": "Software Services",
                    "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                    "Alias": "Cloud Software-as-a-Service, on demand software, on-demand software, Oracle SaaS, SaaS, SaaS applications, saas model, SaaS platform, Saas Product, Saas Products, Saas Tool, SaaS tools, Software As A Service model, Software As Service, software as-a-service, software services, software-as-a-service, Software-As-A-Service Cloud, Web based software, Web-based software",
                    "FormattedName": "Software as a Service",
                    "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software as a Service"
            "Required": []
        "Responsibilities": "Gain confidence in work-related matters through the internship program.\nWork alongside great mentors in the chosen industry.\nVisit the must-see places in the United States on your days off.\nAccommodation and food will be taken care by employer.\nYour wife can also go and work on dependent Visa.\nAlumni Certificate at the end of the pogram to boost your carrier when you come back.\nCan work for consecutive 12 years in this pogram.",
        "ContactEmail": "ketki@bluemountimm.com",
        "ContactPhone": "",
        "ContactPersonName": "BISHWAJIT DEY",
        "WebSite": "www.bluemounttest.com",
        "InterviewType": "",
        "InterviewDate": "01/01/2022",
        "InterviewTime": "",
        "InterviewLocation": "Sector 67 Mohali",
        "TypeOfSource": "",
        "JobDescription": "Software Developer \nYears of Experience : 0 yrs to 5 yrs \nCompany Name : Null\nJob Location : Kharar , Punjab , India\nStaffingAgency : No\nJobCode : 563\nJobShift : Flexible\nPostedOnDate : 10 April 2020\nClosingDate : 1 May 2020\nExperienceRequired : 0 to 5 years\nContractDuration : 1 Month\nHasContract : No\nSalaryOffered : 25000 to 30000 Rs.\nBill rate- 100 to 200 Rs. hourly\nNoticePeriod : 2 Month\nNoOfOpenings : 10 Vacancy\nRelocation : Delhi , India\nLanguages : hindi , english \nNationality : Indian\nVisa : H1b\nAgeLimit : 25 yrs to 30 yrs\nInterview Type : \nInterview Date and Time : 20 April 2020 10 : 00 Am\nInterview Location : Sector 67 Mohali \n \n\nResponsibilites : \nGain confidence in work-related matters through the internship program.\nWork alongside great mentors in the chosen industry.\nVisit the must-see places in the United States on your days off.\nAccommodation and food will be taken care by employer.\nYour wife can also go and work on dependent Visa.\nAlumni Certificate at the end of the pogram to boost your carrier when you come back.\nCan work for consecutive 12 years in this pogram.\n\nFields : \nIT\n1. IT consultant\n2. Cloud architect\n3. Computer forensic investigator\n4. Health IT specialist\n5. Mobile application developer etc\n\nEligibility : \nDiploma/Degree in relevant field.\nA minimum 6 months of work experience in relevant field after completion of Diploma/Degree is added advantage.\nCandidates who are pursuing education can also apply.\nBasic English Ability to read , write and speak.\nShould be able to perform physical task.\nSelf motivated and should have presentable personality\n\nIndustry : IT-Software/Software Services\nFunctional Area : IT Software - Application Programming , Maintenance\nRole Category : IT\nRole : Software Developer\nEmployment Type : Permanent Job , Full Time\n\nKeyskills : \nRequired - \tCore Java , Spring , Hibernate , Multithreading , Capital Market\nPreferred- Java , Software Development Life Cycle , Client Handling , Software Services , Programming\n\nEducation : \nPreferred- M.Tech - Any Specialization\nRequired - B.Tech - Any Specialization\n\nCertifications : \nPreferred-Microsoft Certified Professional Developer ( MCPD ) \nRequired-Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer ( MCSD ) \n\nCompany Profile : \nBlue Mount Redefine the prospect to immigrate;\n with a success rate of 98 % we are proud to cater you a smooth migration at any part of the world. We value our client's investment and time and provide with best possible solution to move to any part. Our past 4 years service quality makes us the best amount any other immigration company with quality assurance.\n\nBased on the qualification & interest we guide people to relocate. Our team of qualified agents will make a hassle free immigration for you with an assurance. It gives us great privilege to make your dream destination , your home. We are expertise in a wide range of services like permanent residency , work permit , service contract , education abroad etc.\n\nRecruiter Name : BISHWAJIT DEY\nContact Company : Blue Mount Immigration Consulting Pvt Ltd\nEmail : ketki@bluemountimm.com\nPhone : 555555555\nWebsite : www.bluemounttest.com\n",
        "JDHtmlData": "",
        "BuildVersion": "3.1.2022.10.19"
    "apisetting": {
        "requiredskillsjd": false,
        "requiredqualificationjd": true,
        "maxfilecharsizejd": 5000,
        "requiredtaxonomyjd": true,
        "htmljd": false,
        "preferredcertificationjd": true,
        "dateformatjd": "DD/MM/YYYY",
        "requiredcertificationjd": true,
        "preferredskillsjd": true,
        "preferredqualificationjd": true

Available JD API Settings

The API settings (in the apisetting node) that can be passed in the JD API request are mentioned in the below table.

Setting Name (API Key) Default Value Type Remarks
dateformat DD/MM/YYYY string DD/MM/YYYY is set as default date format for all the API request, this can be changed as per the requirement by passing dateformat in the API request (apisetting node). For all the available date format, see My account API settings.
htmljd true boolean The HTML format of the JD file is provided in the API response if htmljd is set true. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see htmljd.
Note: If the .txt format file is passed, then HTML format of the JD file is not provided in the API response (JDHtmlData node).
maxfilecharsizejd 60000 integer Max File Character Size: JD Parser supports the maximum 60,000 characters in any JD file but the users can exceed or decrease this value as necessary. For more details, see maxfilecharsizejd.
requiredskillsjd true boolean Required JD Skill: When requiredskillsjd is passed in the API settings then the API returns the required skills. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE, for more details, see requiredskillsjd.
preferredskillsjd true boolean Preferred JD Skill: When preferredskillsjd is passed in the API settings then the API returns the preferred skills. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE, for more details, see preferredskillsjd.
skilltypejd SoftSkill, BehaviorSkill, OperationalSkill skilltypejd: When skilltypejd is passed in the API settings then the API returns the Skills based on the skill type passed in the skilltypejd parameter. For more details, see skilltypejd.
requiredtaxonomyjd true boolean Required Taxonomy: If user sets requiredtaxonomyjd to true, then the API will return Alias, FormattedName, RelatedSkills, and Ontology field value. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see requiredtaxonomyjd.
requiredqualificationjd true boolean Required Qualification: When requiredqualificationjd is passed in the API settings then the API returns the required qualification details. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE, for more details, see requiredqualificationjd.
preferredqualificationjd true boolean Preferred Qualification: When preferredqualificationjd is passed in the API settings then the API returns the preferred qualification details. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE, for more details, see preferredqualificationjd.
requiredcertificationjd true boolean Required Certification: When requiredcertificationjd is passed in the API settings then the API returns the required certification details. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE, for more details, see requiredcertificationjd.
preferredcertificationjd true boolean Preferred Certification: When preferredcertificationjd is passed in the API settings then the API returns the preferred certification details. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE, for more details, see preferredcertificationjd.

Example of dynamic API settings

This section gives an example to show how to provide the dynamic API settings (apisetting node) in the API request and the sample response for dynamic API settings.
Note: The below examples only show apisetting node, for full sample API request, see Sample API request with dynamic API setting.
  1. dateformat

    Sample Request

    "apisetting": {
            "dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY"

    Sample Response

    		"PostedOnDate": "03/03/2022",
    		"ClosingDate": "25/11/2017",
  2. htmljd
    1. Use Case 1 - when htmljd is true

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "htmljd": true

      Sample Response

      "JDHtmlData": "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html…”
    2. Use Case 2 - when htmljd is false

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "htmljd": false

      Sample Response

      "JDHtmlData": ""
  3. maxfilecharsizejd
    1. Use Case 1 - when JD file contains greater than maxfilecharsize characters

      If the JD file contains greater than maxfilecharsize characters, then the API will return error.

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "maxfilecharsizejd": 5000

      Sample Response

          "error": {
              "errorcode": 1018,
              "errormsg": "File size is too large for processing. File Size= 58854"
    2. Use Case 2 - when JD file contains lesser than maxfilecharsize characters

      If the JD file contains lesser than maxfilecharsize characters, then the API will not return error.

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "maxfilecharsizejd": 60000

      Sample Response

      "JDParsedData": {
  4. requiredskillsjd
    1. Use Case 1 - when requiredskillsjd is true

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "requiredskillsjd": true

      Sample Response

      "Skills": {
                  "Preferred": [
                          "Skill": "Ability To Read",
                          "Type": "SoftSkill",
                          "Alias": "Ability To Read And Follow Instructions, Ability To Read And Interpret Documents, Ability To Read Document, Ability To Read Documents, Ability-To-Read Documents",
                          "FormattedName": "Ability To Read",
                          "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>File Clerks>Ability To Read"
                          "Skill": "Software Services",
                          "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                          "Alias": "Cloud Software-as-a-Service, on demand software, on-demand software, Oracle SaaS, SaaS, SaaS applications, saas model, SaaS platform, Saas Product, Saas Products, Saas Tool, SaaS tools, Software As A Service model, Software As Service, software as-a-service, software services, software-as-a-service, Software-As-A-Service Cloud, Web based software, Web-based software",
                          "FormattedName": "Software as a Service",
                          "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software as a Service"
                  "Required": [
                          "Skill": "Capital Market",
                          "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                          "Alias": "Capital Market, Capital Market Finance, Capital Market Trading, Capital Market Trading System, Capital Market Trading Systems, capital markets, capital markets processes, Capital-Market, Equity Capital Markets, Equity Market, Finance Capital Market, securities exchange, share market, Stock Exchange, stock exchange management, stock exchange operations, stock market operations, Stock Markets, stock-Marketing",
                          "FormattedName": "Stock Market",
                          "Ontology": "Wholesale Trade>Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents>Stock Market"
                          "Skill": "Core Java",
                          "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                          "Alias": "Advance Java, Advance Java Programming, core java, Core Java Programming, core-java, corejava, Embedded Java, Java 1, Java 1.2, Java 1.4, Java 1.5, Java 10, Java 11, Java 17, Java 18, Java 2, Java 2 Advanced Programming, Java 2 Programming, java 2.0, Java 3, Java 4, Java 5, java 5.0, Java 6, Java 7, Java 8, Java 8 Programming, Java 9, java application, java application development, Java Basic Programming, Java Coding, Java Dev Language, Java Development, Java Development Lang., Java Development Language, Java Platform, Java Platform Language, Java programming, Java Programming Language, Java Tech., java technologies, Java Technology, Java web development, Java Web Programming, java1, Java1.3, Java5, Java8, Microsoft Java Technologies, Ms Java Technologies, Oracle Java, programming core java, programming corejava, Programming Language Java, Programming Languages Java",
                          "FormattedName": "Java",
                          "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Programming Language>Java"
                          "Skill": "Hibernate",
                          "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                          "Alias": "Framework Hibernate, Framework Hibernate Orm, Hibernate 3.0, hibernate 3.1, Hibernate 4, Hibernate 4.0, Hibernate 4.3, Hibernate 4.3.0, Hibernate 5, Hibernate 5.3, Hibernate 5.4, Hibernate 5.4.0, Hibernate Frame Work, Hibernate Framework, Hibernate Frameworks, Hibernate Oracle, Hibernate Oracle 10G, Hibernate Oracle 11G, Hibernate Oracle 11I, Hibernate Oracle 9I, Hibernate Oracle10G, Hibernate Orm, Hibernate ORM Framework, Hibernate Orm software, Hibernate soft, Hibernate software, Oracle Hibernate",
                          "FormattedName": "Hibernate",
                          "Ontology": "Information>Database and Systems Administrators and Network Architects>Hibernate"
                          "Skill": "Self Motivated",
                          "Type": "SoftSkill",
                          "Alias": "Personal Motivation, Self Motivated, Self-motivated, Self-Motivation, Strongly self-motivated",
                          "FormattedName": "Self Motivation",
                          "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Self Motivation"
    2. Use Case 2 - when requiredskillsjd is false

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "requiredskillsjd": false

      Sample Response

             "Skills": {
                  "Preferred": [
                          "Skill": "Ability To Read",
                          "Type": "SoftSkill",
                          "Alias": "Ability To Read And Follow Instructions, Ability To Read And Interpret Documents, Ability To Read Document, Ability To Read Documents, Ability-To-Read Documents",
                          "FormattedName": "Ability To Read",
                          "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>File Clerks>Ability To Read"
                          "Skill": "Software Services",
                          "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                          "Alias": "Cloud Software-as-a-Service, on demand software, on-demand software, Oracle SaaS, SaaS, SaaS applications, saas model, SaaS platform, Saas Product, Saas Products, Saas Tool, SaaS tools, Software As A Service model, Software As Service, software as-a-service, software services, software-as-a-service, Software-As-A-Service Cloud, Web based software, Web-based software",
                          "FormattedName": "Software as a Service",
                          "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software as a Service"
                  "Required": []
  5. preferredskillsjd
    1. Use Case 1 - when preferredskillsjd is true

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "preferredskillsjd": true

      Sample Response

       "Skills": {
                  "Preferred": [
                          "Skill": "Ability To Read",
                          "Type": "SoftSkill",
                          "Alias": "Ability To Read And Follow Instructions, Ability To Read And Interpret Documents, Ability To Read Document, Ability To Read Documents, Ability-To-Read Documents",
                          "FormattedName": "Ability To Read",
                          "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>File Clerks>Ability To Read"
                          "Skill": "Application Programming",
                          "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                          "Alias": "Application-Programming, applications programming",
                          "FormattedName": "Application Programming",
                          "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Application Programming"
                          "Skill": "Software Development Life Cycle",
                          "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                          "Alias": "application development life cycle, Cycle Development, Delivery Lifecycle, develop a system, develop system, develop the system, Development Cycle, development lifecycle, development lifecycle tools, development of the system, development system, engineering system development, Frameworks Lifecycle Development, Full Development Life Cycle, full life cycle development, Full Sdlc, full software lifecycle, Information Systems Development, lifecycle development, manage the software development life, mobile dev. lifecycle, mobile development life cycle, mobile development lifecycle, mobile lifecycle, PDLC, Program and system development, Program development life cycle, Program development lifecycle, SDLC, Sdlc Framework, SDLC Methodologies, software design life cycle management, software design lifecycle management, Software Development Cycle, Software Development Cycle Management, Software Development Life Cycle Design, Software Development Life Cycle Management, Software Development Life Cycle Sdlc, software development life cycles, Software Development Life Cycles Sdlc, Software Development Life-Cycle, software development lifecycle, Software Development Lifecycle Management, Software Development Project Life Cycle, Software Full Life Cycle, Software Life Cycle, Software Lifecycle, Software Lifecycle Design, Software Sdlc, Software-Development Life Cycle, Software-Development-Life-Cycle, Software-Full-Life-Cycle, Software-Life-Cycle, Structured Sdlc, Structured-Sdlc, System and Development, System Development, system development life cycle, System Development process, system life cycle, System Lifecycle, system software product life cycle, System-Development, systems development, Systems development life cycle, systems development life cycle management, Systems Lifecycle, Systems-development-life-cycle, Systems-Lifecycle",
                          "FormattedName": "Software Development Life Cycle",
                          "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software Development Life Cycle"
                          "Skill": "Software Services",
                          "Type": "OperationalSkill",
                          "Alias": "Cloud Software-as-a-Service, on demand software, on-demand software, Oracle SaaS, SaaS, SaaS applications, saas model, SaaS platform, Saas Product, Saas Products, Saas Tool, SaaS tools, Software As A Service model, Software As Service, software as-a-service, software services, software-as-a-service, Software-As-A-Service Cloud, Web based software, Web-based software",
                          "FormattedName": "Software as a Service",
                          "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software as a Service"
    2. Use Case 2 - when preferredskillsjd is false

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "preferredskillsjd": false

      Sample Response

      "Skills": {
                  "Preferred": [],
  6. skilltypejd: When skilltypejd is passed in the API settings then the API returns the Skills based on the skill type passed in the skilltypejd parameter. For example, if skilltypejd contains SoftSkill and OperationalSkill skill type, then in the API response Skills having Type as SoftSkill and OperationalSkill will only be returned.
    1. Use Case - when skilltypejd is passed with skill type BehaviorSkill and OperationalSkill

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "skilltypejd": "SoftSkill,OperationalSkill",

      Sample Response

          "Skills" : {
            "Preferred" : [ {
              "Skill" : "AWS",
              "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
              "Alias" : "amazon aws, Amazon AWS Cloud, Amazon AWS Cloud Services, Amazon Aws Server, amazon cloud, Amazon Web Services AWS software, Amazon Web Services Cloud, amazon webservices, Amazon-Web-Services, aws, aws administration, AWS Architecture, AWS Platform, AWS services, AWS Web Services, Cloud Amazon Web Services, Web Services Aws",
              "FormattedName" : "Amazon Web Services",
              "Ontology" : "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Amazon Web Services"
            }, {
              "Skill" : "Agile",
              "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
              "Alias" : "Agile, Agile App Development, agile application development, Agile Application Software Development, Agile Applications Development, Agile Best Practices, agile development, Agile Development Methodologies, Agile Development Methodology, agile development practice, agile development project, Agile Development SDLC, Agile DevOps, agile implementation methodology, agile implementation of projects, Agile It Development, Agile It Systems, Agile Lean Implementation, Agile Lifecycle Development, Agile Method, Agile Method Sdlc, Agile Methodological, Agile Methodologies, Agile Methodology, agile methodology sdlc, agile methods, Agile Model Development, Agile Practice, Agile Process, Agile Processes, Agile Processes Development, Agile Product Creation, Agile Product Development, Agile Product Development Life Cycle, Agile Product Development LifeCycle, agile program management, Agile Programming, Agile Project Development, Agile Project Life Cycle, Agile Project Life Cycle Mythology, Agile Project Lifecycle Management, Agile SDLC, agile sdlc methodologies, Agile SDLC Methodology, Agile Soft Development Life Cycle, agile software application development, agile software design, Agile Software Development Life Cycle, Agile Software Development LifeCycle, Agile Software Engineering, Agile Software Engineering Practices, agile software implementation, agile software lifecycle, agile software processes, agile solution development, agile sw development, agile system development, Agile Team Development, agile technical development, Agile techniques, agile test life cycle management, Agile Web Development, Agile Web Technologies, Agile Web-Development, Agile Website Development, Agile-Methodology, Agile-Product Development Life Cycle, Agile-SDLC-Methodology, Agile-Soft Development Life-Cycle, agile-software-development, application development agile, Development Agile Software, Implementation Agile, Software Development Agile Process, Software Development Methodologies Agile",
              "FormattedName" : "Agile Software Development",
              "Ontology" : "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Agile Software Development"
            }, {        
              "Skill" : "Flexibility",
              "Type" : "SoftSkill",
              "Alias" : "elasticity, Flexibility, Resilience",
              "FormattedName" : "Resiliency",
              "Ontology" : "Health Care and Social Assistance>Psychologists>Resiliency"
            }, {
              "Skill" : "Angular 7",
              "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
              "Alias" : "anagular 2, Angular, Angular 1, Angular 1.0, Angular 10, Angular 10.0, Angular 11, Angular 11.0, Angular 12, Angular 2, Angular 2.0, Angular 4, Angular 4 Architecture, Angular 4 Framework, Angular 4.0, Angular 5, Angular 5.0, Angular 6, Angular 6.0, Angular 7, Angular 7.0, Angular 8, Angular 8.0, Angular 9, Angular 9.0, Angular v10, Angular v11, Angular v12, Angular v5, Angular v6, Angular v7, Angular v8, Angular v9, Angular version 1.0, Angular version 10, Angular version 11, Angular version 12, Angular version 2.0, Angular version 5, Angular version 6, Angular version 7, Angular version 8, Angular version 9, angular10",
              "FormattedName" : "Angular Web Framework",
              "Ontology" : "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Angular Web Framework"
            }, {
              "Skill" : "XML",
              "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
              "Alias" : "Coding xml, Extensible Markup Lang., Extensible Markup Language, XML 1.1, XML API, Xml Coding, xml data, XML Forms, XML Processing, XML Programming, Xml Script, xml scripting, xml software, XML Technology",
              "FormattedName" : "XML",
              "Ontology" : "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>XML"
            } ],
            "Required" : [ {
              "Skill" : "OOP",
              "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
              "Alias" : "ABAP OOPs, Design Oriented Programming, Design-Oriented Programming, Design-Oriented- Programming, Design-Oriented-Programming, Jacobson Methodology, Object - orient programming, Object orient programming, Object orientation, Object Oriented, object oriented concept, object oriented conception, object oriented development, Object Oriented Development Programming, Object Oriented Framework, object oriented language, Object Oriented Methodology, Object Oriented Programming lang., Object Oriented Programming language, Object oriented programming software, Object Oriented Programming System, Object Oriented Software, Object Oriented Software Engineering, object oriented systems, Object Oriented Technologies, object oriented technology, Object oriented-programming, object programming, Object-orient programming, Object-Oriented, Object-Oriented Application Development, Object-Oriented Development, Object-Oriented Development Programming, Object-Oriented Embedded Software, Object-Oriented Framework, object-oriented language, Object-Oriented Methodology, Object-oriented programming, object-oriented programming language, Object-Oriented Programming System, object-oriented software, Object-Oriented Software Development, Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Object-oriented Technologies, Object-oriented technology, Object-Oriented-Development, Object-Oriented-Methodology, Object-Oriented-Programming, Object-Oriented-Software Engineering, Object-Oriented-Software-Engineering, Object-oriented-technology, OO Development, oo method, Oo Software Development, OOP, oop development, OOP Framework, Oop Knowledge, OOP Programming, oops, oops development, Oriented Development OOP, Oriented Programming, Procedural Oriented Programming, programming oop, programming oops",
              "FormattedName" : "Object Oriented Programming",
              "Ontology" : "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Object Oriented Programming"
            }, {
              "Skill" : "Software Design",
              "Type" : "OperationalSkill",
              "Alias" : "Business Software Design, code design, create application design, Create Software Design, Create-Software Design, Create-Software- Design, design of software, design of software design, design program, design programs, design software, designing software, development program, development programs, Program Design, program design and development, Program Design process, program-design, Programme Design, programs design, Software Application Design, Software Design & Solutions, Software Design and Solutions, software designing, Software-Design",
              "FormattedName" : "Software Design",
              "Ontology" : "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software Design"
            } ]
  7. requiredtaxonomyjd
    1. Use Case 1 - when requiredtaxonomyjd is true

      When requiredtaxonomyjd value is true, then the API will return Alias, FormattedName, RelatedSkills, and Ontology field value.

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "requiredtaxonomyjd": true

      Sample Response

       "JobProfile": {
                  "Title": "Software Developer",
                  "Alias": "Computer Software Engineer, Computer Software Engr, computer software professional, Computer software specialist, Computer Systems Software Engineer, Developer, Developer It, Developer of Software, Developer of Software, Developer Software, Developer-Software, Development software engineer, Engineer - Software, Engineer Software, Engineer Software Development, Engineering Programmer, Engr Software, Enterprise Software Engineer, Information Technology Application Developer, Intermediate Software Engineer, It Developer, IT Software Engineer, Professional Software Development Engineering, S/W Development Engr, Soft Developer, Soft. Dev. Engineer, Soft. Development Engineer, Software - Engineer, Software Design And Development Engineer, Software dev engineer, Software Dev Engr, Software Dev. Engineer, Software Developer Mid Level, Software Development Engineer, Software Development Engr, Software Engineer, Software engineer - development, Software Engineer - Information Technology, Software Engineer Developer, Software Engineer Web Services, Software Integration Developer, Software Programmer, Software-Developer, Specialist software, Technical - Software Engineer, Technical Soft Developer, Technology Software Developer, Technology Software Engineer",
                  "FormattedName": "Software Developer",
                  "RelatedSkills": [
                          "Skill": "Code Analysis",
                          "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                          "SkillType": "Technology"
                          "Skill": "Software Development Methodology",
                          "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate",
                          "SkillType": "Technology"
                  "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software Developer"
    2. Use Case 2 - when requiredtaxonomyjd is false

      When requiredtaxonomyjd value is false, then the API will not return Alias, FormattedName, RelatedSkills, and Ontology field value.

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "requiredtaxonomyjd": false

      Sample Response

      "JobProfile": {
                  "Title": "Software Developer",
                  "Alias": "",
                  "FormattedName": "",
                  "RelatedSkills": "",
                  "Ontology": ""
  8. requiredqualificationjd
    1. Use Case 1 - when requiredqualificationjd is true

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "requiredqualificationjd": true

      Sample Response

      "Qualifications": {
                  "Preferred": [
                  "Required": [
    2. Use Case 2 - when requiredqualificationjd is false

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "requiredqualificationjd": false

      Sample Response

      "Qualifications": {
                  "Preferred": [
                  "Required": []
  9. preferredqualificationjd
    1. Use Case 1 - when preferredqualificationjd is true

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "preferredqualificationjd": true

      Sample Response

      "Qualifications": {
                  "Preferred": [
                  "Required": [
    2. Use Case 2 - when preferredqualificationjd is false

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "preferredqualificationjd": false

      Sample Response

      ""Qualifications": {
                  "Preferred": [],
                  "Required": [
  10. requiredcertificationjd
    1. Use Case 1 - when requiredcertificationjd is true

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "requiredcertificationjd": true

      Sample Response

      "Certifications": {
                  "Preferred": [
                      "Microsoft Certified Professional Developer",
                  "Required": [
                      "Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer",
    2. Use Case 2 - when requiredcertificationjd is false

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "requiredcertificationjd": false

      Sample Response

      "Certifications": {
                  "Preferred": [
                      "Microsoft Certified Professional Developer",
                  "Required": []
  11. preferredcertificationjd
    1. Use Case 1 - when preferredcertificationjd is true

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "preferredcertificationjd": true

      Sample Response

      "Certifications": {
                  "Preferred": [
                      "Microsoft Certified Professional Developer",
                  "Required": [
                      "Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer",
    2. Use Case 2 - when preferredcertificationjd is false

      Sample Request

      "apisetting": {
              "preferredcertificationjd": false

      Sample Response

      "Certifications": {
                  "Preferred": [],
                  "Required": [
                      "Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer",