Error Code

This topic lists the error codes of Search and Match Error Code.

Error Codes

Table 1. Search and Match Error Code Error Code
Error Code Error Message
2001 Invalid key. Please check the user key you are passing
2002 Please provide required input parameters
2003 User key is expired. Validity of user Key has expired on date
2004 Content-Type not defined
2005 Not valid Content-Type
2006 indexType must have value either Resume or JD
2007 indexKey is required
2008 indexType is required
2009 subUserId must be a string value
2010 Invalid Request. Please send valid JSON data
2011 invalid value for id. id must be string value
2012 invalid value for fileName. fileName must be string value
2013 id is required
2014 fileName is required
2015 content is required
2016 commit must have value eitder true or false
2017 personalInformationIdex should be boolean value
2018 please update value for deDuplication as true/false only
2019 please checkDuplicate value for deDuplication as true/false only
2020 Your subusers limit has exceed. No. of subusers indexed
2021 No document is indexed witd this subuserid. please pass a valid subuser id
2022 search engine not allowed
2024 please send RChilli resume parser data
2025 please send RChilli JD parser data
2026 invalid base64 content
2027 invalid value for keyword. keyword must be string value
2028 excludeDocumentIds must be a array of string value
2029 sorting must be a array of string value
2030 sorting order must be asc or desc
2031 please provide valid sorting field of JD (score, JobProfileTitle, JobLocationCity, JobLocationState, MinimumYearsExperience, Organization, MinimumYearsExperience, MaximumYearsExperience, SalaryMinAmount, SalaryMaxAmount, Currency, JDDate
2032 please provide valid sorting field of Resume (score, City, State, Country, ZipCode, TotalExperienceInMonths, TotalExperienceInYear, TotalExperienceRange, DateOfBirth, Category, SubCategory, CurrentJobProfile, CurrentEmployer, ResumeDate, ResumeLanguage, ResumeCountry)
2033 geosearch city/geocode is required.
2034 invalid value for distanceUnit. distanceUnit must be either KM or mile.
2035 invalid value for radius
2036 invalid value for latitude. latitude must of string type.
2037 invalid value for longitude. longitude must of string type.
2038 invalid value for geoSearch-city. city must of string type.
2039 invalid value for geoSearch-state. state must of string type.
2040 invalid value for geoSearch-country. country must of string type.
2041 pageStart should be integer value
2042 pageSize should be integer value
2043 explainScore should be boolean value
2044 explainScoreType should be json or text.
2045 partialMatch should be boolean value
2046 facet fields are required.
2047 facet limit should be integer value
2048 please send valid input values for required fields. input values must be array of string type
2049 invalid value for required or optional keyword. optional must be array of string value
2050 invalid value for required or optional keyword. optional must be array of string value
2051 docType must have value either Resume or JD
2052 invalid value for docType. docType must be string type
2053 docType is required
2054 invalid value for jsonData. jsonData must be string type
2055 jsonData is required
2056 invalid base64 content for jsonData
2057 invalid value for matchId. matchId must be array type
2058 matchId is required
2059 please provide matching document id in matchId
2060 subUserId must be a array value
2061 invalid value for resumeContent. resumeContent must be string type
2062 invalid value for jdContent. jdContent must be string type
2063 resumeContent is required
2064 jdContent is required
2065 invalid value for resumeFileName. resumeFileName must be string value.
2066 invalid value for jdFileName. jdFileName must be string value
2067 resumeFileName is required
2068 jdFileName is required
2069 matchType is required
2070 matchType must be Resume to JD / JD To Resume
2071 documentId is required
2072 documentId must be a string value
2073 keyword is required
2074 invalid value for fieldType. fieldType must be string value
2075 required field {key} not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format.
2076 optional field {key} not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format.
2077 This field {key} is already used in Required
2078 personalInformationIndex should be boolean value
2079 facet field {key} not available
2080 Your index credit quota is fully consumed. You have indexed {credit} documents.
2081 filter field {filter key} not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format
2082 No document is indexed with id. please pass a valid id
HTTP Status 405 - Request method 'GET' not supported
2083 InvalidSalaryIdMessage=MinimumValue/MaximumValue not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format.
2084 Currency field is not available. Please provide correct field and in correct format.
2085 Maximum page size limit is 500 (as per your userkey's limit)
2086 multiValueOperator value must be OR/AND
2087 space is not allowed in subUserId
2088 dateRange should be of array type
2089 multiFieldOperator value must be OR/AND
2090 multiFieldOperator type must be string
2091 minScore should be integer value
2092 partialMatchField must be an array of string values
2093 partial match field {{key}} not available
2094 Invalid field name {{fieldName}}
2095 FieldList must be of array type
2110 includeDocumentIds must be an array of string values.
2111 include DocumentsIDs and excludeDocumentsIDs must not be used at the same time
2112 requiredCustomValues must have value either true or false
2113 showCustomValue must have value either true or false
2114 indexDetailText must have value either true or false
2115 please send valid ids
2116 Invalid date format. Date format should be in "yyyy/MM/dd"
2094 Invalid field name 'fieldName'. Available fields are
2095 FieldList must be of array type
2116 Invalid date format. Date format should be in 'yyyy-MM-dd'
2117 deleteAllDocument parameter value must have either true or false
2118 geoSearchOnKeyword must have value either true or false
2119 requiredMatchFields must be an array of string values
2120 required match fields {field name} not available
2121 experienceRangeDeviation must have value either true or false
2122 excludeDocumentId limit must not be more than 50
2123 includeDocumentId limit must not be more than 50
2124 subUserId limit must not be more than 10
2125 The partial match field {key} must contain a number after '#'
2126 The partial match score for {key} must be less than or equal to 100
2127 Invalid DynamicMatchField request.
2128 Invalid DynamicMatchField key {key}
2129 Invalid DynamicMatchField value {key}
2130 DynamicMatchField key {key} must be an array type
2132 DynamicMatchField key {key} must contain a value.
2139 semanticSearch must have value either true or false
2140 zeroScoreWeightage must have value either true or false
2141 degreeWithSpecializationWeightage type must be an object
2142 degreeWithSpecializationWeightage child {field} type must be an integer.
2143 degreeWithSpecializationWeightage child {field} must be in 0 to 100.
2144 degreeWithSpecializationWeightage Degree weight is required and must be greater than 0.
2145 he Sum of the total child weight in degreeWithSpecializationWeightage must be 100.
2146 mergeDegreeScore must have value either true or false.
2147 includeSourceValue must have value either true or false
2148 insertEntityValue or removeEntityValue is required
2149 {key} type must be an object
2150 {key} type must be a string
2151 {key} type must be an array
2152 Invalid key '{childKey}' in '{parentKey}'. Available keys are {field}
2153 {key} value must be 0 to 70
2154 customValueWeightage type must be an JSON object
2155 customValueWeightage weight must be in 0 to 100
2156 {key} weight must be a number type
2157 weight is required for {key} field
2158 Addition of customValueWeightage and geoSearchScore weight must be less than or equal to 100.
2159 customValueWeightage child type must be an array of JSON object.
2160 field is required in child object of customValueWeightage. field must be string type.
2161 Invalid field '{key}' in customValueWeightage. Custom field not available.
2162 {key} type must be an JSON object.
2165 invalid value for minRadius
2166 invalid value for minRadius. minRadius must be greater than 1 and less than radius value
2167 roleWiseExperience must have value either true or false

Error Schema

The error schema you see below is for error code 2001, and it will look the same for all other errors related to the Search and Match API.
    "errorCode": 2001,
    "error": "Invalid key. Please check the user key you are passing."