Download the RChilli Configuration Package

This topic describe the procedure on how to download the RChilli Configuration Package using the RChilli dashboard.

  1. Visit Oracle Cloud Marketplace, enter profile import in the Products field and select the RChilli application from the Search Results.
    Note: If you do not find the RChilli application at Oracle Cloud Marketplace, visit and follow from step 2 below.

  2. On the RChilli application at, sign up or log in using the Office 365 or Goggle credentials.

  3. On the My Account tab, under the Configuration File section, click and download the following files as per the requirements:
    1. Download Oracle Staging Configuration File: This file is used for the Oracle staging server for testing on a 30-day trial basis.
    2. Download Oracle Production Configuration File: This file is used for the Oracle production environment and is valid as per the plan purchased.
      Note: You can download the Oracle production configuration file only if you already have a plan subscribed. Refer to Subscribe to an RChilli Plan for more details.

  4. On the My Account tab, under the Integration Information section, click the view icon and note the Client ID and Secret Key as follows. You need to enter the Client ID and Secret Key in Step-7 of the Add Client ID and Client Secret.
    1. Staging Environment, Client ID, and Secret Key: This is used for the Oracle staging server for testing on a 30-day trial basis.
    2. Production Environment, Client ID, and Secret Key: This is used for the Oracle production environment and is valid as per the plan purchased..
      Note: You can view Production Environment, Client ID, and Secret Key only if you already have a plan subscribed. Refer to Subscribe to an RChilli Plan for more details.