Dynamic API Setting for Resume Parser
The resume parser API setting can be controlled/managed through the API request. Now users can change the resume parser API setting on every API request.
The resume parser API settings can be updated using the My account portal, for more details, see Configurable Data Fields. The API settings update through My account portal is applied default to all the API requests by the user.
Dynamic API settings are used when a user wants to control/manage the API settings for individual API requests, i.e., giving API settings details in the API request.
- If the API request contains the API settings (apisetting node) then
the API settings present in the request will be executed, and the remaining
API settings will be the same as the default settings on the userkey
(settings set at My account). For example, in the API request
below, dynamic API settings (apisetting node) are passed, i.e.,
dateformat and phoneformat settings are passed. The
remaining API settings will remain the same as the default settings on the
userkey.Note: Below is the sample resume parser API request with Dynamic API settings, to know more about the Resume parser API endpoints, see Resume Parser Endpoints, Method and Parameters.
{ "filedata": "{{base 64 data for resume file}}", "filename": "{{filename}}", "userkey": "{{userkey}}", "version": "8.0.0", "subuserid": "{{subuserid}}", "apisetting": { "dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY", "phoneformat": "INTERNATIONAL" } }
- If the API request does not contain the API settings (apisetting node), then the API settings will be the same as the default settings on the userkey (settings set at My account).
- Dynamic API Setting will work only for resume parser version 8.0.0.
- The API setting (apisetting node) that is passed in the API request is also returned in the API JSON response.
Sample API request with dynamic API setting
"filedata": "{{base64data}}",
"filename": "{{filename}}",
"userkey": "{{userkey}}",
"version": "8.0.0",
"subuserid": "{{subuserid}}",
"apisetting": {
"reqcategory": true,
"reqeducationdrill": true,
"reqexperiencedrill": true,
"dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY",
"phoneformat": "INTERNATIONAL"
Sample API response with dynamic API setting
"ResumeParserData": { ...
"apisetting": {
"phoneformat": "INTERNATIONAL",
"reqcategory": true,
"reqeducationdrill": true,
"reqexperiencedrill": true,
"dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY"
Available API Settings
The API settings (in the apisetting node) that can be passed in the API request are mentioned in the below table.
Setting Name (API Key) | Default Value | Type | Remarks |
defaultcountry | USA | string | USA is set as default country for all the API request, this can be changed as per the requirement by passing defaultcountry in the API request (apisetting node). For all the available country, see My account API settings. |
dateformat | DD/MM/YYYY | string | DD/MM/YYYY is set as default date format for all the API request, this can be changed as per the requirement by passing dateformat in the API request (apisetting node). For all the available date format, see My account API settings. |
phoneformat | INTERNATIONAL | string | Phone Format (E164, National, International), for more details, see phoneformat . |
formattedaddress | true | boolean | This is the one line address combined with street, city, state, country, and zip code. The True value will give the whole address of candidate in one line like "FormattedAddress" : "Sec-62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 165842, India", and if the value is set to False, then formattedaddress is blank. Default setting is TURE. For more details, see formattedaddress. |
formattedphone | true | boolean | If the user sets this key to True then this fields contains the FormatedPhone and FormattedMobile number in JSON under the tags “FormattedPhone” and “FormattedMobile” in output. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see formattedphone. |
htmlresume | true | boolean | The HTML format of the resume file is provided as well. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see htmlresume. |
templateoutput | true | boolean | By analyzing the complete information given in the resume file, parser make and provide a template of the candidate's resume. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see templateoutput. |
reqcategory | true | boolean | Required category: This field contains category and subcategory keywords. If it is set as true, it will fetch the category and subcategory keywords and if false then no data is shown for category section. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqcategory. |
reqcandidateimage | true | boolean | Required candidate image: This Required Candidate Image is for fetching the candidate image pasted in the resume. If user requires candidate image in the output JSON then this must be set to true. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqcandidateimage. |
reqeducation | true | boolean | Required education: Required Education is for Education section. If it is set as true, this fields contains education block and if false then no data will be fetched for the education block. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqeducation. |
reqeducationdrill | true | boolean | Required education drill: This Required Education drill down is for segregation education details such as university or institution or school name, degree name, city, state, etc. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqeducationdrill. |
reqexperience | true | boolean | Required experience: Required experience is for the Experience block. If it is set as true, this field will contains the experience section and if false then no data is shown for experience block. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqexperience. |
reqexperiencedrill | true | boolean | Required skills drill: This will give the segregated experience like employer, job profile, job location etc. If it is set as true, segregated experience will be shown and if false, no data is shown for segregated experience. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqexperiencedrill. |
reqskills | true | boolean | Required skills: This is for Required Skills block. If it is set as true, data will be shown in skill section and if false no data will shown for skills set. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqskills. |
reqskillsdrill | true | boolean | Required skills drill: This section is for the segregation of skills. If it is set as true, skills will be separately fetched one by one in drill down and if it false, there will be no skills drill down data. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqskillsdrill. |
reqsegregatedcertification | true | boolean | Required Segregated Certification: This field further provides certification details like CertificationTitle, National Board Certification, Authority, CertificationCode, IsExpiry, StartDate, EndDate, CertificationUrl, etc. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is FALSE. For more details, see reqsegregatedcertification. |
reqsegregatedachievement | true | boolean | Required Segregated Achievement This field further provides achievement details like AwardTitle, Issuer, AssociatedWith, IssuingDate, Description etc. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is FALSE. For more details, see reqsegregatedachievement. |
reqsegregatedpublication | false | boolean | Required Segregated Publication This field further provides Publication details like publicationTitle, Publisher, PublicationNumber, PublicationUrl, Authors, Description, etc. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is FALSE. For more details, see reqsegregatedpublication. |
autocompletelocation | true | boolean | Autocomplete Location: When city and state are defined, parser returns its country if the combination exists. If state is defined and it exists in only one country then again parser returns its country. For more details, see autocompletelocation. |
reqtaxonomy | true | boolean | Required Taxonomy: If the user sets this key to True then this fields provide alias/alternate values of skill and job profiles mentioned in the resume. This can also be set as True or False. Default setting is TRUE. For more details, see reqtaxonomy. |
maxfilecharsize | 60000 | integer | Max File Character Size: Resume Parser supports the maximum 60,000 characters in any resume file but the users can exceed or decrease this value as necessary. For more details, see maxfilecharsize. |
resumequality | true | boolean | The Resume Quality section in the resume parser output gives the missing details, problems, or unnecessary information in the resume. For more details, see resumequality. |
skillexperiencerange | Not applicable | string | Skill by experience range: When skillexperiencerange is passed in the API settings then the API will return skills based on the range passed in the API request. For more details, see skillexperiencerange. |
skillsource | Not applicable | string | Skill source: When skillsource is passed in the API settings then the API will return skills based on the section (source) passed in the API request. For more details, see skillsource. |
skilltype | Not applicable | string | Skill type: When skilltype is passed in the API settings then the API will return skills based on the skill type passed in the API request. For more details, see skilltype. |
operationalskillsource | Not applicable | string | operationalskillsource: You can defined any section in operationalskillsource from where you want the operational skills to be returned. For more details, see operationalskillsource. |
softskillsource | Not applicable | string | softskillsource: You can defined any section in softskillsource from where you want the soft skills to be returned. For more details, see softskillsource. |
behaviorskillsource | Not applicable | string | behaviorskillsource: You can defined any section in behaviorskillsource from where you want the Behavior skills to be returned. For more details, see behaviorskillsource. |
sortskillbyexperienceinmonth | false | boolean | Sort skill by experience in month: When sortskillbyexperienceinmonth is passed in the API settings then all the skill type coming in response will be arranged in descending order by ExperienceInMonths parameter. For more details, see sortskillbyexperienceinmonth. |
sortskillbylastused | false | boolean | Sort skill by last used: When sortskillbylastused is passed in the API settings then all the skills comes in the descending order by LastUsed parameter, according to the skill type. For more details, see sortskillbylastused. |
sortskillbyontology | false | boolean | Sort skill by ontology: When sortskillbyontology is passed in the API settings, then the skills will be arranged according to their Domain and Subdomain.. For more details, see sortskillbyontology. |
removesimilarskill | false | boolean | remove similar skill: When removesimilarskill is
passed then:
ignoreskillcase | true | boolean | Ignore skill case: When ignoreskillcase is passed in the API settings then skills are returned based on the case sensitivity of the skill for all types of skills (Operational, Soft and Behavior Skill). For example when ignoreskillcase is true (default) then API returned all the skills but if this is false then skills only in Proper Case (first letter of skill is capital) is returned. For more details, see ignoreskillcase. |
formattedpdfhtml | true | boolean | formattedpdfhtml: When formattedpdfhtml is passed
in the API settings then the resume in the pdf format is converted
to HTML format correctly. For more details, see formattedpdfhtml. Note: This
setting is used only when the resume is in the pdf
format. |
degreeorder | true | boolean | degreeorder: When degreeorder is passed in the API settings then degrees are sorted and returned in the decending order of the candidates degrees (M.Tech, B.Tech, XII, and X). For more details, see degreeorder. |
parsethroughpdflayout | false | boolean | PDF Layout [AI Model] is implemented to enhance the
parsing capabilities of PDF resumes with column layouts. To use this
feature, pass parsethroughpdflayout in the API settings. Note:
extractlanguageinskill | true | boolean | extractlanguageinskill: When extractlanguageinskill is passed in the API settings then the language known to the candidate is returned in the skill sections. For more details, see extractlanguageinskill. |
bulletpoint | false | boolean | bulletpoint: When bulletpoint is passed in the API settings, the resume details, in the bullet format, is parsed and returned in the API response in the same bullet format. For more details, see bulletpoint. |
Example of dynamic API settings
- defaultcountry
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "defaultcountry": "Hungary" }
- dateformat
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "dateformat": "YYYY/DD/MM" }
Sample Response
"StartDate": "2007/01/01", "EndDate": "2013/30/04",
- phoneformatBelow are the three type of phone format that can be passed in the API request:
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "phoneformat": "National" }
Sample Response
"PhoneNumber": [ { "Number": "+1845-305-8762", "ISDCode": "", "OriginalNumber": " (845) 305-8762", "FormattedNumber": " (845) 305-8762", "Type": "Phone", "ConfidenceScore": 10 } ]
- formattedaddress
- Use Case 1 - when formattedaddress is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "formattedaddress": true }
Sample Response
"Address": [ { "Street": "402 Mulberry Lane", "City": "Houston", "State": "Texas", "StateIsoCode": "US-TX", "Country": "USA", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "US", "IsoAlpha3": "USA", "UNCode": "840" }, "ZipCode": "77402", "FormattedAddress": "402 Mulberry Lane, Houston, Texas, 77402, USA", "Type": "Present", "ConfidenceScore": 9 } ]
- Use Case 2 - when formattedaddress is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "formattedaddress": false }
Sample Response
"Address": [ { "Street": "402 Mulberry Lane", "City": "Houston", "State": "Texas", "StateIsoCode": "US-TX", "Country": "USA", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "US", "IsoAlpha3": "USA", "UNCode": "840" }, "ZipCode": "77402", "FormattedAddress": "", "Type": "", "ConfidenceScore": 9 } ]
- Use Case 1 - when formattedaddress is
- formattedphone
- Use Case 1 - when formattedphone is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "formattedphone": true }
Sample Response
"PhoneNumber": [ { "Number": "+1845-305-8762", "ISDCode": "+1", "OriginalNumber": "845-305-8762", "FormattedNumber": "+1 845-305-8762", "Type": "Phone", "ConfidenceScore": 10 } ]
- Use Case 2 - when formattedphone is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "formattedphone": false }
Sample Response
"PhoneNumber": [ { "Number": "+1845-305-8762", "ISDCode": "", "OriginalNumber": "", "FormattedNumber": "", "Type": "Phone", "ConfidenceScore": 10 } ]
- Use Case 1 - when formattedphone is
- htmlresume
- Use Case 1 - when htmlresume is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "htmlresume": true }
Sample Response
"HtmlResume": "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html…”
- Use Case 2 - when htmlresume is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "htmlresume": false }
Sample Response
"HtmlResume": ""
- Use Case 1 - when htmlresume is
- templateoutput
- Use Case 1 - when templateoutput is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "templateoutput": true }
Sample Response
"TemplateOutput": { "TemplateOutputFileName": "SampleResume.pdf", "TemplateOutputData": "JVBERi0xLjUNCjQgMCBvYmoNCjw8L1R5cGUg..." }
- Use Case 2 - when templateoutput is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "templateoutput": false }
Sample Response
"TemplateOutput": { "TemplateOutputFileName": "", "TemplateOutputData": "" }
- Use Case 1 - when templateoutput is
- reqcategory
- Use Case 1 - when reqcategory is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqcategory": true }
Sample Response
"Category": "Management of Companies and Enterprises", "SubCategory": "Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers"
- Use Case 2 - when reqcategory is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqcategory": false }
Sample Response
"Category": "", "SubCategory": ""
- Use Case 1 - when reqcategory is
- reqcandidateimage
- Use Case 1 - when reqcandidateimage is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqcandidateimage": true }
Sample Response
"CandidateImage": { "CandidateImageData": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEA3ADcAAD...", "CandidateImageFormat": ".jpeg" }
- Use Case 2 - when reqcandidateimage is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqcandidateimage": false }
Sample Response
"CandidateImage": { "CandidateImageData": "", "CandidateImageFormat": "" }
- Use Case 1 - when reqcandidateimage is
- reqeducation
- Use Case 1 - when reqeducation is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqeducation": true }
Sample Response
"Qualification": "Ph.D. Civil Engineering, A & M University, Houstan,TX 1994 \r Master's degree in petroleum engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 1992",
- Use Case 2 - when reqeducation is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqeducation": false }
Sample Response
"Qualification": "", "SegregatedQualification": []
- Use Case 1 - when reqeducation is
- reqeducationdrill
- Use Case 1 - when reqeducationdrill is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqeducationdrill": true }
Sample Response
"SegregatedQualification": [ { "Institution": { "Name": "A & M University", "Type": "University", "ConfidenceScore": 10, "Location": { "City": "", "State": "", "StateIsoCode": "", "Country": "", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "", "IsoAlpha3": "", "UNCode": "" } } }, "Degree": { "DegreeName": "Ph.D. Civil Engineering", "NormalizeDegree": "Doctor of Philosophy", "Specialization": [ "Civil Engineering" ], "ConfidenceScore": 10 }, "FormattedDegreePeriod": "1994", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "December 1994", "Aggregate": { "Value": "", "MeasureType": "" } } ]
- Use Case 2 - when reqeducationdrill is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqeducationdrill": false }
Sample Response
"SegregatedQualification": []
- Use Case 1 - when reqeducationdrill is
- reqexperience
- Use Case 1 - when reqexperience is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqexperience": true }
Sample Response
"Experience": "Senior Technical Director, Labtopia, Inc, Houston...", "SegregatedExperience": [ { "Employer": { "EmployerName": "Labtopia, Inc", "FormattedName": "", "ConfidenceScore": 10 }, "JobProfile": { "Title": "Senior Technical Director", "FormattedName": "Technical Director", "Alias": "Director Of Technical Management, Director of Technical Operations, Director Of Technical Services...", "RelatedSkills": [ { "Skill": "Technical Assistance", "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate" }, { "Skill": "Technical Knowledge", "ProficiencyLevel": "Native" }, { "Skill": "Technical Management", "ProficiencyLevel": "Native" } ], "ConfidenceScore": 10 }, "Location": { "City": "Houston", "State": "Texas", "StateIsoCode": "US-TX", "Country": "USA", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "US", "IsoAlpha3": "USA", "UNCode": "840" } }, "JobPeriod": "Jul 2014 - till", "FormattedJobPeriod": "July 2014 to till", "StartDate": "July 2014", "EndDate": "June 2022", "IsCurrentEmployer": "true", "JobDescription": "Responsible for managing a team of developers \n Responsible for architecting projects in Asp.Net, MVC 4, WCF...", "Projects": [ { "UsedSkills": "Asp.Net, MFC, SQL Server 2003", "ProjectName": "Credit Processing System", "TeamSize": "5" } ] }
- Use Case 2 - when reqexperience is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqexperience": false }
Sample Response
"Experience": "", "SegregatedExperience": [ { "Employer": { "EmployerName": "", "FormattedName": "", "ConfidenceScore": 0 }, "JobProfile": { "Title": "", "FormattedName": "", "Alias": "", "RelatedSkills": [], "ConfidenceScore": 0 }, "Location": { "City": "", "State": "", "StateIsoCode": "", "Country": "", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "", "IsoAlpha3": "", "UNCode": "" } }, "JobPeriod": "", "FormattedJobPeriod": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "IsCurrentEmployer": "false", "JobDescription": "", "Projects": [ { "UsedSkills": "", "ProjectName": "", "TeamSize": "" } ] } ]
- Use Case 1 - when reqexperience is
- reqexperiencedrill
- Use Case 1 - when reqexperiencedrill is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqexperiencedrill": true }
Sample Response
"Experience": "Senior Technical Director, Labtopia, Inc, Houston...", "SegregatedExperience": [ { "Employer": { "EmployerName": "Labtopia, Inc", "FormattedName": "", "ConfidenceScore": 10 }, "JobProfile": { "Title": "Senior Technical Director", "FormattedName": "Technical Director", "Alias": "Director Of Technical Management, Director of Technical Operations, Director Of Technical Services...", "RelatedSkills": [ { "Skill": "Technical Assistance", "ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate" }, { "Skill": "Technical Knowledge", "ProficiencyLevel": "Native" }, { "Skill": "Technical Management", "ProficiencyLevel": "Native" } ], "ConfidenceScore": 10 }, "Location": { "City": "Houston", "State": "Texas", "StateIsoCode": "US-TX", "Country": "USA", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "US", "IsoAlpha3": "USA", "UNCode": "840" } }, "JobPeriod": "Jul 2014 - till", "FormattedJobPeriod": "July 2014 to till", "StartDate": "July 2014", "EndDate": "June 2022", "IsCurrentEmployer": "true", "JobDescription": "Responsible for managing a team of developers \n Responsible for architecting projects in Asp.Net, MVC 4, WCF...", "Projects": [ { "UsedSkills": "Asp.Net, MFC, SQL Server 2003", "ProjectName": "Credit Processing System", "TeamSize": "5" } ] }
- Use Case 2 - when reqexperiencedrill is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqexperiencedrill": false }
Sample Response
"Experience": "Senior Technical Director, Labtopia, Inc, Houston, Texas Jul 2014 - present \r \r Responsible for managing a team of developers...", "SegregatedExperience": [ { "Employer": { "EmployerName": "", "FormattedName": "", "ConfidenceScore": 0 }, "JobProfile": { "Title": "", "FormattedName": "", "Alias": "", "RelatedSkills": [], "ConfidenceScore": 0 }, "Location": { "City": "", "State": "", "StateIsoCode": "", "Country": "", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "", "IsoAlpha3": "", "UNCode": "" } }, "JobPeriod": "", "FormattedJobPeriod": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "IsCurrentEmployer": "false", "JobDescription": "", "Projects": [ { "UsedSkills": "", "ProjectName": "", "TeamSize": "" } ] } ]
- Use Case 1 - when reqexperiencedrill is
- reqskills
- Use Case 1 - when reqskills is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqskills": true }
Sample Response
"SkillBlock": "Bilingual in English and Russian \r Expert in Microsoft Office, EPIC, Paragon, LCR", "SkillKeywords": "Informative,Managing A Team,Troubleshooting,Coordinating,Interviewing,Research,Business Requirements...", "SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Managing A Team", "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Management>Team Management", "Alias": "group management, groups management, manage groups, manage internal teams, Manage multiple teams...", "FormattedName": "Team Management", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 } ]
- Use Case 2 - when reqskills is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqskills": false }
Sample Response
"SkillBlock": "", "SkillKeywords": "", "SegregatedSkill": []
- Use Case 1 - when reqskills is
- reqskillsdrill
- Use Case 1 - when reqskillsdrill is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqskillsdrill": true }
Sample Response
"SkillBlock": "Bilingual in English and Russian \r Expert in Microsoft Office, EPIC, Paragon, LCR", "SkillKeywords": "Informative,Managing A Team,Troubleshooting,Coordinating,Interviewing,Research,Business Requirements...", "SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Managing A Team", "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Management>Team Management", "Alias": "group management, groups management, manage groups, manage internal teams, Manage multiple teams...", "FormattedName": "Team Management", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 } ]
- Use Case 2 - when reqskills is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqskillsdrill": false }
Sample Response
"SkillBlock": "Bilingual in English and Russian \r Expert in Microsoft Office, EPIC, Paragon, LCR", "SkillKeywords": "", "SegregatedSkill": []
- Use Case 1 - when reqskillsdrill is
- reqsegregatedcertification
- Use Case 1 - when reqsegregatedcertification is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqsegregatedcertification": true }
Sample Response
"Certification": "Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD.Net) and Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD)...", "SegregatedCertification": [ { "CertificationTitle": "Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD.Net)", "Authority": "MCSD.Net", "CertificationCode": "", "IsExpiry": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "CertificationUrl": "" } ]
- Use Case 2 - when reqsegregatedcertification is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqsegregatedcertification": false }
Sample Response
"Certification": "Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD.Net) and Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD)...", "SegregatedCertification": []
- Use Case 1 - when reqsegregatedcertification is
- reqsegregatedachievement
- Use Case 1 - when reqsegregatedachievement is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqsegregatedachievement": true }
Sample Response
"SegregatedAchievement": [ { "AwardTitle": "Volunteer Service Award", "Issuer": "NYU Department of Medicine", "AssociatedWith": "", "IssuingDate": "2012", "Description": "Volunteer Service Award - NYU Department of Medicine " }, { "AwardTitle": "Intern of the Year Award", "Issuer": "NYU Department of Medicine", "AssociatedWith": "", "IssuingDate": "2011", "Description": " Intern of the Year Award - NYU Department of Medicine " } ]
- Use Case 2 - when reqsegregatedachievement is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqsegregatedachievement": false }
Sample Response
"SegregatedAchievement": [ { "AwardTitle": "", "Issuer": "", "AssociatedWith": "", "IssuingDate": "", "Description": "" } ]
- Use Case 1 - when reqsegregatedachievement is
- reqsegregatedpublication
- Use Case 1 - when reqsegregatedpublication is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqsegregatedpublication": true }
Sample Response
"Publication": "Nicole, Morell RJ, Riazuddin S, Gropman A, Shaukat S, Nicole, Mohiddin SA, Fananapazir L, Caruso RC, Husnain...", "SegregatedPublication": [ { "PublicationTitle": "American Journal of Human Genetics.", "Publisher": "Mutations of MYO6 are associated with recessive deafness, DFNB37. 72 (5) :", "PublicationNumber": "", "PublicationUrl": "", "Authors": "Nicole, Morell RJ, Riazuddin S, Gropman A, Shaukat S, Nicole, Mohiddin SA", "Description": ", Fananapazir L, Caruso RC, Husnain T, Khan SN, Riazuddin S, Griffith AJ, Friedman TB, Wilcox ER. Mutations of MYO6 are associated with recessive deafness, DFNB37. 72 (5) :" } ]
- Use Case 2 - when reqsegregatedpublication is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqsegregatedpublication": false }
Sample Response
"Publication": "Nicole, Morell RJ, Riazuddin S, Gropman A, Shaukat S, Nicole, Mohiddin SA, Fananapazir L, Caruso RC, Husnain...", "SegregatedPublication": [ { "PublicationTitle": "", "Publisher": "", "PublicationNumber": "", "PublicationUrl": "", "Authors": "", "Description": "" } ]
- Use Case 1 - when reqsegregatedpublication is
- Autocompletelocation
- Use Case 1 - when Autocompletelocation is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "autocompletelocation": true }
Sample Response
"Address": [ { "Street": "", "City": "Mumbai", "State": "Maharashtra", "StateIsoCode": "IN-MH", "Country": "India", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "IN", "IsoAlpha3": "IND", "UNCode": "356" }, "ZipCode": "", "FormattedAddress": "Mumbai, Maharashtra, India", "Type": "Present", "ConfidenceScore": 9 } ]
- Use Case 2 - when Autocompletelocation is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "autocompletelocation": false }
Sample Response
"Address": [ { "Street": "", "City": "Mumbai", "State": "", "StateIsoCode": "", "Country": "", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "", "IsoAlpha3": "", "UNCode": "" }, "ZipCode": "", "FormattedAddress": "Mumbai, Maharashtra, India", "Type": "Present", "ConfidenceScore": 9 } ]
- Use Case 1 - when Autocompletelocation is
- reqtaxonomy
When reqtaxonomy value is true, then the API will return Ontology, Alias and FormattedName field value.
- Use Case 1 - when reqtaxonomy is
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqtaxonomy": true }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Troubleshooting", "Ontology": "Information>Computer User Support Specialists>Troubleshooting", "Alias": "ability to troubleshoot, Problem Troubleshooting, trouble shooter, Trouble Shooting, Trouble-Shoot, Trouble-Shooting, troubleshoot, troubleshooter, Troubleshooting Abilities, Troubleshooting Analysis, Troubleshooting Process", "FormattedName": "Troubleshooting", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- Use Case 2 - when reqtaxonomy is
When reqtaxonomy value is false, then the API will not return Ontology, Alias and FormattedName field value.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "reqtaxonomy": false }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Troubleshooting", "Ontology": "", "Alias": "", "FormattedName": "", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- Use Case 1 - when reqtaxonomy is
- maxfilecharsize
- Use Case 1 - when resume file contains greater than
If the resume file contains greater than maxfilecharsize characters, then the API will return error.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "maxfilecharsize": 5000 }
Sample Response
{ "error": { "errorcode": 1018, "errormsg": "File size is too large for processing. File Size= 58854" } }
- Use Case 2 - when resume file contains lesser than
If the resume file contains lesser than maxfilecharsize characters, then the API will not return error.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "maxfilecharsize": 60000 }
Sample Response
"ResumeParserData": { ... }
- Use Case 1 - when resume file contains greater than
- resumequality
- Use Case 1 - when resumequality is
When resumequality value is true, then the API will return the ResumeQuality json in the response. To know more on resumequality, see Resume Quality.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "resumequality": true }
Sample Response
"ResumeQuality": [ { "Level": "Suggested Improvements", "Findings": [ { "QualityCode": "5101", "Message": "Found a references section. Ideally, a resume should not include a references section." } ] } ]
- Use Case 2 - when resumequality is
When resumequality value is false, then the API will not return the ResumeQuality json in the response.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "resumequality": false }
Sample Response
ResumeQuality will not be in the JSON response.
- Use Case 1 - when resumequality is
- skillexperiencerange
The following are the range that can be passed for the skillexperiencerange:
- Use Case 1 - When experience range is greater than
When skillexperiencerange is greater than 100, then the API will return skills that have experience in month greater than or equal to 100.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skillexperiencerange": ">100" }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Coordinating", "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Coordination", "Alias": "able to coordinate, coordinates tasks, coordinating, coordinating activities, Coordinating Skills, coordinating tasks, Coordination Skills, Work Co-Ordination, Work-Co-Ordination", "FormattedName": "Coordination", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 } ]
- Use Case 2 - When experience range is
When skillexperiencerange is empty, then the API will return all the skills (with experience or without experience).
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skillexperiencerange": "" }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Entity Framework", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Entity Framework", "Alias": "EF 1.0, EF 4.0, EF 4.3, EF Core 7.0, Entity Framework 4.3, Entity Framework 6, Entity Framework 6.4.4, entity framework architecture, Entity-Framework, EntityFramework 6.4.4", "FormattedName": "Entity Framework", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Microsoft Office", "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>Office Administrative Services>Microsoft Office", "Alias": "basic ms office, internet microsoft office, M S Office, M.S.Office, Mac Office 2011, microsoft office 03, Microsoft Office 1.0, microsoft office 2000...", "FormattedName": "Microsoft Office", "Evidence": "SkillSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Change Requests", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Analysts>Change Request", "Alias": "Change Control Request, change request management, change requests, Manage Business Change Requests, manage change request, Manage change requests", "FormattedName": "Change Request", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- skillsource
The following are the sections (source) where skills are available:
- SkillSection
- SummarySection
- ProjectSection
- ExperienceSection
- CertificationSection
- AchievementSection
- QualificationSection
- HobbiesSection
- ObjectiveSection
- PersonalSection
- PublicationSection
- ResponsibilitiesSection
- OtherSection
- AllSections
- Use Case 1 - When skillsource contain one
When skillsource contain one section, for example ProjectSection, then the API will return only the skills which are available in the project section.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skillsource": "ProjectSection" }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Research", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Research Scientists>Research", "Alias": "researching", "FormattedName": "Research", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- Use Case 2 - When skillsource contains multiple
When skillsource contains multiple sections such as ProjectSection, ExperienceSection, or combination of multiple sections (separated by comma), then API will return all the skills that are available in sections that are passed in the API request.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skillsource": "ProjectSection,ExperienceSection,CertificationSection" }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Entity Framework", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Entity Framework", "Alias": "EF 1.0, EF 4.0, EF 4.3, EF Core 7.0, Entity Framework 4.3, Entity Framework 6, Entity Framework 6.4.4, entity framework architecture, Entity-Framework, EntityFramework 6.4.4", "FormattedName": "Entity Framework", "Evidence": "ProjectSection,CertificationSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Change Requests", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Analysts>Change Request", "Alias": "Change Control Request, change request management, change requests, Manage Business Change Requests, manage change request, Manage change requests", "FormattedName": "Change Request", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- Use Case 3 - When skillsource is
When skillsource is empty, then the API will return all the skills from all the sections.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skillsource": "" }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Entity Framework", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Entity Framework", "Alias": "EF 1.0, EF 4.0, EF 4.3, EF Core 7.0, Entity Framework 4.3, Entity Framework 6, Entity Framework 6.4.4, entity framework architecture, Entity-Framework, EntityFramework 6.4.4", "FormattedName": "Entity Framework", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Change Requests", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Analysts>Change Request", "Alias": "Change Control Request, change request management, change requests, Manage Business Change Requests, manage change request, Manage change requests", "FormattedName": "Change Request", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Bilingual", "Ontology": "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation>Interpreters and Translators>Bilingual", "Alias": "Bi-Lingual, Bilingual Fluency", "FormattedName": "Bilingual", "Evidence": "SkillSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "C#", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>C#", "Alias": "C # 4.0, C sharp, C Sharp Programming Language, C# 6.0, C# 1.0, C# 1.2, C# 10.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C# 4.0, C# 5.0, C# 6.0, C# 7.0, C# 7.1, C# 7.2, C# 7.3, C# 8.0, C# Development Language, C# Language, C# Programming, C# Programming Language, C# version 1.0, C# version 1.2, C# version 2.0, C# version 3.0, C# version 4.0, C# version 5.0, C# version 6.0, C# version 7.0, Csharp, microsoft c#, Microsoft Visual C#, visual c#", "FormattedName": "C#", "Evidence": "Others", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 } ]
- Use Case 4 - When skillsource is
When skillsource is AllSections, then the API will return the skills from all the sections.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skillsource": "AllSections" }
- skilltype
The skill type are categorized as follows:
- Use Case 1 - When skilltype is
When skilltype is SoftSkill, then the API will return the skills with type as SoftSkill.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skilltype": "SoftSkill" }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Research", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Research Scientists>Research", "Alias": "researching", "FormattedName": "Research", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- Use Case 1 - When skilltype contains multiple
When skilltype contains multiple skills such as SoftSkill, OperationalSkill, or combination of all skill type (separated by comma), then the API will return all the skills of the skill type that are passed in the API request..
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skilltype": "SoftSkill,OperationalSkill" }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Research", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Research Scientists>Research", "Alias": "researching", "FormattedName": "Research", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Business Requirements", "Ontology": "Finance and Insurance>Business Operations Specialists>Business Requirement", "Alias": "Address Business Requirements, Business Need, Business Needs, Business Requirement Implementation, Business Requirements, Business Requirements Design, Business requirements document...", "FormattedName": "Business Requirement", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- Use Case 3 - When skilltype is
When skilltype is empty, then the API will return all the skill type skills.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "skilltype": "" }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "BehaviorSkills", "Skill": "Informative", "Ontology": "", "Alias": "", "FormattedName": "", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Research", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Research Scientists>Research", "Alias": "researching", "FormattedName": "Research", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Web Based Application", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Web Application", "Alias": "internet applications, software web, Web app...", "FormattedName": "Web Application", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "January 2006", "ExperienceInMonths": 64 } ]
- operationalskillsource
In below Sample request, the source for the operational skills are defined as SkillSection and ExperienceSection, hence the API returns the operational skills only from SkillSection and ExperienceSection, see the Sample Response.
Note:- You can add SkillSection, SummarySection, ProjectSection, ExperienceSection, CertificationSection, AchievementSection, QualificationSection, HobbiesSection, ObjectiveSection, PersonalSection, PublicationSection, ResponsibilitiesSection, OtherSection or AllSections for operationalskillsource.
- You can pass AllSections in the operationalskillsource to get the operational skills from all sections.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "operationalskillsource": "SkillSection, ExperienceSection" } }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Preparing Blood Samples For Laboratory Tests", "Ontology": "Health Care and Social Assistance>Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians>Laboratory Testing", "Alias": "Chemical Laboratory Analysis, Lab Research, lab testing, lab tests, Laboratory Analysis, Laboratory Based Analysis, Laboratory Investigation, Laboratory Test, laboratory testings, Laboratory-Research, Laboratory-testing, performed laboratory analysis", "FormattedName": "Laboratory Testing", "Evidence": "SkillSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Scheduling Patient Appointments", "Ontology": "Health Care and Social Assistance>Medical Assistants>Patient Scheduling", "Alias": "Medical Scheduling, Medical-Scheduling, Patient Scheduling process, Patient-Scheduling, scheduling patient appointments", "FormattedName": "Patient Scheduling", "Evidence": "SkillSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Interpreting Medical Research", "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>Medical Secretaries>Medical Translation", "Alias": "Interpreting Medical Research, Medical Interpretation, Medical Interpreting, Medical-Interpreting", "FormattedName": "Medical Translation", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection", "LastUsed": "12-31-2013", "ExperienceInMonths": 12 },
- softskillsource
In below Sample request, the source for the soft skills are defined as SkillSection and ExperienceSection, hence the API returns the soft skills only from SkillSection and ExperienceSection, see the Sample Response.
Note:- You can add SkillSection, SummarySection, ProjectSection, ExperienceSection, CertificationSection, AchievementSection, QualificationSection, HobbiesSection, ObjectiveSection, PersonalSection, PublicationSection, ResponsibilitiesSection, OtherSection or AllSections for softskillsource.
- You can pass AllSections in the softskillsource to get the soft skills from all sections.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "softskillsource": "SkillSection, ExperienceSection" } }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Communication Skills", "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Communication", "Alias": "ability to communicate, ability to effectively communicate, ability to interact effectively, able to communicate, Communicaitons, communicate effectively, Communicate Effectively With Customers, Communicate Effectively With Guests, communicating, communicating effectively, Communicating With Persons Outside, communication abilities, communication skill, Communication Skills With Public, communicational, communicational skills, communications, communications skills, communicative skills, excellent communication, good communication, strong communicator", "FormattedName": "Communication", "Evidence": "SkillSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Good Communication", "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Communication", "Alias": "ability to communicate, ability to effectively communicate, ability to interact effectively, able to communicate, Communicaitons, communicate effectively, Communicate Effectively With Customers, Communicate Effectively With Guests, communicating, communicating effectively, Communicating With Persons Outside, communication abilities, communication skill, Communication Skills With Public, communicational, communicational skills, communications, communications skills, communicative skills, excellent communication, good communication, strong communicator", "FormattedName": "Communication", "Evidence": "SkillSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Communication", "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Communication", "Alias": "ability to communicate, ability to effectively communicate, ability to interact effectively, able to communicate, Communicaitons, communicate effectively, Communicate Effectively With Customers, Communicate Effectively With Guests, communicating, communicating effectively, Communicating With Persons Outside, communication abilities, communication skill, Communication Skills With Public, communicational, communicational skills, communications, communications skills, communicative skills, excellent communication, good communication, strong communicator", "FormattedName": "Communication", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection", "LastUsed": "12-31-2013", "ExperienceInMonths": 12 },
- behaviorskillsource
In below Sample request, the source for the behavior skills are defined as SkillSection and ExperienceSection, hence the API returns the behavior skills only from SkillSection and ExperienceSection, see the Sample Response.
Note:- You can add SkillSection, SummarySection, ProjectSection, ExperienceSection, CertificationSection, AchievementSection, QualificationSection, HobbiesSection, ObjectiveSection, PersonalSection, PublicationSection, ResponsibilitiesSection, OtherSection or AllSections for behaviorskillsource.
- You can pass AllSections in the behaviorskillsource to get the behavior skills from all sections.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "behaviorskillsource": "SkillSection, ExperienceSection" } }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "BehaviorSkills", "Skill": "Informative", "Ontology": "", "Alias": "", "FormattedName": "", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 },
- sortskillbyexperienceinmonth
- Use Case 1 - when sortskillbyexperienceinmonth is
When sortskillbyexperienceinmonth value is true, then all the skill type coming in response, will be arranged in descending order by ExperienceInMonths parameter.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "sortskillbyexperienceinmonth": true }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Interviewing", "Ontology": "Finance and Insurance>Human Resources Specialists>Interviewing Process", "Alias": "interview process, Interviewing, interviewing candidates, interviewing skills", "FormattedName": "Interviewing Process", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Troubleshooting", "Ontology": "Information>Computer User Support Specialists>Troubleshooting", "Alias": "ability to troubleshoot, Problem Troubleshooting, trouble shooter, Trouble Shooting, Trouble-Shoot, Trouble-Shooting, troubleshoot, troubleshooter, Troubleshooting Abilities, Troubleshooting Analysis, Troubleshooting Process", "FormattedName": "Troubleshooting", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "WCF", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Windows Communication Foundation", "Alias": "microsoft wcf, microsoft windows communication foundation, ms Windows Communication Foundation, WCF, WCF 4.5, WCF Architecture, Wcf Service, WCF Services, Windows Communication Foundation 3.2.1, Windows Communication Foundation 4.5, Windows Communication Foundation framework, Windows Communication Foundation v3.2.1, Windows-Communication-Foundation", "FormattedName": "Windows Communication Foundation", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Database", "Ontology": "Information>Database and Systems Administrators and Network Architects>Database", "Alias": "basic database, Data base", "FormattedName": "Database", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 171 } ]
- Use Case 2 - when sortskillbyexperienceinmonth is
When sortskillbyexperienceinmonth value is false, then all the skill type coming in response, will come in mixed order by ExperienceInMonths parameter.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "sortskillbyexperienceinmonth": false }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Entity Framework", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Entity Framework", "Alias": "EF 1.0, EF 4.0, EF 4.3, EF Core 7.0, Entity Framework 4.3, Entity Framework 6, Entity Framework 6.4.4, entity framework architecture, Entity-Framework, EntityFramework 6.4.4", "FormattedName": "Entity Framework", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Microsoft Office", "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>Office Administrative Services>Microsoft Office", "Alias": "basic ms office, internet microsoft office, M S Office, M.S.Office, Mac Office 2011, microsoft office 03, Microsoft Office 1.0, microsoft office 2000, Microsoft Office 2001...", "FormattedName": "Microsoft Office", "Evidence": "SkillSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Change Requests", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Analysts>Change Request", "Alias": "Change Control Request, change request management, change requests, Manage Business Change Requests, manage change request, Manage change requests", "FormattedName": "Change Request", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Cost Of Quality", "Ontology": "Finance and Insurance>Cost Estimators>Cost of Quality", "Alias": "Cost of-Quality, Cost-of Quality, Cost-of- Quality", "FormattedName": "Cost of Quality", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "May 2012", "ExperienceInMonths": 36 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Data Validation", "Ontology": "Information>Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services>Data Validation", "Alias": "Data Validation Integration, Data Validation Operations, Data Validation process, Data Validation Testing, data-validation, Finance Data Validation, Input Validation, Input-Validation, Master Data Validation, validate a data, Validation of Data", "FormattedName": "Data Validation", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "January 2006", "ExperienceInMonths": 64 } ]
- Use Case 1 - when sortskillbyexperienceinmonth is
- sortskillbylastused
- Use Case 1 - when sortskillbylastused is
When sortskillbylastused value is true, then all the skills comes in the descending order by LastUsed parameter, according to the skill type.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "sortskillbylastused": true }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "IOS", "Ontology": "Information>Computer Network Architects>iOS", "Alias": "apple ios, iOS 1, iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12, iOS 2, iOS 3, iOS 4, iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 8, iOS 9, IOS Operating System, Ios Operating Systems, IOS Programming, iPhone operating system, iPhone OS, Operating Systems Ios", "FormattedName": "iOS", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "May 2013", "ExperienceInMonths": 10 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Cost Of Quality", "Ontology": "Finance and Insurance>Cost Estimators>Cost of Quality", "Alias": "Cost of-Quality, Cost-of Quality, Cost-of- Quality", "FormattedName": "Cost of Quality", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "May 2012", "ExperienceInMonths": 36 } ]
- Use Case 2 - when sortskillbylastused is
When sortskillbylastused value is false, then all the skills comes in mixed order by LastUsed parameter.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "sortskillbylastused": false }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Web Based Application", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Web Application", "Alias": "internet applications, software web, Web app, web application internet, web application platforms, Web Applications, web based application, Web Component, web software, Web-Application", "FormattedName": "Web Application", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "January 2006", "ExperienceInMonths": 64 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Windows Server 2003", "Ontology": "Information>Computer Network Architects>Windows Server", "Alias": "2003 Server, 2003 Server Operating System, 2003 Server Operating Systems, Microsoft Server, microsoft server 2003...", "FormattedName": "Windows Server", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Mobile Application", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers, Applications>Mobile Application", "Alias": "application mobile, Applications Mobiles, iphone application, Mobile app, mobile application software...", "FormattedName": "Mobile Application", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "May 2013", "ExperienceInMonths": 86 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Credit Processing", "Ontology": "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services>Bill and Account Collectors>Payment Processing", "Alias": "Credit Card Payment Process, Credit Card Processing, credit card processing transaction, Credit Card Transaction Processing...", "FormattedName": "Payment Processing", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- Use Case 1 - when sortskillbylastused is
- sortskillbyontology
- Use Case 1 - when sortskillbyontology is
When sortskillbyontology value is true, then the skills will be arranged according to their Domain and Subdomain.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "sortskillbyontology": true }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Software Architecture", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software Architecture", "Alias": "architecture software design, code architecting, design...", "FormattedName": "Software Architecture", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Visual Basic 6", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Visual Basic", "Alias": "basic visual basic, Embedded Visual Basic, microsoft vb...", "FormattedName": "Visual Basic", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "January 2006", "ExperienceInMonths": 64 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Architecting", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Software Architecture", "Alias": "architecture software design, code architecting, design...", "FormattedName": "Software Architecture", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "Web Services", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>Web Service", "Alias": "develop web services, internet web service, internet web services...", "FormattedName": "Web Service", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "OperationalSkill", "Skill": "JavaScript", "Ontology": "Information>Software Developers and Programmers>JavaScript", "Alias": "active scripting JScript, classic script, ECMAScript 2015, ECMAScript 2016, ECMAScript 2017, ECMAScript 3, ECMAScript 4, ECMAScript 5, ECMAScript 6, ECMAScript lang...", "FormattedName": "JavaScript", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "January 2006", "ExperienceInMonths": 64 }, ]
- Use Case 2 - when sortskillbyontology is
When sortskillbyontology value is false, then the skills will not be arranged according to their Domain and Subdomain.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "sortskillbyontology": false }
Sample Response
"SegregatedSkill": [ { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Managing A Team", "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Management>Team Management", "Alias": "group management, groups management, manage groups, manage internal teams, Manage multiple teams, manage team processes, Manage Teams, manage the team, Managed a group, Managed A Project Team, managed a successful team, Managed an interdisciplinary team, managed an international team, managed engineering teams, Managed Groups, managed the Group, Managed The Project Team, Management Team, Managing A Team, Managing Groups, Managing High Performance Teams, Team Management process, Team Mgmt, Team mgmt., Team-Management, Teams Management", "FormattedName": "Team Management", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Troubleshooting", "Ontology": "Information>Computer User Support Specialists>Troubleshooting", "Alias": "ability to troubleshoot, Problem Troubleshooting, trouble shooter, Trouble Shooting, Trouble-Shoot, Trouble-Shooting, troubleshoot, troubleshooter, Troubleshooting Abilities, Troubleshooting Analysis, Troubleshooting Process", "FormattedName": "Troubleshooting", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Coordinating", "Ontology": "Management of Companies and Enterprises>Managers, All Other>Coordination", "Alias": "able to coordinate, coordinates tasks, coordinating, coordinating activities, Coordinating Skills, coordinating tasks, Coordination Skills, Work Co-Ordination, Work-Co-Ordination", "FormattedName": "Coordination", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Interviewing", "Ontology": "Finance and Insurance>Human Resources Specialists>Interviewing Process", "Alias": "interview process, Interviewing, interviewing candidates, interviewing skills", "FormattedName": "Interviewing Process", "Evidence": "ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 181 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Research", "Ontology": "Information>Computer and Information Research Scientists>Research", "Alias": "researching", "FormattedName": "Research", "Evidence": "ExperienceSection,ProjectSection", "LastUsed": "June 2022", "ExperienceInMonths": 95 } ]
- Use Case 1 - when sortskillbyontology is
- removesimilarskill
When removesimilarskill value is true, then there is two use case, see below:
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "removesimilarskill": true }
- Use Case 1: When one of the skill matches with the
FormattedName of the
In below example, MySql is the FormattedName out of the four skills therefore, MySql skill will only be returned in the API response
- MySql
- Programming Mysql
- Database Technologies Mysql
- Server Mysql
- Use Case 2: When none of the skill matches with the
FormattedName of the
In below example, none of the skills matches with the FormattedName, therefore, the skill with the longest name will be returned i.e. Database Technologies Mysql skill will be returned in the API response.
- Programming Mysql
- Database Technologies Mysql
- Server Mysql
- Use Case 1: When one of the skill matches with the
FormattedName of the
- ignoreskillcase
When ignoreskillcase value is true, then there is two use case, see below:
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "ignoreskillcase": true }
- Use Case 1: When ignoreskillcase value is true, then
the API returns all the available skills, for example all following
skills are returns.
- java
- php
- Mysql
- jira
- Use Case 2: When ignoreskillcase value is false, then
the API returns only the skills with Proper Case i.e. skill with
first letter as capital letter, for example, out of the below four
skill only Mysql will returned since it is the only skill in
Proper Case.
- java
- php
- Mysql
- jira
- Use Case 1: When ignoreskillcase value is true, then
the API returns all the available skills, for example all following
skills are returns.
- formattedpdfhtmlNote: This setting is used only when the resume is in the pdf format.
- Use Case 1 - when formattedpdfhtml is
When formattedpdfhtml value is true in the API request, then the pdf is converted into HTML in the correct format.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "formattedpdfhtml": true }
- Use Case 2 - when formattedpdfhtml is
When formattedpdfhtml value is false, the HTML is created from the converted text extracted after the PDF Conversion.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "formattedpdfhtml": false }
Sample Response - when formattedpdfhtml is false Sample Response - when formattedpdfhtml is true - Use Case 1 - when formattedpdfhtml is
- degreeorder
- Use Case 1 - when degreeorder is
If the degreeorder value is set to true, the candidate's degrees (M.Tech, B.Tech, XII, and X) are arranged in descending order according to their level of education in the API response.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "degreeorder": true }
Sample Response
"Degree": { "DegreeName": "M. Tech", "NormalizeDegree": "Master of Technology", "Specialization": [], "ConfidenceScore": 10 }, "FormattedDegreePeriod": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "Aggregate": { "Value": "", "MeasureType": "" } }, { "Institution": { "Name": "", "Type": "", "Location": { "City": "", "State": "", "StateIsoCode": "", "Country": "", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "", "IsoAlpha3": "", "UNCode": "" } }, "ConfidenceScore": 0 }, "Degree": { "DegreeName": "B. Tech", "NormalizeDegree": "Bachelor of Technology", "Specialization": [], "ConfidenceScore": 7 }, "FormattedDegreePeriod": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "Aggregate": { "Value": "", "MeasureType": "" } }, { "Institution": { "Name": "", "Type": "", "Location": { "City": "", "State": "", "StateIsoCode": "", "Country": "", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "", "IsoAlpha3": "", "UNCode": "" } }, "ConfidenceScore": 0 }, "Degree": { "DegreeName": "Class X", "NormalizeDegree": "Secondary School Certificate", "Specialization": [], "ConfidenceScore": 7 }, "FormattedDegreePeriod": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "Aggregate": { "Value": "", "MeasureType": "" } } ],
- Use Case 2 - when degreeorder is
If the degreeorder value is set to false, the candidate's degrees are not sorted and returned in the order as mentioned in their resume.
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "degreeorder": false }
Sample Response
"Degree": { "DegreeName": "B. Tech", "NormalizeDegree": "Bachelor of Technology", "Specialization": [], "ConfidenceScore": 7 }, "FormattedDegreePeriod": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "Aggregate": { "Value": "", "MeasureType": "" } }, { "Institution": { "Name": "", "Type": "", "Location": { "City": "", "State": "", "StateIsoCode": "", "Country": "", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "", "IsoAlpha3": "", "UNCode": "" } }, "ConfidenceScore": 0 }, "Degree": { "DegreeName": "Class X", "NormalizeDegree": "Secondary School Certificate", "Specialization": [], "ConfidenceScore": 7 }, "FormattedDegreePeriod": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "Aggregate": { "Value": "", "MeasureType": "" } }, { "Institution": { "Name": "", "Type": "", "Location": { "City": "", "State": "", "StateIsoCode": "", "Country": "", "CountryCode": { "IsoAlpha2": "", "IsoAlpha3": "", "UNCode": "" } }, "ConfidenceScore": 0 }, "Degree": { "DegreeName": "M. Tech", "NormalizeDegree": "Master of Technology", "Specialization": [], "ConfidenceScore": 10 }, "FormattedDegreePeriod": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "Aggregate": { "Value": "", "MeasureType": "" } } ],
- Use Case 1 - when degreeorder is
- extractlanguageinskill
- when extractlanguageinskill is true: The language known to
the candidate is returned in the skill sections, see the sample
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "extractlanguageinskill": true }
Sample Response
{ "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "English", "Ontology": "", "Alias": "", "FormattedName": "", "Evidence": "PersonalSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "Spanish", "Ontology": "", "Alias": "", "FormattedName": "", "Evidence": "PersonalSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }, { "Type": "SoftSkill", "Skill": "French", "Ontology": "", "Alias": "", "FormattedName": "", "Evidence": "PersonalSection", "LastUsed": "", "ExperienceInMonths": 0 }
- when extractlanguageinskill is true: The language known to
the candidate is returned in the skill sections, see the sample
- bulletpoint
- when bulletpoint is true: The resume details, in the bullet
format (specifically JobDescription section in the resume),
is parsed and returned in the API response in the same bullet
Sample Request
"apisetting": { "bulletpoint": true }
Sample Response
"JobPeriod": "1/2011 - till", "FormattedJobPeriod": "01/2011 to till", "StartDate": "01/01/2011", "EndDate": "21/05/2024", "IsCurrentEmployer": "true", "JobDescription": "• Advise senior and patient-level staff on correct behavior and policies. \n • Review complex claims and incidents to assess correct response. \n • Educate staff on hospital system regulations and procedures. \n • Develop library of information to facilitate system decision-making. \n • Supervise competition and submission of required documentation.", "Projects": [ { "UsedSkills": "", "ProjectName": "", "TeamSize": "" } ] },
Note: If you do not pass the bulletpoint in the API settings, then the response will show the information without bullets points, see sample response:"JobPeriod": "11/1/2007 - 12/1/2010", "FormattedJobPeriod": "11/01/2007 to 12/01/2010", "StartDate": "11/01/2007", "EndDate": "12/01/2010", "IsCurrentEmployer": "false", "JobDescription": "Implemented improved compliance standards hospital-wide. \n Assisted senior staff with overseeing department procedures. \n Oversaw special employee and patient care projects. \n Drafted reports for executive staff on employee practices.",
- when bulletpoint is true: The resume details, in the bullet
format (specifically JobDescription section in the resume),
is parsed and returned in the API response in the same bullet