Endpoint, Method and Parameter

The endpoints indicate how you access the resource, while the method indicates the allowed interactions (such as GET, POST, or DELETE) with the resource.

Resume Templater API

The Resume Templater API is defined as follows:

HTTP Request:
  • URL: https://plugin.rchilli.com/RChilliPlugin/rchilli/resumeTemplate
  • Accept: application/json
  • Response Type: JSON

API Endpoint

The Resume Templater API endpoint returns the parsed data in the JSON format. The Resume Templater endpoint is mention below:


API Method

The Resume Templater API uses only the POST method.

Request Headers

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type string Indicates the input type of the incoming request body. The only supported value is application/json.

API Request Parameters

The Resume Templater API requires the following request parameters in the JSON request format:
  1. If the templatekey (Optional) parameter is given then the corresponding template resume format will be created, for example, if you give TM002 as templatekey parameter, then the output resume will be in the TM002 sample template format. To know more on the sample templates, see Sample Templates.
  2. If the templatekey (Optional) parameter is not given then a template resume is created based on the default template key i.e TM001 sample template format.
  3. If the outputtype (Optional) parameter is not given then a template resume is created based on the default output type i.e pdf format.
  4. If the templatedata (Optional) parameter is given then a template resume is created based on customized template data.
  5. If the templatekey and templatedata (Optional) both parameters are given then a template resume is created based on the template data.
  6. if the jsondata passed in the request parameter, then only one credit will be reduced.
  7. if the jsondata passed in the request parameter, then the filedata becomes an optional parameter.
  8. if the jsondata and filedata are passed in the request parameter, then the jsondata will be used for the template creation.
Name Type Description Remarks
filedata String Resume binary data in base64 Required
Note: if the jsondata passed in the request parameter, then the filedata becomes an optional parameter.
filename String Resume with name extension (e.g. resumeSample.docx). Supported extensions are doc/docx/dot/rtf/pdf/otd/dotx/docm/txt/htm/html Required
userkey String Valid User Key as provided by RChilli, see How to get user key. Required
version String Valid version as provided by RChilli Required
subuserid String As per contract Required
outputtype String You can give doc/docx/rtf/pdf/html type Optional
templatekey String Valid template Key as provided by RChilli, see Sample Template Key details Optional
templatedata String Template binary data in base64. Supported extension is only dotx format template Optional
jsondata String Parsed resume JSON data in the Base64 format Optional

JSON Request For resume templater plugin

Below is the API Request in JSON Format:

  "filedata": "File data in base64",
  "filename": "File name with extension",
  "userkey": "Your API UserKey",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "subuserid": "Your Company Name",
  "outputtype": "Extension of File (docx,pdf, etc.)",
  "templatekey": "Template format key",
  "templatedata": "Template data in base64",
  "jsondata": "Parsed resume data in the JSON format"

API Response Parameters

Follow the below table for the resume templater API response parameters details.
Name Type Description
OutputType String The document type of the output.
TemplateBase64 String The Template document output in the Base64 format.

JSON Response For resume templater plugin

Below is the API Response in JSON Format:
    "ResumeParserData": {
    "OutputType": "",
    "TemplateBase64": ""

Redaction Settings in the Template

If you want to redact (hide) the fields in the resume template, then you must pass the maskfields parameter in the API request. The maskfields parameter contains the fields details that you want to mask (hide) in the resume. See below sample response:
  • The fields you pass in the maskfields parameter are only get redacted (hidden) in the resume template.
  • If you do not want to pass the maskfields parameter in the API request every time, then you can get the fields masked against your Userkey. Contact support@rchilli.com for this one time settings configuration.
  "filedata": "File data in base64",
  "filename": "File name with extension",
  "userkey": "Your API UserKey",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "subuserid": "Your Company Name",
  "outputtype": "Extension of File (docx,pdf, etc.)",
  "templatekey": "Template format key",
  "templatedata": "Template data in base64",
  "jsondata": "Parsed resume data in the JSON format"
  "configuration": {
        "maskfields": [
        "masktype": "You can pass X, NULL or any other character to Mask the field",
        "highlightcolor": "",  
        "abbfieldcolor": "yellow",
        "abbreviationfields": [
        "abbreviation": true
Note: In the above API request parameter:
  1. The masktype parameter can be X, Null, Space, or any other character as necessary.
    • If the masktype value is empty, then the field will be masked with X in the resume. For example, if masktype value is empty and the INDIA is to be masked, INDIA will masked as XXXXX.
    • If the masktype value is of one character, then the length of this value will be increased according to the value that will be masked in the resume. For example, if masktype value is @ (single character) and the INDIA is to be masked, then the length of the masktype value is increased to 5 (same as INDIA), and INDIA will masked as @@@@@.
    • If the masktype value is more than the one character, then the same masktype value replaces the field that is to be masked in the resume. For example, if masktype value is @@ (more than one character) and the INDIA is to be masked, then INDIA will replaced and masked as @@.
    • If the masktype value is more than the size of the value that is going to be masked, then the masktype value will be decrease accordingly the value to be masked. For example, if masktype value is @@@@@@@@ (eight characters) and the INDIA is to be masked, then the length of the masktype value is decreased to 5 (same as INDIA) and INDIA will masked as @@@@@.
  2. The abbfieldcolor is an optional parameter, and if abbfieldcolor parameter is not present in the API request, then the highlightcolor parameter value will be applied on the abbreviationfields and the maskfields objects.
  3. If abbfieldcolor parameter is present in the API request, then the highlightcolor parameter value will be applied only on the maskfields object and abbfieldcolor value will be applied on the abbreviationfields object.
  4. The Age is also masked along with the DateOfBirth field, i.e., if the DateOfBirth is passed in the API request, then the Age in the resume, such as 22 yrs, 24 years, etc., will also be masked along with the date of birth in the resume.
  5. The Years of Experience is also masked along with the Employer.JobPeriod field, i.e., if the Employer.JobPeriod passed in the API request, then the Years of Experience in the resume, such as 5 yrs, 10 years, etc., will also be masked along with the employer job period in the resume.
  6. The Institution.Aggregate parameter is passed to mask the CGPA and degree percentage in the resume.

Default Configuration Parameter

The following table gives maskfields parameter details in the API request parameter.

Name Type Description Remarks
maskfields Array The fields under "maskfields" parameters will be masked from resume. Required
masktype String This can be X, Null, Space, or any other characters as necessary. Required
highlightcolor String The highlightcolor is used to choose the color to mask the masktype and abbreviationfields fields. Available colors are red, yellow, black, blue, cyan, gray, lightgray, darkgray, green, magenta, orange, pink, and white. To know more, see above notes 2 & 3. Optional
abbfieldcolor String The abbfieldcolor is used to choose the color to mask the abbreviationfields fields. Available colors are red, yellow, black, blue, cyan, gray, lightgray, darkgray, green, magenta, orange, pink, and white. To know more, see above notes 2 & 3. Optional
abbreviationfields Array If the abbreviation is true, then all fields within abbreviationfields are abbreviated. Available fields for abbreviation are Name, Email, PhoneNumber, Institution.Name, and Employer.Name Optional
Note: The abbreviationfields and abbreviation are passed in combination.
abbreviation Boolean If the abbreviation is false, then the abbreviation field will not work. If the abbreviation is true, then all fields within abbreviationfields are abbreviated. The default value for abbreviation is false. Optional
Note: The abbreviationfields and abbreviation are passed in combination.