Error Code

This topic lists the error codes of the Contact Extractor plugin.

Table 1. Contact Extractor plugin Error Code
Error Code Error Message
1001 Userkey is required
1002 Subuser id is required
1003 Invalid key. Please check the key you are passing.
1005 Key expired
1006 Resume credits exhausted
1008 File base64 data is required
1011 Version Required
1012 Invalid Version. Please contact with Rchilli support team on
1013 This version is not as per our agreement. Please contact with Rchilli support team on
1014 Corrupted data / No Content Found
1018 File size is too large for processing
1035 Invalid request. Please check api parameters.
2205 Only Plain Text is required

Error Code Sample Response

Below is the API Error Response in JSON Format:
  "error": {
    "errorcode": "",
    "errormsg": ""