API Information

An API (Application Programming Interface) is the code that enables applications to communicate with each other.

About API

The RChilli API is designed to integrate seamlessly into your application, providing powerful parsing capabilities:

  • REST-Based: The API follows REST principles, using POST requests instead of GET. For more details, see REST API.
  • Flexible Input Formats: The API accepts various input formats, including base64 data, public URLs, and text.
  • JSON Responses: All responses are returned in JSON format. Learn more about JSON here.
  • Secure Access: The API is secured with an API user key. For more details, refer to Authentication.

To get started quickly, refer RChilli APIs using Postman., you can access technical resources that provide the information needed to integrate the RChilli Resume Parser API effectively within your application.

Follow the topics below to learn more about the Resume Parser API, JD Parser API, Search and Match API, and Taxonomy API.