Search and Match
RChilli Search & Match API allows you to search and match candidates and jobs with great relevancy and accuracy than simple database searching and matching algorithms.
It filters resume data according to global industry-standard ontologies and taxonomies. You can search resume or JD based on your search keyword out of the total resumes and JDs indexed. The lightning-fast cluster computing technology of Search & Match Engine will help you get the perfect candidate through normalized and enriched data e.g. skills/ competency, domain, location, education, city, company, and job title.
Search and Match Use Case
- Get similar job recommendations matching a job (Job to
It brings similar job recommendations matching a specific job position. This is used when a recruiter wants to search for similar jobs in the database (indexed documents). For example,
- If the recruiter wants to create a job description for Senior Java Developer, then using this feature, he can search for similar job descriptions in the existing database, and using references, he can create new job descriptions.
- Once the recruiter gets similar jobs in the existing database, the recruiter can find the candidate he searched for those similar jobs and can utilize the searched candidate result for a new job.
For more details, see JSON Request For Match - JD to JD.
- Get more job recommendations to the candidate (Resume to
- It brings more job recommendations to the candidate basis on the job profile and the skills. For example, a Java developer will see all the available jobs that require Java as a skill in the job recommendation tab.
- This is used when a recruiter wants to search jobs for a candidate profile in the database (indexed documents). For example, if the recruiter has a candidate with a profile as Operational Manager, then using this feature, he can search a similar job related to Operational Manager in the existing database. Once the recruiter gets relevant jobs from the existing database, the recruiter does not need to source jobs outside for the candidate.
For more details, see JSON Response For Match - Resume to JD.
- Get more candidate recommendations for a job position (Job to
It brings more candidate recommendations for a job position. This is used when a recruiter wants to search candidates for a job profile in the database (indexed documents). For example, if a recruiter has a job profile, for example, Java Developer, then using this feature recruiter can search all candidates with Java as skills, in the existing database. Once the recruiter gets a relevant candidate's resume from the existing database, then the recruiter does not need to source the candidate's profile from outside. For more details, see JSON Response For Match - JD to Resume.
- Get similar candidate recommendations matching a resume (Resume to
It brings similar candidate recommendations matching a specific resume. This is used when a recruiter wants to search similar candidates in the database (indexed documents). For example, if a recruiter has a candidate with a profile as an Operational Manager, then using this feature recruiter can search all the candidates with Operation Management as skills in the existing database. Once the recruiter gets similar resumes, then the recruiter does not need to source more resumes from outside. For more details, see JSON Response For Match - Resume to Resume.
- Strings to Advanced
Users can use this to convert any search string to a qualified search query by tagging location, company, skill, job profile, experience level, tools, language, etc. Through this, the users can get a more refined result of their query in a simple search.
For example, the highlighted entities in the below search keyword are the tagged entities.
"Software Developer with 15 years of experience and have B.Tech from Pune worked Wipro having knowledge of Java and PHP."
Software Developer - Job Profile
15 years of experience - Experience Level
B.Tech - Degree
Pune - Location
Wipro - Company Name
Java and PHP - SkillFor more details, see Simple Search.
- Enhance the user experience by showing the recommended skills/job titles
to the candidate/recruiter while
This is used to return the suggestions for different search fields like JobProfile and Skill. For example:
- When a recruiter wants to search Java developer and type just Java in the search bar, then he will get suggestions to search such as Java architect, Java App developer, Java API developer, etc.
- When a candidate wants to search for a job, for example, Java developer, and type just Java in the search bar, he will also get suggestions to apply for other jobs such as Java architect, Java App developer, Java API developer, etc.
- This feature is also used to show recommended jobs to the candidate based on his Job Profile and Skills.
For more details, see Suggestions.
- Refine your search with
Filters and Facets are the two ways to help users refine their queries and discover more about the search.
- This use case helps the recruiter find perfect candidates easily for their job openings. Easily find the best fit through job title, location, education, skill mapping, and domain.
- This use case helps candidates find relevant jobs by refining the jobs using filters and the facets.
- Avoid indexing duplicate records in search engines through
This use case helps users to avoid indexing duplicate records in the search engine. This provides a duplicate check
on the data and restricts to index duplicate data. For more details, see DeDuplication.
How Search and Match Helps
- A smarter approach to reach the right candidate by recognizing, filtering, and ranking talent
- Find the perfect candidate through skill mapping, domain, location, education, city, company, and job title
- Get all search keywords separately for a more refined result of your query a through query analyzer
- Broaden the scope of your search capabilities
- Get perfect candidates similar to the searched candidates within a fraction of time
- Show highly relevant top 10 candidates to the recruiters
- A safe backup with a GDPR compliant Search & Match engine
- Get a more productive recruiting system